
mercredi 8 octobre 2014

Iran: A prisoner hanged in Zahedan prison

NCRI- Authorities in the main prison in south-eastern Iranian city of Zahedan hanged a 30-year-old man early morning on Tuesday.
The victim identified as Alireza Morad Gholi already had spent five years in prison. His execution, like many others, has not been announced by the authorities.
The head of policy and government affairs at Amnesty International told The Telegraph on October 1 that Iran under Hassan Rouhani is “a serial human rights offender.”
Allan Hogarth said: ”Rouhani has attempted to cast himself as a mild-mannered reformist figure, but the brutal reality is that Iran is hanging an average of two prisoners a day, the vast majority after unfair trials.”
”The grotesque spectacle of bound, blindfold figures being hauled into the air by cranes in public hangings is a common sight in Rouhani’s Iran.”
Many of these executions were carried out after trials lasting “only minutes,” added Mr Hogarth.
“Iran is a serial human rights offender and Britain needs to confront this fact in any dealings with the country,” he said.
Since Hassan Rouhani has become president over 1000 prisoners have been executed including women and juvenile offenders.

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