
vendredi 14 novembre 2014

Iran: 380 acid attacks since the beginning of the year; Police chief

       380 cases of Acid Attack in less than one year in Iran

Increasing public protests and pressures on the suppressive state security forces in Iran for not arresting anybody regarding the vicious acid attacks in recent months in country force the police chief to react. In a hideous statement, Ahmadi-Moghaddam, the head of the Suppressive State Security forces said 'there have been 380 cases of acid attacks reported since March of this year. The motives in most cases have been ’revenge’ or ’psychological problems’. But in Isfahan due to propaganda and media coverage, this case received lots of attention.'
He admitted that the force under his command has not been able to find even one suspect. This is at a time where the public in many cases have recognized the culprits and have reported them to the authorities, something which has raised many eyebrows!! 

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