
jeudi 9 octobre 2014

Iran: a university professor had to leave the country for not submitting to the regime

                   Dr. Mansour Sobhani
                                                  Dr. Mansour Sobhani

A Kurdish university professor from Mahabad, western Iran was forced to leave the country for not abiding by the Iranian regime’s intelligence ministry guidelines. Dr. Sohrabi, a scientist and a researcher speaking to the Kord-Pa Kurdish news agency said his visions about the politics and his secular beliefs were the basis for his prohibition from teaching at university. He added that he would never go back on his beliefs, something that was not digestible to the Iranian regime’s authorities. 
Sohrabi said that he was accused of being a spy for Israel just because he wanted to go and teach at a university in Kurdish region. He said in a letter given to him to repent, he was asked to cooperate with the authorities by informing them of any student of faculty decent at the school where he would teach, something he refused to accept. Therefore his refusal led to him being beaten and abused by the ministry of intelligence personnel and finally being barred from teaching at the school.   

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