
vendredi 15 février 2013

19 political prisoners' letter to condemn the death verdict of 8 political prisoners


HRANA News Agency– 19 political prisoners in Zahedan prison whom some of them sentenced to death too, released a letter and condemned Imminent execution of Zanyar Moradi, Loqman Moradi, Youns Aghayan and 5 political activists from Ahwaz.

"Whispers about execution of three Kurdish political activists called Zanyar Moradi, Loqman Moradi, Younes Aghayan and 5 political activists from Ahwaz called Mohammad Ali Amoori, Hashem Sha'bani, Hadi Rashedi, Seyyed Jaber Alboshokeh and Seyyed Mokhtar Alboshokeh reminding us all sadness moments of the past years when they took our brothers away in front of us", They declared in the letter.
"We are the political prisoners of Zahedan prison who have suffered of injustice and some sentenced to death. There are three Kurdish activists among us who were sentenced to death and now are here in exile. All of us demanding international community and human rights organizations to prevent the execution verdicts of our brothers to not see the tulips of this land sinking in blood.", The 19 political prisoners added.

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