
mercredi 10 septembre 2014

Iran: Two young men hanged in public Hamadan

Two young Iranian men in their 20s were hanged in public on Wednesday in city of Hamadan allegedly for being 'evil', the regime's judiciary declared in a statement.
The victims, identified as Vahid Q., 24 and Bahman Moussavi, 22, were hanged in Resalat district of Hamadan.
The city's commander of the State Security Forces (police) told state-run IRNA news agency that he hopes "the public executions would be a lesson for other offenders."
Meanwhile, according to reports received the authorities in Bandar Abbas prison transferred two inmates to isolation to await their execution.
Violations of human rights in Iran has taken new dimensions since Hassan Rouhani has taken office as the president of the Iranian regime.
Under so-called 'moderate' Hassan Rouhani the country has faced highest number of executions in a year compared to any Iranian president for the past 25 years.

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