
mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Six Baluchi minorities executed in central Iran

Executions on the rise in Iran

The mullahs’ regime ruling Iran executed at least six Baluchi minorities in Yazd Prison, central Iran.
These inmates were of two families of the Shahbakhsh tribe, and they were executed on Wednesday, September 23rd.
The victims of this mass execution were three brothers from one family, and against three brothers of another family. They had already spent 8 years in prison in the mullahs’ dungeons across Iran.

Amnesty slams deteriorating medical conditions in Iran prisons

Amnesty International condemns widespread human rights violations in Iran

Amnesty International issued a statement condemning widespread human rights violations in Iran by the mullahs’ regime, and demanding medical care to be provided to prisoners.
According to this statement Ayatollah Kazemeini Borujerdi, 57, who has been in prison for 11 years now, is suffering from numerous illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, Parkinson, heart and kidney illnesses, along with severe pains in his back and legs.
Prison physicians recommended in February 2014 that this Borujerdi must be hospitalized outside of prison. However, no such action was taken.
It is worth noting that Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran constantly expressed his concerns about reports of inadequate or lack of access to medical services for prisoners. In March of 2015 he said a number of prisoners are on the verge of losing their lives due to lack of proper medical attention. 

Iran: civil activist thrown behind bars

Harsh conditions in Iran jails

Nima Hassani, a civil activist in Urumieh (northwest Iran) was recently arrested and transferred to Urumieh prison to serve his time in jail.
Hassani was arrested along with 21 others on June 9, 2014 on the verge of a gathering on June 10 of that year protesting conditions of Lake Urumieh. He was condemned to six months in prison following his court hearings on collusion against national security and propaganda against the state. Hassani was born in 1993.

“No2Rouhani” rally in New York, Yes to regime change in Iran

New York was the scene of a major No2Rouhani rally

Coinciding with Hassan Rouhani attending the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Monday the Iranian Diaspora staged a major rally saying not to this devious figure.
The demonstrators, accompanied by a large number of American dignitaries, calling for this fascist mullah to be thrown out of the UN.
These American personalities referred to the role played by Rouhani in the murder and killings of the Iranian people, the waves of executions during his tenure, emphasizing that this criminal mullah is not the representative of the Iranian people and he should not be allowed into this international organ.
Former US Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and former Energy Secretary Bill Richardson were amongst other who attended this rally.

Amnesty international: Le décès d'un syndicaliste en Iran doit déclencher une action contre les conditions de détention déplorables

Amnesty: Décès de un syndicaliste iranien doit déclencher une action pour lutter contre les conditions de détention déplorables

Amnesty International stigmatise les conditions de détention déplorables et le manque d’accès aux soins médicaux appropriés dans les prisons du régime iranien

CNRI – Amnesty International a publié un communiqué dans lequel l'organisation de défense des droits de l’Homme a stigmatisé les conditions de détention déplorables et le manque d’accès aux soins médicaux appropriés dans les prisons iranieniennes.
La traduction d'extraits du communiqué daté du vendredi 25 septembre:
« Shahrokh Zamani est mort dans la prison de Radjaï-Chahr (située à Karaj, au nord-ouest de Téhéran) alors qu’il purgeait une peine de prison de 11 ans pour ses activités syndicales pacifiques. Une enquête sur sa mort doit déterminer dans quelle mesure les mauvaises conditions de détention et le manque d’accès aux soins médicaux adéquats ont contribué à son décès.»
« Depuis son arrestation, Shahrokh Zamani n’a jamais bénéficié d’une autorisation de sortie de prison. En mars 2014 il a entamé une deuxième grève de la faim en solidarité avec les autres détenus et pour protester contre les mauvaises conditions de détention dans la prison de Radjaï-Chahr. »
« La mort de Shahrokh Zamani en prison est un exemple illustrant les conditions de détention épouvantables et le manque de soins médicaux pour les détenus dans un système judiciaire qui emprisonne des individus notamment pour l’exercice pacifique de leurs droits. »
(Le prisonnier politique iranien Shahrokh Zamani a été retrouvé mort dans sa cellule de prison le 13 septembre 2015 alors que sa bouche était pleine de sang et qu’il avait des traces de coups sur sa tête. Agé de 51 ans, M. Zamani était artisan peintre et militant syndical. Arrêté le 8 juin 2011 à Tabriz, il a été pendant 32 jours en grève de la faim pour protester contre son arrestation injustifiée.)
« De façon plus générale, Amnesty International appelle les autorités iraniennes à réviser d’urgence les conditions inhumaines de détention qui prévalent dans beaucoup de prisons en Iran, lesquelles contribuent à l’aggravation de maladies préexistantes chez les prisonniers ou à l’apparition de nouvelles maladies chez eux. »
« Les autorités doivent veiller à ce que tous les détenus aient accès aux traitements médicaux appropriés, en conformité avec les normes internationales en matière des droits de l’Homme, et veiller à ce que les personnes ayant besoin de traitements spécialisés bénéficient d’un congé médical. »
« La section des prisonniers politiques dans la prison de Radjaï-Chahr est la seule section de cette prison où les détenus ne bénéficient pas de la possibilité de contacter leur famille par téléphone. Certains de ces prisonniers avaient précédemment essayé d’utiliser des téléphones portables clandestinement introduits dans la prison pour communiquer avec leurs familles, en particulier ceux dont les familles vivent trop loin et ne peuvent par venir leur rendre visite régulièrement. Amnesty International a reçu des rapports selon lesquelles les autorités carcérales ont installé dans l’enceinte de cette prison un système de brouillage des ondes pour empêcher toute utilisation de téléphones portables. »
« Beaucoup de prisonniers, notamment Shahrokh Zamani, ont déclaré qu’ils ont souffert de nausées et de maux de tête depuis la mise en place de ces appareils de brouillage des ondes. »
« Dans beaucoup de prisons en Iran, notamment à Radjaï-Chahr, il y a de graves problèmes de surpopulation carcérale, de malnutrition et de mauvaises conditions sanitaires. Les effets conjugués de ces problèmes peuvent aggraver les maladies préexistantes chez les prisonniers ou contribuer à l’apparition de nouvelles maladies chez eux. »
« Les recherches effectuées par Amnesty International montrent que les détenus se voient parfois refuser l’accès à des soins médicaux appropriés, notamment l’accès à des médecins spécialisés. »
« Amnesty International a recensé un certain nombre de cas où les prisonniers malades ont été privés de soins médicaux adéquats et de médicaments ou privés du droit de sortir de prison dans le cadre d’un congé médicale prévu par le code carcéral en Iran. »
« Amnesty International a reçu de nombreux rapports concernant les problèmes de surpopulation carcérale, de températures extrêmes, d’insalubrité et de nourritures immangeables dans d’autres prisons situées en provinces, notamment dans la prison de Dizel-Abad à Kermânchâh, la prison d’Adel-Abad à Chiraz et la prison de Vakil-Abad à Machhad. »

7 prisonniers pendus en Iran

7 prisonniers pendus en Iran

CNRI - Le régime fondamentaliste iranien a pendu sept prisonniers, dont six dans une seule et même prison. Six des prisonniers, dont trois frères, ont été pendus mercredi dans la province centrale de Yazd. Tous les six étaient originaires de la province de Sistan & Baloutchistan dans le sud-est de l'Iran.
Un autre prisonnier, Mohammad-Reza Fiouji , 27 ans, a été pendu dans une prison de Bandar Abbas, dans le sud de l'Iran. Il avait été transféré en isolement samedi dernier (le 26 septembre) en vue de son exécution.
Le régime des mollahs en Iran continue d'exécuter plusieurs de ses citoyens, proportionnellement plus que tout autre Etat membre de l'ONU. Environ 2000 personnes ont été exécutées depuis qu'Hassan Rohani est devenu Président, deux ans auparavant.
Les Américains originaires d'Iran prévoient d'organiser un grand rassemblement, lundi dernier, afin de condamner la présence du Président des mollahs, Rohani, à l'Organisation des Nations Unies, à New York.
Le rassemblement, qui à été organisée par l'Organisation des Communautés irano-américaines (OIAC), va faire pression sur la communauté internationale afin de tenir le régime de Téhéran pour responsable de la situation déplorable des Droits de l'Homme dans son pays.
Dans un communiqué publié dimanche, la Résistance iranienne a fermement condamné la présence de Rohani à New York et à l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies. "Il fait partie des plus hauts responsables impliqués dans la production de la bombe nucléaire, des 120000 exécutions politiques, du bellicisme et des massacres dans la région. Ce régime ne représente pas le peuple iranien, et ses dirigeants, de toutes factions, devront être jugés pour crime contre l'humanité en Iran. Le siège de l'Iran à l'Organisation des Nations Unies devrait être accordé au peuple iranien et à leur résistance légitime", a déclaré le CNRI.

lundi 28 septembre 2015

Maryam Rajavi's message to participants in New York rally outside UN

NCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, has sent a message to participants at the major rally on Monday in New York against the presence of the Iranian regime's President Hassan Rouhani at the United Nations. The rally is urging the international community not to allow the mullahs’ regime to get away with appalling human rights abuses in Iran.

Rouhani is not a representative of the Iranian people. He and his regime are murderers of the Iranian people and the main causes of creating crises in the region
28 September 2015
My Compatriots,
Supporters of the Resistance,
I salute you all who have risen up in protest to the presence of the illegitimate and inhumane clerical regime’s president in the United States and at the United Nations.
At this very moment, tens of millions of our compatriots inside Iran hear in your chants their own censored and suppressed voices. They praise and commend you who declare loud and clear that this regime has usurped the Iranian people’s right to popular sovereignty, none of its representatives enjoys legitimacy and they must be expelled from international institutions.
Rouhani is part of a regime whose survival is ensured only through daily executions, torture of prisoners, suppression of women and plundering of social wealth, as well as terrorism and destruction in the region.
He is competing with the other major factions over his share of the power, while at the same time moving in lockstep with Khamenei when it comes to executing Iran’s youth, the number of which has risen to 700 in the first half of this year, and when it comes to exporting terrorism.
During mullah Rouhani’s tenure, who claims to be a “moderate,” the situation of human rights has worsened by any measure. Protests by teachers and workers have been met with arrests or dismissals. Lawyers, human rights defenders, bloggers, reporters, Sunni Muslims, Christians, priests, Jews, Dervishes, Baha’is, Kurds, Baluchis and Arabs continue to be imprisoned, while the rights and freedoms of women and youth are trampled upon on a daily basis. During this period, the scope of the regime’s involvement in the region and the massacre of innocent people in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen have substantially increased. A few days ago, Rouhani shamelessly branded such meddling as support for anti-terrorism efforts and vowed to interfere in other countries as well.
So, we declare to the international community and all leaders who have gathered at the United Nations:
Rouhani is not a representative of the Iranian people. He and his regime are murderers of the Iranian people and the main causes of creating crises in the region.
The solution to the Iranian and regional question lies in the hands of the Iranian people who demand the overthrow of this regime and the establishment freedom and democracy.
The disenchanted people of Iran have repeatedly risen up across the country, expanding their resistance, all want one thing, and that is to overthrow this regime.
It is no wonder that the mullahs have on the one hand increased executions, suppression and oppression inside the country, while on the other hand intensifying plots against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the Iranian Resistance both inside and outside the country, especially against freedom fighters at Camp Liberty. This regime, which is standing on its last leg, considers this democratic alternative as an existential threat more than ever before.
In our neighboring country, Iraq, protests by the youth and the disenfranchised, which have once again emerged out of the ashes of suppression and betrayal, demand the expulsion of this regime and the removal of its proxies.
The people of Syria are faced with a calamity through the clerical regime’s genocide and destruction in their country. Without the regime’s ceaseless support, neither would the bloodthirsty Syrian dictatorship have remained in power today, nor would our Syrian sisters and brothers have become homeless and displaced, putting themselves in danger simply to reach the shores of Europe. The main parties responsible for the pain and suffering endured by Syrian refugees and all the Syrian people are Khamenei and Bashar Assad. The people of Syria, Iraq and Iran have common enemies and that is why they are united, and despite all the difficulties and bitter experiences.
Today, the ruling theocracy is in decline from Syria to Yemen, and the solution to ending the crises, wars and instability is to expel this regime. Similarly, confronting ISIS, against which the international coalition and others are at an impasse, would not be successful without the removal of the velayat-e faqih regime and its militias.
Allow me here to underscore this truth that depriving the mullahs from a nuclear weapon in an effective, promising and permanent manner has only one solution and that is to change this regime.
Any act of appeasement, showing weakness and giving false hopes about the ruling clerics abandoning their efforts to acquire a nuclear weapon would be detrimental and constitutes a betrayal. As such, any loophole or pathway that the deceitful regime could use to manufacture a nuclear bomb must be closed. And at the same time, freedom, human rights and the Iranian people’s resistance for regime change must be recognized; a resistance movement which until now has been the main source for exposing the regime’s ominous nuclear program and in the future will be the only guarantee for preventing a nuclear weapon.
And I warn those who pursue commercial trade and deals with the ruling regime that dealing with this regime means dealing with Khamenei and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and it would be strengthening their affiliated companies and banks, which have no other purpose but to provide financial support for Bashar Assad’s dictatorship, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and criminal militias in Iraq, Yemen and other countries.
Let me summarize: If the international community and especially the UN Security Council truly pursue peace and tranquility in the region and the world, they must:
First, expel the illegitimate regime’s representatives from international institutions and recognize the right of the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance to overthrow this regime and establish human rights and democracy.
Second, withdraw the concessions in the nuclear deal with the regime and deprive it of all opportunities to build the bomb.
Third, make trade deals and agreements with the ruling regime contingent on ending executions.
And, finally, compel the Iraqi government to end the inhumane siege on Liberty Prison. It is especially imperative that the United States guarantee the protection of Liberty residents on the basis of its obligations or at least return some of their personal means of self-defense to them for minimum protection against threats posed by the terrorist Quds Force and its militias.
As Massoud Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s Leader, said in his message: The Iranian people will not be satisfied with anything less than the overthrow of the clerical regime and the establishment of freedom and popular sovereignty. The war of liberation and the overthrow of the reactionary caliphate, free elections and drafting of the new republic’s constitution at the national consultative assembly are inalienable rights of the Iranian people.
Hail to all of you
Hail to the people of Iran
Hail to freedom.

Amnesty: Death of Iran trade unionist must trigger action to tackle appalling prison conditions

NCRI - The human rights group Amnesty International says it has documented a pattern in Iran of the regime denying prisoners access to medical care even though they are being housed in "deplorable prison conditions."
"Shahrokh Zamani was serving an 11-year prison sentence for his peaceful trade union activities in Raja’i Shahr Prison, Karaj, north-west of Tehran, when he died. An investigation into his death must include an assessment of the extent to which poor prison conditions and a lack of adequate access to medical care contributed to his death," the human rights group said in a statement on Friday (September 25).
"More broadly, Amnesty International calls on the Iranian authorities to urgently address the inhumane detention conditions prevalent in many of Iran’s prisons, which contribute to medical conditions developing in prisoners or exacerbate pre-existing ones."
"The authorities must also ensure that all those in detention have access to adequate medical treatment in line with international human rights standards and ensure that those needing specialized treatment are granted medical leave."
Iranian political prisoner Shahrokh Zamani was found dead in his prison cell on September 13 with his mouth full of blood and a bruised head. A 51-year-old labor activist and painter, Mr. Zamani was arrested on June 8, 2011 in Tabriz and spent 32 days on hunger strike in protest at his arrest.
In August 2011, he was sentenced to imprisonment on charges that included “acting against national security by establishing or being a member of groups opposed to the system” and “spreading propaganda against the system” for his peaceful trade union activities. He was released on bail in October 2011 but began serving his sentence in Tabriz on January 14, 2012. He was transferred to Gohardasht (Raja’i Shahr) Prison in Karaj on October 13, 2012.

"Since he began serving his sentence, Shahrokh Zamani had not been granted prison leave. In March 2014, Shahrokh Zamani undertook a second hunger strike in solidarity with other prisoners and to protest against the poor conditions at Raja’i Shahr Prison," Amnesty said.
"The political prisoner ward of Raja’i Shahr Prison is the only section of the prison without telephone privileges. Some of the prisoners there use contraband mobiles to contact their families, particularly those whose families live too far away to visit regularly. Amnesty International has received reports that prison authorities installed signal-jamming devices to prevent the use of mobiles."
"Many prisoners, including Shahrokh Zamani, reported that they suffered from nausea and headaches when the jamming devices were activated."
"Shahrokh Zamani’s death in prison shines a light on the appalling detention conditions and lack of medical care given to prisoners in a criminal justice system that also imprisons individuals for the peaceful exercise of their rights."
"Many prisons, including Raja’i Shahr Prison, are severely overcrowded and have inadequate food and poor sanitation, all of which may cumulatively exacerbate prisoners’ preexisting medical problems or contribute to new health problems."
"Furthermore, Amnesty International’s research shows that detainees are sometimes denied access to adequate medical care, including access to specialized care."
"Amnesty International has also received numerous reports about severe overcrowding, extreme temperatures, unsanitary facilities and inedible food in other provincial prisons, including Kermanshah’s Dizel Abad Prison, Shiraz’s Adel Abad Prison and Mashhad’s Vakilabad Prison."
"Amnesty International has documented a number of cases where sick prisoners have been denied adequate medical care, including medication, and have been refused medical leave, to which they are entitled under Iranian prison regulations," the rights group added.

Live updates from NY: Iranian-Americans rally against Rouhani at UN

13.50 (EDT) – Messages of solidarity with the goals of the rally are read out on behalf of groups of political prisoners inside Iran.
13.40 (EDT) – A delegation of Yemeni political figures are declaring their solidarity with the Iranian Resistance. They say no to the Houthis in Yemen, no to Bashar Assad in Syria and no to the mullahs’ regime in Iran.
13.27 (EDT) - A delegation of U.S. faith community leaders are now addressing the rally for freedom and human rights in Iran. Members of the delegation sum up their remarks by saying "No to Rouhani; Yes to Rajavi."
 13.14 (EDT) - Delegation from Syria's democratic opposition coalition is now addressing the anti-Rouhani rally in New York in solidarity with the Iranian Resistance. “Free, free Syria,” they said.

dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Maryam Rajavi: Rouhani must stand trial for crimes against humanity

NCRI - The Iranian regime's President Hassan Rouhani should be put on trial before the international courts for crimes against humanity and the mullahs’ meddling in the region, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, told FOX NEWS television on Sunday.
"Instead of addressing the UN, Rouhani and other officials of this regime must stand trial before an international tribunal for their crimes against humanity and against the people of the region," Mrs. Rajavi said.
"The people of Iran reject this barbaric regime," she added.
Watch the video clip on FOX NEWS:
FOX NEWS on Sunday aired its interview with the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) as the mullahs' President Rouhani is in New York to attend the UN General Assembly.
Thousands of Iranians plan to rally outside the UN on Monday to condemn Rouhani's visit and human rights violations in Iran.
FOX NEWS also on Sunday carried out a live interview with Mr. Alireza Jafarzadeh, the Deputy Director of the NCRI's US Representative Office.

1 million children without identity in Iran: official

Children without identities in Iran
Abbas Ghaedi Rahmat, spokesman of the Social Commission in the Iranian regime’s so-called parliament said estimates show 1 million children in the country are the result of Iranian women marrying foreigners and living inside Iran, leaving these children literally without legal identities.
Currently these children don’t have any identification papers and can be a major problem for the country, he added. These innocent children will be facing legal, hygiene, social medical care and education problems in Iran under the mullahs’ regime.

Unemployment reaches 40% among young women in Iran

NCRI - Unemployment among women stands at above 20 percent in nearly two thirds of Iran's provinces, according to the regime's own statistics.
The unemployment rate is even higher among young women, the official state news agency IRNA reported on Wednesday.
The unemployment rate among women between the ages of 15 and 24 in Iran stands at over 40%, IRNA said.
In Fars and Mazandaran provinces, 37.8% and 31.8% of women respectively are unemployed. The numbers rise to 51.3% and 65.6% among young women.
Official statistics show unemployment rates among young women to stand at 82.8% in Kohgiluyeh & Boyer-Ahmad Province, 70.5% in Alborz Province, 68.7% in Ilam Province, 77.3% in Tehran Province, 65.6% in Mazandaran Province, and 62.3% in Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiari Province.
In August, officials of the Iranian regime acknowledged that nearly 420000 Iranian girls under the age of 15 have been wed mainly to older men, some more than four times their age, over the past decade in Iran.

175 cafes shut down in north-west Iran

Police fine a woman for wearing sandals in Iran.

NCRI - At least 175 cafes were shut down on Friday by the mullahs' regime in Eastern Azerbaijan Province, north-west Iran.
The regime claims the action was taken to tackle the custom of smoking water-pipes, a common feature of many Iranian cafes. However local residents say the repressive action is meant to spread fear among the population to prevent anti-regime gatherings from taking place.
Hundreds of cafeteria employees were left without jobs following the move.
Last November, the Iranian regime’s suppressive State Security Forces shut down dozens of cafés in Tehran for “failure to comply with certain regulations” which include “improper dressing by costumers and smoking cigarettes.”
Iranian police carry out regular morality checks, arresting women and youths on the pretext of improper clothing and non-Islamic hairstyles.

Iran: Death of trade unionist must trigger action to tackle appalling prison conditions

25 September 2015
Index: MDE 13/2508/2015
The announcement of an investigation into the death in custody this month of trade unionist and prisoner of conscience Shahrokh Zamani is welcome, but it must be carried out impartially and independently. It should also trigger action by the Iranian authorities to tackle the deplorable prison conditions in Iran, as well as the practice of denying prisoners access to medical care, a pattern which Amnesty International has documented.
Amnesty International notes statements made on 20 September 2015 by Gholam-Hossein MohseniEje’i, spokesperson for the Judiciary, that an investigation is underway into Shahrokh Zamani’s death, but urges the authorities to ensure that it is conducted in a prompt, impartial, independent and effective manner. Shahrokh Zamani was serving an 11-year prison sentence for his peaceful trade union activities in Raja’i Shahr Prison, Karaj, north-west of Tehran, when he died. An investigation into his death must include an assessment of the extent to which poor prison conditions and a lack of adequate access to medical care contributed to his death.
More broadly, Amnesty International calls on the Iranian authorities to urgently address the inhumane detention conditions prevalent in many of Iran’s prisons, which contribute to medical conditions developing in prisoners or exacerbate pre-existing ones. The authorities must also ensure that all those in detention have access to adequate medical treatment in line with international human rights standards and ensure that those needing specialized treatment are granted medical leave.
On 13 September 2015, the day on which Shahrokh Zamani’s body was discovered by his cellmates, a brief examination by officials in the prison’s medical centre concluded that he had died of a stroke. Shahrokh Zamani’s family requested an autopsy, which took place prior to a funeral service held on 14 September in the city of Tabriz, north-west Iran. The findings of the Medical Examiner following the autopsy are expected within approximately one month. Amnesty International understands that Shahrokh Zamani was in overall good health prior to his death, though since late September 2014 he had been waiting to receive a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan following episodes of short dizzy spells and headaches. 
Read more:

samedi 26 septembre 2015

Omid Rashedi Amiri
Self-immolation of Omid Rashedi, head of administrative affairs of Ramshir Guild, who was fired after he disclosed embezzlements by a regime element
On September 24, Mr. Omid Rashedi Amiri, an Arab compatriot from Khuzestan and a 36-year-old father of two who had committed self-immolation the previous day in protest to being fired from Ramshir Municipality after a dispute with the head of the town’s guild lost his life. Mr. Rashedi who had a masters in accounting and financial affairs and was the head of the administrative affairs of this guild, a while back revealed the embezzlements by the head of this union who is an Iranian regime element. The head of the guild returned to his post after a temporary detention, but Mr. Omid Rashedi who was a contract worker at this guild was fired from his job.
The growing oppression, unemployment, homelessness, social problems, addiction and prostitution has led to an increase in suicides and self-immolations in the cities across the country.
On August 30, Mansour Kayhani, a retired teacher and father of four, who was fed up with regime’s extorsions in issuing construction permit for his house, poured gasoline on himself in front of Sanqar Governor’s building and set himself ablaze and lost his life.
On July 12, a worker in a Mashhad bakery committed self-immolation following a dispute with her boss.
On May 20, Zarrin Kamrani from Safiabad village in Javanroud, set herself ablaze and lost her life due to poverty and the hardships associated with it.
In mid May, a 27-year-old worker of Farasou factory who had a six year old child committed self-immolation and lost his life in protest to his expulsion from work.
On May 7, a female student committed self-immolation in the parking lot of the department for human sciences of Free Islamic University in Shiraz-Pardis as a means to protest.
On May 4, Farinaz Khosravani with a bachelor degree in computer science plunged from the fourth story of a hotel to escape the aggression of an Iranian regime’s intelligence agent and lost her life.
On April 27, Ali Akbari, 45 and an employee of Daroupakhsh Factory and father of four jumped off the fourth floor of this factory to end his miserable life. He committed suicide because he was unable to pay the heavy expenses for the medical treatment of his child (ILNA state news agency – 27 April 2015).
On April 21, Hamid Farokhi Diezej Malek, 43 and father of three who was a deprived street vendor lost his life due to the severity of his burns. He had committed self-immolation in front of 8th District town hall of Tabriz on April 13 to protest the confiscation of his petty property by Iranian regime’s forces.
On March 22, Younes Asakereh, 31-year-old worker and father of two, an Arab compatriot from Khorramshahr, lost his life in self-immolation. Ten days earlier, he had committed suicide in protest to the repeated attacks of the suppressive forces to his street stand who prevented his work.
On March 21, Abdolkarim Ahmadi, a laborer from Divandarreh, hanged himself at the age of 60. He was unable to support the basic needs of his family and ended his life after years of hardship.
The Iranian workers and toilers are suffering from poverty, hunger and unemployment while Iran’s great wealth is spent on domestic suppression, antinationalistic polices of export of terrorism and warmongering in the region, and weapons of mass destruction projects or is plundered by regime’s leaders.
As long as the velayat-e faqih regime is in power, the lot of the deprived is nothing but suppression, poverty, hunger, prostitution and addiction. The sole solution to end such tyranny and oppression is to topple the antihuman regime of the mullahs and establish democracy in Iran.

« Voix de l’Iran » : rassemblement du 28 septembre devant le siège de l’ONU à New York contre la visite de Rohani

rassemblement du 28 septembre devant le siège de l’ONU à New York contre la visite de Rohani
Le lundi 28 septembre, le président du régime iranien, Hassan Rohani, va assister à l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU. Les représentants des communautés irano-américains (OIAC) ont organisé un grand rassemblement, intitulé «Voix de l’Iran », pour dénoncer la détérioration de la situation des droits de l’Homme en Iran et la hausse des exécutions depuis l’arrivée au pouvoir de Rohani.
« Plusieurs jeunes Iraniens sont attendus pour parler de la nécessité de protéger les libertés et d’instaurer la démocratie en Iran », a déclaré l’OIAC dans un communiqué publié sur son site Internet.
« Ce rassemblement a été organisé à la suite de la publication des récents rapports du Secrétaire général de l’ONU et du Rapporteur spécial de l’ONU sur la situation des droits humains en Iran. Selon ces rapports, la situation des droits de l’Homme s’est aggravée sous la présidence de Rohani », a précisé l’OIAC.
Plusieurs personnalités politiques américains, issus des deux partis politiques présents au Congrès et au Sénat, participeront à cette manifestation. Ils vont avertir que fermer les yeux sur les violations des droits de l’Homme en Iranainsi et sur les ingérences du régime iranien au Moyen-Orient va encourager ce régime à poursuivre ses exactions en Iran et dans la région.
Parmi les personnalités qui vont prendre la parole lors de cette manifestation, il y a notamment : Bill Richardson, ancien ambassadeur des Etats-Unis à l’ONU et ancien ministre de l’Énergie; Tom Ridge, ancien secrétaire à la Sécurité intérieure des États-Unis et ancien gouverneur de Pennsylvanie; et Allan Dershowitz, ancien professeur à « Harvard Law School ».
« Le but de ce rassemblement est de faire entendre les voix de plusieurs centaines de milliers de personnes à travers le monde qui réclament un changement de régime et l’instauration de la liberté et la démocratie en Iran », a déclaré l’OIAC.
Date et heure de la manifestation : Lundi 28 Septembre 2015, à partir de 11H00
Lieu de la manifestation : Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, en face du siège de l’ONU à New York

vendredi 25 septembre 2015

Iran: Husband of lawyer-rights activist targeted by security agents

Iranian lawyers protest crackdown and discrimination

The office of Reza Khandan, husband of Nasrin Sotudeh, lawyer and rights activist, has been sealed by security agents. A report on this raid has been posted on Reza Khandan’s Facebook page:
“My office and all others in our building today were sealed under orders issued by the public prosecutor. This took place a time when I was not in my office. Nasrin and I had gone to the Quds prosecutor’s office and police station to follow up on the phone threats we have been receiving for the past 3 months. In addition to my office, the office of a film production company that had enjoyed official documents was also sealed.”
 ( NCRI – September 23, 2015)
 Reza Khandan and  Nasrin Sotudeh

Iran: agents raid college student homes

Crackdown on the rise in Iran against college students

Security agents conducted a night raid arresting a number of college students and graduates in universities in Tehran and Karaj. The first raid targeted a college students’ home in Tehran. Around 10 students were arrested in this attack.
A similar raid took place simultaneously in the city of Karaj (west of Tehran) in which a number of other students, including Hossein Jondoghian of Khaje Nasir University, Siamak Mola-Mohammadi (Jhuwan), Kiyana (Didar) Karimpour, Sepehrdad Saheban and Mehraban Keshavarzi were arrested.
( NCRI – September 23, 2015)

Women looking for job in Iran

The state-run IRNA news agency has published a full report on unemployment of women in Iran.
“Unemployment amongst women in 20 provinces across Iran is above 20%, and only 11 provinces are actually under 20%. The provinces of Fars and Mazandaran, with 37.8% and 31.8% respectively, have the highest rate of women’s unemployment in the country.”
The state-run IRNA news agency reported currently women’s employment in Iran is currently in poor conditions, and this is even far worse for young women. Unemployment amongst women between the ages of 15 and 24 in Iran is over 40%.
Statistics show unemployment rates amongst young women in Kohgilaviye & Boyer Ahmad Province to be 82.8%, and these numbers are 70.5% in Alborz Province; 68.7% in Ilam Province; 77.3% in Tehran Province; 65.6% in Mazandaran Province; and 62.3% in Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiary Province.
The numbers stated above show that young women in provinces across the country are looking for work, but are unable in finding work.
Two provinces of Fars and Mazandaran have unemployment rates above 30% for women, and unemployment rates for young women 51.3% and 65.6%, respectively in these two provinces. Both are due to specific reasons in these provinces.
Unemployment means living life without any money, no social identity and disappointment that is cementing a climate of hopelessness for those seeking work in Iran, whereas women being able to find work means much more than just their social identity, but also having access to financial income.
This state-run news agency wrote in conclusion: Unemployment rates in Iran are alarming. The unemployed population being on the rise each day cannot have a good message.
 (State-run IRNA news agency – September 23, 2015)

Imprisoned Iranian-American pastor summoned, threatened with torture

Pastor Saeed Abedini, seen here with his children

Pastor Saeed Abedini, held in Gohardasht Prison of Karaj (west of Tehran), was summoned on September 22 by the prison counterintelligence branch and agents by the names of Bahraini and Mazare’ threatened to file new court cases and the use of torture against him.
Mazare’ had an electric shocker in his hand and would turn it on at times in an attempt to terrify this prisoner of conscience.
From March of this year Saeed Abedini has been the subject of harassment many times. He was also transferred to solitary confinement once during this period.
 (Human Rights Advocates in Iran – September 22, 2015)

Young Iranians in Holland say No to Rouhani

NCRI - Young Iranians in Holland have added their voices to the campaign to "Stop Executions in Iran."
Iranians the world over have embarked on a global campaign to expose the mullahs' president Hassan Rouhani who has drastically stepped up human rights abuse in Iran since he took office two years ago.
Iranians have been rallying outside government ministries and United Nations offices in various European and North American countries in recent weeks urging the international community to focus on Iran’s appalling human rights record.

The campaign has gained new momentum on the eve of Rouhani's trip to the United Nations in New York.
Iranians in New York are gearing up for a major rally next Monday, September 28, to denounce Rouhani’s presence at the U.N. General Assembly.

The rally, which is being organized by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities (OIAC), will press the international community to hold the regime in Iran accountable for its abhorrent human rights record.
The mullahs' regime in Iran continues to execute more of its citizens per capita than any other U.N. member state. Some 2000 people have been executed under Rouhani’s watch in the past two years.
Victims of the execution spree during Rouhani's tenure include dissidents such as supporters of the main Iranian opposition group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, or MEK), as well as ethnic and religious minorities.

Perviz Khazai: Iran regime major cause of regional instability

NCRI – The mullahs’ regime in Iran is not a reliable partner for peace in the Middle East; rather it is a major part of the problem, Mr. Perviz Khazai, a former Iranian ambassador and the representative in Scandinavia of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has said.
Mr. Perviz Khazai addressed a Geneva conference on September 18 on the sidelines of the 30th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Iranians plan to rally outside the United Nations in New York on September 28 to denounce the visit by the mullahs' President Hassan Rouhani to the UN General Assembly.
The rally, which is being organized by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities (OIAC), will press the international community to hold the regime in Iran accountable for its abhorrent human rights record.
The mullahs' regime in Iran continues to execute more of its citizens per capita than any other U.N. member state. Some 2000 people have been executed under Rouhani in the past two years.

Text of remarks by Mr. Perviz Khazai, former Ambassador, member of the International Association of Lawyers (Norwegian branch), the NCRI's representative in Scandinavian countries:
Human Rights Situation in the Middle East
Friday 18 September 2015 (15h30 – 17h00)
Palais des Nations - Room XXI
I would like to be very short and elaborate on 3 points which are actually the core of the problem in the Middle East.
The first point is: Daesh (ISIL). Has it started now? Has it developed recently? Does it have a root in the history of Islam? And also in the history of the modern Islam? And also particularly after the establishment of the so-called Islamic Republic of Iran. The answer is NO. This is not the first time the world is facing Daesh or something like the Islamic State. In the modern history, in contemporary history, that started in 1979, when the Iranian revolution was hijacked by Khomeini. And if you look at the constitution of the Iranian regime, you can see very clearly that from article 4 to the end, the leader is the representative of God on the earth, and the Messiah. And he has to establish Islamic State not only in the Islamic countries but article 19 says that it has to expand. The whole world should be one day Islamic. Is it not a caliphate? The western countries are blinded. I am also a western man. I am a member of the Norwegian Labour Party. I am ashamed that they have woken up today, whereas the Iranian resistance - Mrs. Rajavi - said many, many years ago that Islamic fundamentalism is a global threat to the world. So we must not go in the same play that we went before the Second World War with appeasement policies.
The second thing is: Is this regime a reliable partner in order to contain fundamentalism? Contain the troubles in the Middle East? The answer is NO. Because this regime is the stone layer of all the political and security upheavals and problems in the Middle East. And the strategy of this regime is based on two things. One: Suppression at home. Two: Exporting the so called revolution. So this regime is not going to be a partner. It is a part of the problem of the Middle East and the world at large.
And the third thing is that: Should we think that the atomic deal with the regime will be conducive to the betterment of the situation inside Iran? And also to the betterment of the situation in the Middle East? The answer is a big NO. Ladies and gentlemen, this regime has a strategy to bring the Islamic Republic Union as a Soviet Union to the world. It did not succeed in Iraq thanks to the Resistance’s army, which broke the bone of Khomeini in 1988. So this regime is not going to be a partner. This regime is not going to be lenient inside Iran. If Qaddafi who made an atomic deal with the West was more democratic after this deal, one could really draw an example. What about the leader of North Korea after the atomic deal with Mr. Clinton in 1991. Is he a lenient man? Is he a democratic man? Or is he going to contribute to peace and security in the world? Then you can think that this regime is going to be a partner in the world. So let’s wake up. Let’s face the reality that this regime is the core of all problems in Yemen, in Syria, in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Bahrain, they are trying their best to destabilize that wonderful country. This is after the atomic deal. The Kuwait government have arrested many terrorists who were going to import to Kuwait tens of kilos of explosives to destabilize this little country.
Thank you very much.

Iran – Exécution d’un prisonnier à Sanandaj

Iran – Exécution d’un prisonnier à Sanandaj
CNRI – Le régime iranien a exécuté un prisonnier à Sanandaj (ville située dans la province de Kurdistan, à l’ouest de l’Iran). Ce prisonnier, identifié seulement par son prénom (Abbas), a été pendu le lundi 21 septembre, dans la prison centrale de Sanandaj.
Le bureau du Haut-commissaire de l’ONU pour les droits de l’Homme, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, a publié le 5 août un communiqué dans lequel il a déclaré : « Cette année, plus de 600 personnes ont été exécutées en Iran. L’année dernière, au moins 753 personnes ont été exécutées dans ce pays. »
Amnesty International a déclaré le 7 septembre : « Les autorités iraniennes doivent mettre fin à cette série sans précédent d’exécutions. Depuis le début de cette année, plus de 700 personnes ont été exécutées en Iran. »
Les Iraniens résidant aux Etats-Unis prévoient de participer à un rassemblement qui aura lieu le lundi 28 septembre devant le siège de l’ONU à New York pour protester contre la participation d’Hassan Rohani, le président du régime des mollahs, à l’Assemblée Générale de l’ONU.
Les participants à ce rassemblement, organisé par l’Organisation des Communautés irano-américains (OIAC), exigent que la communauté internationale demande des comptes au régime iranien pour ses graves violations des droits de l’Homme.
Le régime des mollahs a le record mondial du taux le plus élevé d’exécutions par habitant. Environ 2000 personnes ont été exécutées en Iran au cours des 24 derniers mois sous la présidence de Rohani.

Iran – Deux jeunes Kurdes sont dans le couloir de la mort depuis 7 ans

Un rapport sur Zaniar et Loqman Moradi
CNRI – Deux jeunes Kurdes iraniens qui ont été condamnés à mort sont emprisonnés depuis sept ans. Zaniar et Loqman Moradi sont accusés d’avoir tué le fils d’un mollah de haut rang dans la province du Kurdistan (située à l’ouest de l’Iran), une accusation qu’ils nient.
Ils passent leur septième année de détention à Gowhardacht (Radjaï-Chahr) et selon leurs familles, ils sont dans de mauvaises conditions physiques.
Au cours des sept dernières années, Zaniar n’a jamais été autorisé à rencontrer sa famille et Loqman n’a vu sa famille que deux ou trois fois.
Selon leurs familles, le ministère des Renseignements a bloqué leur dossier judiciaire, en empêchant tous les recours et toutes les demandes de révision de leur procès.
« Zaniar a subi cinq interventions chirurgicales en raison des tortures qu’il a subies lors des interrogatoires menés par des agents du ministère des Renseignements. Il a été opéré de la colonne vertébrale, du dos, des testicules et du genou », a précisé son père.
Tous les membres de la famille de Zaniar ont quitté l’Iran et donc il n’a plus la possibilité de les voir. Par ailleurs, le régime a interdit les visites de ses grands-parents.
« Récemment, Loqman a refusé de mettre l’uniforme de la prison. Il a été violemment battu et deux de ses vertèbres ont été cassées par des coups de matraques et de bottes », a ajouté son père. 

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Iran: around 1,000 girls married in Ghazvin under the age of 14!

Iranian girls wedded off at early age
Ghazvin census director said 920 girls under the age 14, and one girl under the age of 10 were married off last year.
“Of course, during this period the marriage of a girl under the age of 10 has also been registered,” Mohammad Sadra said.
“Currently the highest number of marriages amongst girls in Ghazvin is between the age group of 15 to 19, and last year 3,487 girls in this age group were married,” he added.
Sara Behrouzi, a family advisor, expressed her discontent of these shocking numbers amongst girls under the age of 15 in Ghazvin.
“Considering the changes that have been seen in today’s lifestyle seen across the country, girls under the age of 15 are still considered children and not able to manage their lives in the best possible way,” she said.

(State-run Tabnak website – September 19, 2015)

IRAN: Seven years on death row

A report on Zaniar and Loqman Moradi
NCRI – Two young Iranian Kurds that have been condemned to death are lingering in prison after seven years.
Zaniar and Loqman Moradi are charged with killing the son of a senior mullah in Kurdistan Province, western Iran, a charge they deny.
They are spending their seventh year in Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran, and their families say that they are in poor physical condition. 
During these seven years, Zaniar has never been able to meet his family and Loqman has just seen his family two or three times from behind a window.
“Their file has turned complicated by the Ministry of Intelligence. It does not allow criminal courts to try them, nor does it allow clarification of their condition,” says Zaniar’s father who is Loqman’s uncle.
“Zaniar has undergone surgery five times because of the tortures he has suffered by his interrogators and Ministry of Intelligence agents. He has been operated on the spine, back, testis and knee,” he added.
Zaniar’s father said that his family has moved out of Iran and thus Zaniar has not been able to have visits from them, but the regime has also barred any visits by his grandparents. “Recently, when Loqman was sent to court, he refused to put on a prisoner’s outfit. He was beaten with batons, boots and other things for that, resulting in injury to two of his vertebras,” he added.