
mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Iran: solidarity with women, victims of violence

          NO to violence against women

Sattar Beheshti’s mother, Ms. Gohar Eshqi expresses solidarity with women to mark the 'Global day of NO to violence against women.' Gohar’s son, Sattar, an internet activist and blogger was killed under torture last year, according to public admission by his torturer and executioner. He was arrested for online activism and was charged with 'Moharebeh' (enmity with God). 
Ms. Gohar is holding her son’s photo in one hand and on the palm of the other hand says NO TO VIOLENCE against women. 
November 25th is the day that all women throughout the world express their opposition to violence in different forms. The mullahs’ regime ruling Iran has gained the reputation of the 'chief violator of women’s rights' and is the number one Misogynist regime in the whole world after hundreds of executions and state backed acid attacks against innocent young women.   

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