
dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Iran: Assailant in stabbing women identified

          Assailant in women stabbing arrested

During past week 11 cases of stabbing women and girls in the city of Jahrom, southern Iran, has been reported. This heinous crime has created an atmosphere of horror and fear amongst young women and girls in this city. The victims included a number of university students as well as working women and house wives. In one case the windows of the girls’ dormitory of Jahrom University was smashed and the assailants fled on bikes. 
The students refrained to go to the classes out of fear of being attacked and also to protest the government authorities’ inaction to bring the perpetrators to the justice. But in all these cases the assailants were members of the local Basij militants. One young woman was attacked and injured in her stomach while she was walking with her mother. Fortunately the closed TV circuit camera belonging to a nearby store caught the attack on tape and the assailant was identified and later arrested. 
The aggressor was none other than a member of the local Basij militias as everybody had anticipated. He has been identified as Mohammad Beheshti-Far, 22, member of Qotb-Abad Basij militia of Jahrom. His father is a colonel and the commander of the same Basij base.
His father’s associates are right now trying to downplay his involvement in this crime by first, denying that he is a member of the Basij and second, to pretend that he is suffering from some kind of psychological disorder in order to let him go with a minor punishment. 
In the preliminary investigation he has confessed that he was encouraged by clerics’ speech during the Friday prayer saying shedding the blood of 'bad-veiled' woman is advised and that Basij should tackle the phenomenon of the mullahs’ self-made 'bad veiling' which targets women and girls who don’t wear the head to toe ’Chador’ or the black cloth that covers the entire body. He has also confessed that his goal was to punish women who in his view do not observe the misogynist law of 'Promotion of virtue and prevention of vice'.

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