
samedi 28 février 2015


 Le régime iranien a exécuté hier 4 condamnés à la principale prison de la ville d'Arak dans le centre de l'Iran. C'est le site du parquet de la province qui l'a annoncé. Il franchit donc le cap des 80 pendaisons en un mois pour atteindre les 84.
Dans le silence le plus complice des démocraties occidentales, les mollahs ont exécuté 162 personnes depuis le début de l'année.


Iran Manif – Les jours se suivent et se ressemblent en Iran. Les exécutions n’arrêtent pas.  Le 25 février a vu quatre nouvelles pendaisons : Un détenu a été exécuté à la prison centrale deTabass dans le nord-est de l’Iran. Il y a trois ans de cela, il avait été condamné à 15 ans de prison. Comme il avait protesté, il a été condamné à mort.
A Khorram-Abad dans l’ouest de l’Iran, le parquet a annoncé la pendaison d’un « corrompu économique ». Avec tout ce que volent les mollahs à la nation iranienne, s’ils s’avisaient de s’appliquer la peine de mort pour corruption, le monde serait débarrassé de cette dictature.

Enfin à Kermanchah, selon l’agence Mehr, ce sont deux autres prisonniers qui ont été exécutés en public à 10h du matin sur la place de la Liberté, comprendre ici « liberté de réprimer » pour les mollahs.

Cela porte à 88 le nombre d’exécutions au moins de février et à 166 depuis le début de l’année.

Brave Tehran women chastised female Basij intruders

Iran womem resist regime Basij agents
Tehran’s Khomeini Metro Station was the scene of skirmishes on Thursday Feb. 26th when a number of female Basij agents set up an inspection post at the station preventing women who had not observed the mullahs’ strict dress code to get on the train. 
One young girl who was trying to ride the train but did not have her hair fully covered, as it is mandatory by the suppressive mullahs, was stopped by these female intruders. She was told to either cover herself with a black chador or she couldn’t get on the train. She refused and pushed the annoying Basijs back clashing with them. Other women in the train who saw the incident rushed to the young girl’s aid and pushed all those suppressive Basij women out of the train. 
The train started to role and left the Basijs back in the station making a mockery of them and bringing laughter and joy to those brave fighting women.

vendredi 27 février 2015

Report and Recommendations on the humanitarian crisis of Camp Liberty, Iraq

Ad Melkert, former Special Representative of the UN for Iraq
Note of reference
'After having served as Special Representative of the UN Secretary-¬‐General for Iraq (July 2009-¬‐September 2011) I have naturally continued to feel intensely involved with the fate and future of the people of Iraq. I am frequently asked to comment on political, economic, social and humanitarian developments and to contribute to policy debate and recommendations. 
'Among the many issues of concern the arbitrary detention of the asylum seekers in ’Camp Liberty’ stands out as a humanitarian urgency: intractable on the surface yet relatively solvable if political will and humanitarian compassion would prevail over political calculation and passivity.
'As the end of the year 2014 is nearing the political environment in the region has changed dramatically following the incursion of ’Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’ extremists into vast areas of Syria and Iraq. Concurrently the Iraqi parliamentary elections and subsequent changes of Prime Minister, President and Speaker positions have created potential openings for new initiative. Both factors are relevant for the prospects of the ’Camp Liberty’ residents. On the one hand there is serious concern for mass slaughter in the Camp if ISIL would have the chance to get even closer to Baghdad than they are to date; or by Shi’a militia who have publicly declared allegiance to Iran and are directed by Iran’s Quds Force. On the other hand the reconstruction of national dialogue and cooperation after the polarized years under Maliki should create space for humanitarian initiative and constructive international cooperation.
'Against this backdrop and on the basis of many conversations with key people involved inside and outside Iraq I have considered various aspects of the current pressing situation and have elaborated recommendations for action that might help to turn around a lose¬‐lose status quo into a win¬‐win humanitarian breakthrough' Ad Melkert.


IRAN: A man hanged in Tabas

NCRI - A Man hanged in a prison in city of Tabas in Iran. The prisoner had been arrested three years ago.
Mehdi Fatahi was hanged early morning on Wednesday in the main prison in the city. 
Fatahi was initially sentenced to 15 years in prison for drug related offences but he was sentenced to death by an appeal court.
On the same day two other prisoners were hanged in public in the western city of Kermanshah.
The two men were hanged in two locations in the city at 10 in the morning local time.
According to the reports received from various sources dozens of prisoners have been hanged during the past weekend alone in prisons across Iran.

La situation des femmes en Iran et au Moyen-Orient face au fléau de l'intégrisme islamiste -Colloque

Un colloque intitulé" la situation des femmes au Moyen-Orient face au fléau de l'intégrisme islamiste", s'est tenu la semaine dernière à Paris où les intervenants ont abordé la question des femmes à l'aulne des récents bouleversements dans la région. 
L'Association des femmes iraniennes, l'Association Femmes-Liberté-Égalité, le Comité de Soutien aux Droits de l'homme en Iran, la Commission des femmes du Conseil national de la Résistance iranienne (CNRI), les Nouveaux Droits de l'homme ainsi que le mouvement citoyen de Montreuil, étaient représentés au colloque qui se tenait en amont de la journée internationale de la femme, le 8 mars prochain.
Elaheh Arjmandi, représentante de la Commission des femmes du CNRI, a expliqué la situation de misogynie institutionnalisée qui prévaut en Iran, "un système comme il en existe peu dans l’histoire contemporaine". Voici le texte de son intervention:
« Il y a 34 ans, l’intégrisme islamiste a pris le pouvoir en Iran et a instauré un apartheid sexuel fondé sur le rejet des droits des femmes. Le régime iranien a créé une Constitution lui permettant de commettre au nom de l'Islam toutes sortes de violations des droits des femmes et des droits de l’homme.
Dans la dictature religieuse en Iran, la répression et la violence faite aux femmes est la base du pouvoir et nécessaire au maintien de ce régime. Les mollahs ont gouverné pendant plus de trente ans avec le fouet, la torture, le viol, les exécutions, la lapidation, et l’adoption de lois qui réduisent à l’esclavage.
Vous êtes certainement au courant des informations sur les agressions à l’acide en Iran. Pour terroriser la société et lutter contre celles qui refusent le code vestimentaire, les mollahs demandent à des bandes de jeter de l’acide sur des femmes innocentes dans les rues. Certaines de ces victimes hospitalisées dans les villes d’Ispahan et de Téhéran ont perdu la vue et leur visage. Un régime sauvage qui est pire que Daech avec ses agressions à l’acide et au couteau dans les rues. Il veut faire peur aux femmes, les obliger à se soumettre et les enfermer dans les quatre murs de la maison.
Depuis trente ans, le viol dans les prisons, en particulier des femmes, est la méthode essentielle pour briser les détenus. Une fatwa soi-disant religieuse autorise le viol des prisonnières par les gardiens de la révolution. C’est une mesure qui existe depuis les premières années de ce régime et qui a servi de critère aux appareils judiciaire, de renseignement, de sécurité, et aux tortionnaires. Un système comme il en existe peu dans l’histoire contemporaine.
Si les mollahs étaient forcés d’arrêter leur misogynie, leur fascisme religieux s’effondrerait. C’est pourquoi le nouveau président soi-disant modéré Rohani ne fera rien pour réduire la répression des femmes en Iran. Parce que ce serait le début de la fin de cette dictature. Depuis son arrivée à la présidence, plus de 1300 personnes ont été exécutées, dont 50 femmes.
Le régime iranien qui a fondé sa Constitution sur la misogynie, a adopté de nouvelles lois contre les femmes: comme encourager les familles à avoir plus d’enfants, une loi honteuse autorisant le mariage des hommes avec leurs belles-filles mineurs, et la loi autorisant le mariage de fillettes avec le consentement du père. L’an dernier, les chiffres officiels montrent que plus de 40.000 filles de 9 à 15 ans ont été mariées. Et je ne parle pas de la séparation des filles et des garçons dans les écoles, les universités, et la ségrégation sexuelle dans les lieux publics.
La violence contre les femmes en Iran concerne aussi de multiples interdictions, en particulier dans le domaine du divorce, du droit de voyager, de travailler, d’étudier, de la garde des enfants et de bien d’autres droits élémentaires. Mais plus important que tout, dans le domaine de la liberté de penser et du droit de lutter pour la liberté.
La dictature en Iran ne recule devant aucun crime contre les femmes courageuses qui se battent contre la tyrannie. Pour témoin, les dizaines de milliers de femmes torturées et exécutées ces trente dernières années pour s’être dressées contre ce régime. Pour témoin, toutes ces pressions inhumaines et attaques sauvages contre les mille femmes d’avant-garde des Moudjahidine du peuple d’Iran au camp d’Achraf en Irak puis au camp de Liberty près de Bagdad à la demande des mollahs.
Ces femmes qui vivent aujourd’hui au camp Liberty comme dans une prison, subissent un blocus sévère, surtout médical, uniquement parce qu’elles luttent pour la liberté du peuple iranien. Pendant plusieurs années en Irak, le gouvernement Maliki, vassal du régime iranien, et ses agents ont imposé ce blocus et lancé des attaques contre ces camps. En septembre 2013, ils ont commis un massacre, tuant 52 opposants iraniens sans armes et sans défense et prenant un homme et six femmes en otages.
Ces mille femmes résistantes sont l’avant-garde de la lutte contre l’extrémisme islamistes. C’est pourquoi elles sont la cible de la violence et de la férocité de cette dictature. Soutenir ces femmes courageuses, qui forment la principale opposition iranienne, va plus loin que l’aspect humanitaire, c’est soutenir la perspective de la victoire sur le monstre de l’intégrisme qui menace le monde. Car le régime des mollahs est la source de l’intégrisme, de l’extrémisme et du terrorisme.
Notre mouvement est dirigé par une femme, Mme Maryam Radjavi. Notre résistance lutte pour la démocratie et nous le voyons très clairement dans le plan en 10 points de Maryam Radjavi pour l’Iran de demain. Nous voulons un Iran démocratique fondé sur la liberté, l’égalité et la séparation de la religion et de l’État. Nous voulons le respect des libertés pour tous, l’abolition de la peine de mort et l’égalité des droits pour les femmes : l’égalité devant la justice, l’égalité économique, l’égalité dans la famille et la liberté de choisir leurs vêtements. Nous croyons fermement dans la participation égale des femmes à la direction politique de la société. »

jeudi 26 février 2015

Christians flee jihadists after Syria kidnappings

Assyrian Christians attend a Christmas mass
AFP - 25 February 2015 - The kidnapping of dozens of Assyrian Christians by the Islamic State jihadist group in Syria has prompted an exodus of terrified families fleeing their homes, activists said Wednesday.
The United States condemned the mass abduction of Christians -- the first of its kind in the war-torn country -- and demanded the release of the 90 hostages.
Nearly 1,000 Assyrian Christian families have fled their villages in the northeastern province of Hasakeh since Monday’s kidnappings, said Osama Edward, director of the Sweden-based Assyrian Human Rights Network.
About 800 families have taken refuge in the city of Hasakeh and 150 in Qamishli, a Kurdish city on the border with Turkey, Edward said, adding that the number of displaced individuals came to about 5,000.
Most of the hostages were women, children or elderly, he added.
Edward told AFP he believed the mass abduction was linked to the jihadists’ recent loss of ground in the face of US-led coalition air raids against IS that began in Syria in September.
The jihadists, who are battling Kurdish fighters on the ground, may try to exchange the Assyrian Christians for IS prisoners, according to Edward.
He said the aim of the jihadists is to take over the Assyrian Christian village of Tal Tamer, which is located near a bridge over the Khabur River that links Syria to Iraq.
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Kurdish fighters battling the jihadists on Wednesday recaptured three Assyrian villages and a nearby Arab village.
'The (Kurdish) People’s Protection Units (YPG) have reclaimed Tal Shamiran, Tal Masri, Tal Hermel and Ghbeish,' said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.

Iran: strike and protest

Azmoon Metal Company workers protest against unpaid salaries

Karaj: strike and protest of a number of workers and employees of Baharistan Industrial Town

A number of workers and personnel of Baharistan Industrial Town, Karaj staged a protest gathering in front of the manager’s office. They protested against repeated gas cut off and the Gas Company negligence inn connecting the town factories to the main gas lines.

Tehran: Protest gathering of retired personnel of a steel factory in front of the regime’s parliament

Based on local reports, retired employees of a steel industry in Tehran staged a protest gathering in front of the regime’s parliament demanding clarification of their salary statues. One protester said the reason behind their protest is 3 months unpaid pensions to the retired employees of the steel industry. 
The protesters believe that the company’s ability to pay their wages depends on the loan from the treasury given to the Steel Company. This would enable the company to pay its employees. Mohammad Reza Pour Ibrahimi, a regime’s Member of Parliament admitted on Tuesday Feb. 22nd in a public session of the parliament that at present time there are 88 thousands retired employees of Steel Industry and the welfare minister of Rouhani’s government has done nothing solve their troubles.

Tehran medical supply dealers on strike

A number of medical supply dealers in Azadi Street staged a strike on Feb. 22nd after closing their shopping centers in protest to high taxes and increased expenses of import medical supplies.

Les partisans d'un leader derviche manifestent contre la répression en Iran

Les partisans de Mohammad-Ali Taheri, le chef spirituel des derviches iraniens, actuellement jugés à Téhéran, ont été violemment réprimés hier devant le palais de justice.Les manifestants appelaient à la libération du dirigeant soufi qui risque six ans de prison pour " sacrilège aux valeurs de la république islamique".
Le fondateur du cercle "Erfaneh Halgheh" (spiritualité de l'anneau) avait été une première fois condamnée à 72 coups de fouet et le versement d'une lourde amende il y a trois ans. 
Les manifestants pacifiques, dont le nombre a été estimé à 2000 personnes selon les témoins, brandissaient des photos de M. Taheri et des écrits pour la liberté d'opinion et de culte en Iran.
Devant l'ampleur de la manifestation, les agents de sécurité ont eu recours aux gaz lacrymogènes et à la bastonnade. N'ayant réussi à disperser les manifestants, les autorités ont fait intervenir les forces spéciales de la sécurité de l'État.
Plusieurs manifestants ont été blessés et de nombreux autres arrêtés au cours d'échauffourées qui ont duré plusieurs heures.
Le régime islamiste en Iran est caractérisé par une intolérance aiguë pour les autres convictions religieuses ou politiques. Des milliers de personnes sont aujourd'hui emprisonnées à cause de leurs opinions philosophiques ou politiques.

mercredi 25 février 2015

Tehran: Lack of medical treatment for political prisoner; Mohsen Daneshvar

Political prisoner Mohsen Daneshvar
Political prisoner Mohsen Daneshvar, a relative of one of the MEK residents of Liberty Camp has been in a critical health condition in prison and has been under constant mental torture by his criminal captors. He has been suffering of brain vessel-blockage, amnesia and severe depression. The Prison clinic has recommended a set of specific direction for him to observe in the course of treatments, but the authorities do not allow him to leave the prison for medical checkup and follow-ups.

Iran: Protest & Clash

Azmoon Metal Company workers protest against unpaid salaries

Iran, Asalouyah: Hundreds of workers of "Azmoon Metal" Company protest

Hundreds of workers of 'Azmoon Metal' Company in Asalouyah, Southern Iran, protested agaisnt unpaid salaries for 4 months, after closing the entrance gates to the personnel lounge. One of the employees said the workers do not allow personnel-minibuses to enter the company and the gathering would continue.

Iran, Tafresh University: classrooms closed in protest to forced signing a petition

Dozens of Tafresh University students protested against forced signing of a petition condemning the killing of 2 American Moslems in the United States. They refrained from signing that petition and left the classrooms. The protest started when the Basij militia commander with two of his deputies and a couple of basij cameramen suddenly entered the classrooms asking the students to fill the petition given to them which meant to condemn the American police shooting and killing two Moslem youth in recent months. But the students refrained from signing the petition and left their classes in protest to the Basij interfering with their daily lives saying they wouldn’t be bullied in to what the Basij is dictating to them.

Ardebil: protest and strike of the workers of the twin towers

Workers at the twin towers project in Koasar town, Ardebil, western Iran, stopped working in protest to their unpaid and delayed salaries. The project manager has told the workers that they do not have enough money to pay their salaries. The twin towers project has been left half-finished for more than a year now, because of poor management and extortions by the regime’s authorities. 

Isfahan: A gathering of dozens of school Teachers, Masters

A large number of school masters and teachers gathered on Monday Feb. 23rd in front of the Education and Culture ministry office, located in Hasht Behesht Street, Isfahan, central Iran, to protest their unpaid salaries and delayed bonuses.  It is notable that those who have participated in this gathering, were the representatives of their coworkers and were pursuing their problems. 

Bushehr: Protest gathering of teachers against the dismissal of the province director general

Dozens of Bushehr teachers gathered on Tuesday to protest the dismissal of the province’s director general of the education department. 
Local dailies report that the gathering took place in front of the local Education Ministry building in Bushehr. The protesters also rallied towards the governor’s office after a large number of them converged in front of the ministry. 
It appeared that the governor had accepted the draft proposal from two MPs to dismiss the director general of Bushehr which prompted teachers to protest to this decision. The two MP also asked for the impeachment of the minister of education himself following the dismissal of his deputy in the city o Bushehr.

Tehran: City Workers demonstrate in front of the Parliament

number of activists from Iran’s Free Labor Union took part in a protest gathering in front of the Parliament on Tuesday to protest their poor living condition and government inaction in solving their problems. They say the minimum cost of living in Iran is more than 3million tomans, but their wages are only 608 million tomans, almost one fifth of the minimum cost of living. They demanded that their salaries would be increase proportional to increase in cost of living.

IRAN: Two prisoners hanged in public in Kermanshah

 As the executions of prisoners continue unabated in Iran, the celrical regime’s henchmen hang two other prisoners in public in the western city of Kermanshah.
The two men were hanged in two locations in the city 10 in the morning local time on Wednesday.
The public hanging follows executions in several prisons in cities across Iran of which very limited have been officially announced.
According to the reports received from various sources dozens of prisoners have been hanged during the past weekend alone in prisons across Iran.
Official news websites reported that four prisoners have been hanged on Sunday in city of Arak and another prisoner has been hanged on Tuesday morning in the main prison in the city of Rasht.

Le gouvernement irakien doit stopper immédiatement le blocus médical imposé au camp Liberty

Il faut lever le blocus médical imposé au camp Liberty afin d’éviter tout nouveau décès parmi les résidents malades dans ce camp, ont affirmé les participants à une conférence au siège de l’ONU à Genève.
L’ONU doit déclarer que le camp Liberty est un camp de réfugiés et doit placer ce camp sous la supervision du Haut Commissariat de l’ONU pour les réfugiés, ont-ils souligné.
Cette conférence a eu lieu le vendredi 20 février au Palais des Nations à Genève et était intitulé : « Le droit d’accès aux soins médicaux ».
A cause du blocus médical imposé au camp Liberty, 24 résidents de ce camp ont déjà perdu la vie et plusieurs autres résidents malades se trouvent dans un état critique.
Les intervenants ont également appelé les gouvernements européens à prendre des mesures immédiates pour assurer la sécurité des opposants iraniens dans le camp Liberty.
Cette conférence était organisée par : « La Fondation Danielle-Mitterrand - France Libertés », « le Parti Radical non violent - Transnational and Transparty », « l’Association internationale pour la défense des droits des femmes » (WHRIA) et « International Educational Development ».
Parmi les orateurs à cette conférence, il y avait notamment Eric Voruz (député suisse et membre de l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe), Jean-Charles Rielle (député du Grand Conseil de Genève - medecin), Alfred de Zayas (le Rapporteur spécial de l’ONU sur la promotion d’un ordre international démocratique et équitable), Paulo Casaca (ancien membre du parlement européen), Christiane Perregaux (professeur émérite à l’Université de Genève) et Pierre Galand (Président de la Fédération Humaniste Européenne).
Le camp Liberty situé à proximité de l’aéroport de Bagdad abrite près de 3000 dissidents iraniens, notamment des membres de l’Organisation des Moudjahidine du peuple d’Iran (OMPI) qui ont vécu en Irak durant trois décennies.

Iran – Grève des enseignants

CNRI – Selon des rapports reçus de plusieurs villes en Iran, les enseignants dans des écoles primaires, des collèges et des lycées ont participé le dimanche 22 février à des actions de protestation organisées via des réseaux sociaux sur Internet.
L’agence de presse officielle Ilna a rapporté pour sa part que dans plusieurs villes du pays, les enseignants ont refusé d’aller en classe, notamment à Eslamchahr, Robat Karim, cité de Qods située près de Karadj, Chahriar, Chiraz, Chahroud, Saghez, Baneh et Mariwan.
Selon les rapports qui nous sont parvenus, ce mouvement de grève a également été suivi dans plusieurs autres villes, notamment à Téhéran, Chahreza, Zarrine Chahr, Ghazvine, Bouchehr et Ispahan.
Les enseignant grévistes ont protesté contre le niveau bas de leur salaire et ont affirmé que la prochaine augmentation de 14% de leur salaire – qui leur a été promise – est largement insuffisante. Ils ont souligné que pour l’an prochain, le budget du ministère de l’Education nationale n’a augmenté que de 20%, alors que le budget des pasdaran (gardien de la Révolution) a augmenté de 60%.

mardi 24 février 2015

Iranian Resistance reveals secret nuclear site in Iran used for uranium enrichment with advanced centrifuges

Existence of the site, known as Lavizan-3, was unknown until now and had been kept secret for years by the Iranian regime.
The NCRI announced that the explosive revelation was result of several years of detailed work by the network of the Iranian opposition movement, the People’s Mojahedin Organization in Iran (PMOI/MEK).
The PMOI has obtained the intelligence from sources inside of Iranian regime, vetting info from scores of sources independently.
PMOI's sources established that since 2008 the Iranian regime has secretly engaged in research and uranium enrichment at this site.
The NCRI provided Satellite imagery of the site, its entrance, and overview of the site in the press conference.
The NCRI representatives ripped the Iranian regime’s claim regarding transparency in the nuclear talks and went on to say the Iranian regime is deceiving international community.
They pointed out that research and development with advanced centrifuges in highly secret sites are only intended to advance the nuclear weapons project.
The NCRI stressed if US is serious about preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, it must make continuation of the talks predicated on the IAEA’s immediate inspection of the site before the regime gets a chance to destroy the evidence.
It underscored that if the US and its partners seek to block Tehran’s pathway to the bomb, any agreement should include complete implementation of all Security Council Resolutions, immediate halt to any enrichment and closure of related facilities, including Natanz, Fordo and Arak, signing the Additional Protocol and start of IAEA’s snap inspection.
The NCRI has exposed some of the most significant dimensions of the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons program, including the Natanz uranium enrichment and Arak heavy water sites in August 2002, Kalay-e Electric centrifuge assembly and testing facility in February 2003, the Lashkar-abad Laser enrichment and Lavizan-Shian sites in May 2003, the Fordo underground enrichment site in December 2005, and the Defensive Innovation and Research Organization, SPND, in July 2011.

IRAN: Four men hanged in Arak

NCRI – Four prisoners hanged in the main prison in the city of Arak on Tuesday, the judiciary’s website in the Central Province has announced.
The prisoners were only identified by their first name and last name initials as Mohammad M., Ehsan J., Amirhossien Gh, and Reza Z.
The four men all had been charged with drug related offences.
According to the information received from various sources in Iran on over two dozen prisoners being executed in a number of prisons across Iran in past few days.
Last week, The Iranian regime's henchmen in the central prison in the city of Orumiyeh hanged at least two political prisoners.
Habibullah Afshari, 26 and his brother Ali Afshari, 34, hanged on Thursday, had been sentenced to death for supporting Komala, an Iranian Kurdish opposition group.
They were among the group of six political prisoners including Saman Naseem who were transferred to isolation on Wednesday. There is no information on the fate of the other prisoners.

Iran: 21 prisoners executed in 3 prisons in just 48 hours

21 executions in just 48 hours in Iran
In past 48 hours, at least 21 prisoners have been executed in Shiraz, Bam and Bandar-Abbas prisons. Government sources have been silent on these executions. In Bandar-Abbas prison, 9 prisoners were executed during past 48 hours. Prisoners whose identities have been revealed so far are between 22 to 55 years of ages. Mousa Nekouyzadeh, resident of Bandar-Abbas is the 22-year-old executed prisoner and Mohammad Kazim Yazdani, resident of Mashhad is the 55-year-old executed prisoner. A number of others have been identified too. 
Nine prisoners were also hanged in Adel-Abad prison during past 48 hours.
In Bam prison 3 prisoners were executed in past 48 hours. 
In addition, there were reports of 2 more public executions including one prisoner in Shiraz, and execution of Hamid Mohammadi, a 27-year-old resident of Haji-abad in the southern city of Bandar-Abbas.

Iran: Protest & Clash

Crowd in Vali-Asr Street

Tehran: Vendors were attack and their properties looted by the Security and City agents

In a coordinated and barbaric attack against vendors, the suppressive security and city agents confiscated the properties and disrupted the business of a number of venders in Vali-Asr Street telling them that they can’t set up their business out there.
The action by the security and city agents angered the these venders prompting one young man to shout and get in to scuffle with the guards saying he was university graduate with a professional degree in Chemistry, but has been unable to find a job in his own field. He screamed that he and his sister had to turn to this type of job and try to manage their lives and support their family by selling women’s clothing. But instead of facilitating a decent job for a university graduate, the government is preventing them to have this small business which can barely make enough money to survive. He continued to shout that if there is no job for them and if he can’t even sell petty merchandize, he then would be as good as a dead man. 
He also complained that his sister who was standing next to him was pushed around by the agents and was harassed and insulted. 
Other people who were in the vicinity also got angry and attacked the agents forcing them to leave, but the vendors also were removed from the street.

Iran: Protest gathering of members of Iran Communication Company Housing Association

A large number of the members of Iran Communication Company Housing Assoication and retired personnel of Tehran Communications’ company gathered in front of the office of the management to protest against the contractor’s refusal to abide by the terms and pledges of its agreement in order to finish all current projects in building housing units for the retired personnel before the year ends (being onMarch 20 th). One of the protesters said that he was retired 5 years ago and was promised to receive a housing unit on installment. They had promised each and every one to receive a house. Each has been paying more than 60 million Toomans in advance, but the project did not end and has continued. He also complained that they were not even informed of the location of the construction site.  

Iran, Uromia: Prisoner transferred to Urumia Intelligence prison

Urumia Central Prison
A Sunni clergy being captive in Urumia Prison was summoned to Urumia ministry of Intelligence prison for unknown reasons.  
Shouresh Aineh Boukani, a Sunni clergy who was arrested on the day of Feast of Sacrifice on Oct. 5th 2014 and transferred to Urumia Central Prison public ward after 25 days, has been summoned to Intelligence ministry prison for unknown reasons.
There is no information about his fate and the reasons behind his transfer has been kept from his family and lawyer.  

lundi 23 février 2015

Iran: Three prisoners hanged in northern city of Rasht

Executions continue in Iran
According to the terrorist Quds force news agency, Tasnim, the mullahs’ regime henchmen hanged 3 young men in Lakan Township, part of the city of Rasht in northern Iran. The news agency quoted judiciary saying the sentence was upheld by the mullahs’ Supreme Court and was carried out today, Monday, February 23, 2015. 
The 3 executed prisoners have been identified by their initials as ’M.R.’ 35, ’A.Z.’, 32 and ’R.K.’34 years of age.

Iran, Bandar-abbas: imminent execution of a prisoner

 Iran public executions
According to a report from Bandar-abbas, Hamid Mohammadi; a 27 years old prisoner is going to be hang in public in Fish Sellers’ Bazaar. The exact date for the execution has not been announced yet.

Iran, Kurdistan: the notorious Intelligence Ministry summons 3 Kurdish activists

Crowd gathered in prison site
Three Labor’s right activists in Kurdistan were summoned by the notorious intelligence ministry offices of Sanandaj, Ghorveh, and Marivan.
Ali Reza Khanzadpour a hard working laborer was summoned by the intelligence ministry office in Sanandaj, and was interrogated for several hours by the intelligence henchmen. He was accused of defending labor activists. 
Hassan Zahmatkesh and Jamal Hossein Panahi are 2 other activists who were summoned by the notorious intelligence ministry of Marivan and Ghorveh cities. These two were also accused of supporting labor rights.

Tehran: 4,000 deaths annually due to pollution in the capital alone

Tehran freeway under polluted air
Iranian regime MP, member of the parliament’s environmental committee revealed that more than 4,000 people die annually in Tehran alone due to air pollution. 
Iran’s official Fars news agency quoted Lahooti from the parliament’s environment committee as saying that the country has fallen 70 notches down on the issue of environment amongst the international community. He added that there was supposed to be a budged assigned to the clean air project and fighting pollution, but this budget has been drastically cut and the government is not doing anything about this catastrophic crisis. 
Quoting the number of deaths in the capital alone to reach 4 to 5 thousands annually due to the suffocating pollution, Lahooti added that there are 3,000 old busses and 10,000 overworked taxis that are contributing to this catastrophic phenomenon daily. He complained that the city officials’ responsibility is not just to say that there is pollution, they also ought to take steps to correct this crisis.

Jack Straw, Iran regime lobby, suspended from Labour party

Jack Straw, Britain’s former Foreign Secretary, with long history of working with the Iranian regime who was involved in negotiating a deal in the run-up to 2003 Iraq war for bombing Iranian opposition members in that country that killed dozens of PMOI (MEK) members, has been suspended from Labour Party in a ‘cash for access’ scandal.
Jack Straw accused of being a ‘politician for hire’ was one of the members of the British Parliament that was secretly filmed by the Daily Telegraph in a joint investigation with Channel 4's Dispatches programme apparently offering to use their influence in return for money.
Undercover reporters claiming to represent a Hong Kong-based communications agency contacted two MPs including Jack Straw to say they were seeking to hire senior British politicians to join the company's advisory board.
At one meeting, Straw is alleged to have described how he operated "under the radar" to use his influence to change EU rules for a commodity company which paid him £60,000 a year.
Jack Straw has a long history of working with the Iranian regime.
According to the Wall Street Journal, in run-up 2003 Iraq war, Jack Straw and the Britain's Ambassador to Tehran, Richard Dalton, negotiated a deal with Iran, in which coalition forces would bomb Iranian dissidents living in Iraq in return for a promise by Tehran not to interfere with the U.S.-British invasion of Iraq.
On the part of Iranian regime Hassan Rouhani, the current president and then head of Supreme National Security Council, and Kamal Kharrazi, then Foreign Minister were involved.
“The coalition's bombing of non-combatant Iranian dissidents killed fifty people,” and the regime did not keep the promise, according to Gatestone Institute.
“Most recently, in September 2014, Straw wrote an article for the Daily Telegraph in which he praised the Rouhani government; advocated that Iran should be allowed to continue its research of nuclear technology, and encouraged the West to work with Iran to achieve ‘stability in Syria, northern Iraq and the Lebanon’ -- a remarkable statement, given that Iran is the source of the instability.”
Jack straw’s lobbing on the part of the Iranian regime has continued since then.
Following a trip to Iran paid by the regime in 2014 Jack Straw told Radio 4’s Today programme how he and four other MPs had been visiting Tehran to see for themselves what grounds for hope were now being opened up by the new Iranian regime under President Hassan Rouhani.
Christopher Booker, prominent British commentator, wrote in article on January 14: “Straw admitted that of course he hadn’t spoken to any “dissidents”, who might have told him about the 600 Iranians hanged this year, two-thirds of them since the “moderate reformer” Mr Rouhani took office.”
“It was Jack Straw who admitted, when he was home secretary in 2001, that it was “at the behest” of Tehran that he had proscribed the People’s Mujahideen of Iran (PMOI), part of the main Iranian dissident movement, as “terrorists” – a ruling the government only reluctantly withdrew on the orders of Chief Justice Phillips, when he ruled that it had not been able to produce a shred of evidence to support Mr Straw’s actions.”

Le trafic de drogue en Iran s’élève à 20.000 milliards de tomans sert en partie à la politique et aux élections

photo d'arcive
Rahmani Fazli, ministre de l’intérieur de Rohani en Iran, a révélé de manière surprenante que l’argent sale du trafic de drogue est utilisé dans tous les domaines politiques, notamment pour les farces électorales et le transfert du pouvoir.
Lors d’une réunion des dirigeants de la « brigade des stupéfiants », il a déclaré : « chaque année dans notre pays, la consommation de drogue fait circuler 10.000 milliards de toman et l’équivalent de cette circulation financière apparait aussi dans le transit de la drogue. De cette manière, le trafic de drogue fait circuler 20.000 milliards de tomans qui représentent deux tiers du budget du développement du pays. » Il a ajouté : « L’argent sale issu du trafic de drogue a pénétré dans tous les domaines (...) une partie de l’argent sale de la drogue s’est introduit dans la politique, les élections et le transfert du pouvoir politique du pays (...)  Chaque année, environ 450 tonnes d’opium sont consommées en Iran, ce qui fait 42% de la consommation totale d’opium dans le monde. »
Comme la Résistance iranienne l’a annoncé à maintes reprises, ce sont le corps des gardiens de la révolution (pasdaran) et Khamenei en personne qui tirent les ficelles du trafic de drogue. Le quotidien allemand Die Welt dans son édition du 14 mai 2011, citant un rapport secret de l’ambassade américaine à Bakou, capitale de l’Azerbaïdjan, écrivait que « le régime iranien achète une grande quantité d’opium brut afghan pour le transformer en héroïne (...) Les revenus que tire le corps des pasdaran du trafic de drogue en Europe se montent à plusieurs milliards d’euros. »
Le général des pasdaran Gholam-Reza Baghbani, de la force Qods, a été inscrit sur la liste américaine du terrorisme en raison de son implication dans le trafic de drogue et le terrorisme. Selon un communiqué du Trésor américain : « Gholam-Reza Baghbani a autorisé les trafiquants de drogue afghans à envoyer de la drogue dans les pays européens via l’Iran. En échange, il les utilise pour faire passer des armes et des munitions aux forces des Talibans en Afghanistan. »
Selon l’AFP du 28 janvier 2014, les autorités douanières allemandes ont annoncé que 45 kg d’héroïne avaient été découverts à l’aéroport dans des tapis venant d’Iran en route pour la Pologne, la France, la Belgique et l’Afrique. La dépêche ajoutait qu’il avait été plusieurs fois révélé que le ministère du Renseignement et les pasdaran en Iran étaient impliqués dans le transport de drogue. 
Les dirigeants du régime des mollahs avec la diffusion de drogue à grande ampleur ont plongé des millions de personnes, surtout des jeunes, dans la misère et l’exclusion de la vie sociale et politique. Tout comme sous prétexte de lutter contre la drogue, ils ont développé diverses méthodes de répression et exécutent les opposants politiques sous couvert de trafiquants.  D’autre part, avec les revenus de la drogue en Iran et à l’étranger, ils assurent les dépenses colossales de l’exportation du terrorisme et de l’intégrisme islamiste.
Le plus ridicule c’est que le régime des mollahs reçoit des millions de dollars de l’organisme de lutte contre les stupéfiants de l’ONU, ce qui a été plusieurs fois condamné par les organisations de défense des droits humains.
En plus de l’exportation du terrorisme et de l’intégrisme islamiste, les dirigeants de la dictature religieuse sont aussi avec le vaste trafic de drogue un facteur de mort et de destruction des héritages et des générations du Moyen-Orient et du monde. En profitant des relations commerciales avec les autres pays, ils contournent les sanctions, font entrer des marchandises interdites et exportent de la drogue. Il faut les expulser de la communauté des nations et leur imposer des sanctions globales.

En hiver et sous la pluie, 12 semaines de blocus d’essence à Liberty par le gouvernement irakien

Alors que le blocus du camp Liberty continue, cela fait douze semaines sans discontinuité que le gouvernement irakien empêche l’entrée de l’essence dans le camp. Depuis début décembre pas une goutte n’a franchi les portes de Liberty. L’essence, achetée par les habitants ces trois dernières années, sert uniquement à un nombre très restreint de services publics et de véhicules pour la distribution des repas, les besoins quotidiens des habitants et le déplacement des malades et des blessés incapables de marcher sur les routes très caillouteuses et boueuses du camp.
En raison de cette interdiction, même les urgences médicales ne peuvent être transférées à la clinique irakienne du camp, et n’y parvienne qu’avec un grand retard. Empêcher l’entrée de l’essence dans cette saison froide et pluvieuse, rend la vie des malades, des blessés et des personnes âgées très difficile.
Ces trois derniers mois, les habitants et leurs représentants ont soumis quotidiennement cette mesure inhumaine à la MANUI et en ont informé dans de nombreux courriers les autorités onusiennes et américaines. Malheureusement, aucune mesure efficace n’a été prise à cet effet.
Empêcher l’entrée de l’essence dans le camp revient en pratique à torturer les malades et les blessés. Cette mesure cruelle constitue par conséquent une infraction grave et flagrante du Protocole d’accord signé par l’ONU et le gouvernement irakien le 25 décembre 2011.
Etant donné les engagements du gouvernement américain et de l’ONU à assurer la sécurité et le bien-être des habitants du camp Liberty, la Résistance iranienne les appelle à intervenir sur le champ pour mettre fin à ce blocus tyrannique imposé par le gouvernement irakien et pour laisser l’essence entrer dans le camp.

Iran – Rassemblement de protestation des infirmières

Près de 1000 infirmières travaillant dans des hôpitaux iraniens ont participé à un rassemblement devant le parlement des mollahs. Elles ont exprimé leur mécontentement à cause du niveau bas de leurs salaires et de leurs conditions de travail de plus en plus difficiles.
Selon l’agence de presse officielle Ilna, ce rassemblement de protestation a eu lieu le dimanche 22 février à Téhéran.
Les infirmières ont précisé que depuis plusieurs années, leurs salaires n’ont pas été revalorisés, alors que leur charge de travail a augmenté de façon considérable.
Depuis un an, les infirmières ont organisé plusieurs actions de protestation similaires à Téhéran et dans d’autres villes en Iran.
A cause de leurs conditions de travail difficiles, beaucoup d’infirmières qui travaillaient auparavant en province ont quitté leur ville d’origine et ont migré vers Téhéran ou d’autres grandes villes du pays pour y chercher du travail. En Iran, les hôpitaux publics sont actuellement confrontés à un sérieux problème de pénurie d’infirmières.

dimanche 22 février 2015

Ex-UN Iraq envoy’s Report and Recommendations on Humanitarian Crisis in ‘Camp Liberty’

By: Ad Melkert, former Special Representative of the UN Secretary-­‐General for Iraq, January 2015
Note of reference
After having served as Special Representative of the UN Secretary-­‐General for Iraq (July 2009-­‐September 2011) I have naturally continued to feel intensely involved with the fate and future of the people of Iraq. I am frequently asked to comment on political, economic, social and humanitarian developments and to contribute to policy debate and recommendations.
Among the many issues of concern the arbitrary detention1 of the asylum seekers2 in « Camp Liberty » stands out as a humanitarian urgency: intractable on the surface yet relatively solvable if political will and humanitarian compassion would prevail over political calculation and passivity.
As the end of the year 2014 is nearing the political environment in the region has changed dramatically following the incursion of « Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant » extremists into vast areas of Syria and Iraq. Concurrently the Iraqi parliamentary elections and subsequent changes of Prime Minister, President and Speaker positions have created potential openings for new initiative. Both factors are relevant for the prospects of the « Camp Liberty » residents. On the one hand there is serious concern for mass slaughter in the Camp if ISIL would have the chance to get even closer to Baghdad than they are to date; or by Shi’a militia who have publicly declared allegiance to Iran and are directed by Iran’s Quds Force. On the other hand the reconstruction of national dialogue and cooperation after the polarized years under Maliki should create space for humanitarian initiative and constructive international cooperation.
Against this backdrop and on the basis of many conversations with key people involved inside and outside Iraq I have considered various aspects of the current pressing situation and have elaborated recommendations for action that might help to turn around a lose-­‐lose status quo into a win-­‐win humanitarian breakthrough.

Andranik Asatourian who personified the history of half century of Iranian art and music passed away

Andranic Asatourian
Andranic Asatourian, the great Iranian composer and musician and a valuable asset to the contemporary Iranian art, and a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran passed away at the early hours of Sunday morning in a hospital in Los Angeles, California after a difficult battle with cancer. 
Andranic who always considered himself a member of the Iranian Resistance and a genuine Ashrafi stood on the side of the Iranian people and their resistance throughout his plenteous life. He who was a Christian, left Iran in protest to the mullahs’ tyranny and did not allow his art to be misused by the clerical dictatorship as a mean to prolong and legitimize its brutal rule. 
Andranic is considered an everlasting diva of the Iranian music which will be cherished by millions of Iranian people for many years to come. 

Iran: Protest & Clash

A call for all teachers to rally on the last day of this month

Iran: A call by Teachers’ Union for gathering on Feb. 29th

According to a report, Iran Teachers’ Union issued a call for all Iranian teachers to stage a gathering on Feb. 29th.

The call includes a date for the start of the gathering set for 9am Feb 29th.

Tehran: A Gathering of contracting employees of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company

A number of contracting personnel of Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company gathered in front of the office of this company in Taleghani Street, to protest the regime’s authorities refraining from paying their salaries and demands.
A protester said: during last 2 months approximately 50 of the company employees have been fired after they were transferred to Isfahan. They were complaining of not being paid in full.

Iran, Tabriz: Workers’ gathering of Tabriz Company in front of the governor’s office

A number of Tabriz-kaf Company workers gathered in front of the governor’s office, to protest their 6 months unpaid delayed salaries. 
The protesting workers said we do not trust the bogus promises of the manager and owner of the company.

Tehran: thousands of nurses rallied to protest against lack of job security

Thousands of nurses converged in front of the Parliament on Sunday Feb. 22 to take part in a protest gathering. The rally in which was called for in advance, took place with a large crowd attending, despite security and plain cloths harassment and threats to disperse. The gathering at the northern gate of the parliament started with about 1,000 nurses and medical staff, but it grew by hour and through half way in to the protest the number of demonstrators reached over 2,000 people. 
The protesting nurses had come from different cities in Iran including Yazd, Khorasan, Hamadan, Mazanderan, Gilan and Isfahan. One protesting medical staff said: the actual number of discontent nurses is much greater than this, but due to difficulties and travel complications, many could not arrive at the protest. 
This is the third time that nurses are taking part in a demonstration. The rally ended about noon Sunday with a statement being read by the representatives.

Tehran: Students chastise 2 plain cloth Basij agents

Two plain cloth mercenaries harassed and offended a number of high school students on the street for having a laughter and jubilation while playing and for the form of clothing they were wearing. The students reacted by attacking them back fighting the 2 agents with help of other students who were witnessing the scene. The plain cloths Basij militants were overpowered and fled before the crisis would spread to other parts of the street.

Tehran: A number of computer dealers closed their shops in protest

A number of computer dealers and service shops at Valey-Asr Street in Tehran protested against the rise of taxes and new city charges by closing their shops and warehouses. The protest was happened on Wednesday Feb. 18th, after an increase in taxes which was announced by mullahs’ regime.