
lundi 13 octobre 2014

Susan Rice: US is not coordinating with Iranian regime

“We're not in coordination or direct consultation with the Iranians about any aspects of the fight against ISIL [ISIS],” says Susan Rice, National Security Advisor to President Obama.
She said in NBC’s ‘Meet The Press’ on Sunday that In Iraq “We're doing this very differently and independently. Our coalition is comprised of some 60 countries.”
Rice said ground troops will be a part of the campaign to combat ISIS - but she repeated the Obama administration's position that these must be Iraqi forces, and not U.S. troops.
Rice said the Iraqi military “atrophied” under the sectarian rule of former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and said the administration hopes the new government is able to rebuild that country’s armed forces so it can battle ISIS on its own.
“It's not going to be quick. It's not going to be easy. But this is the only way to accomplish taking back territory, preventing a safe haven in Iraq in a sustainable way," she stated.
"This is very early days of the strategy. Strategy's very clear. We'll do what we can from the air. We will support the Iraqi security forces, the Kurds, and ultimately over time, the moderate opposition in Syria to be able to control territory and take the fight to ISIL," Rice said.

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