
vendredi 2 janvier 2015

Iran: prison riot in Zahedan

                       Riot in the Central prison in Zahedan
Common and political prisoners in Ward 2 known as the ’young prisoners’ ward’ and Ward 6 of the Central prison in Zahedan, southeastern Iran, rioted to protest the inhumane and brutal actions by the mullahs’ prison keepers and actually took over the control of the wards. The riot started at about 4 o’clock Friday afternoon local time and the prisoners chanted slogans against the prison warden and other torturers and interrogators of the infamous intelligence ministry and judiciary. 
As the riot got bigger and more prisoners joined the protest, prison keepers and agents of the intelligence ministry left the ward and practically left the whole ward to the prisoners. The protest quickly expanded to Ward 6 and forced the head warden and other guards to flee too and the entire section of the prison came under the control of the prisoners. 
The local governor dispatched riot police and extra guards to the prison to quell the riot and bring the section back to the control of the authorities. 
15 prisoners from Ward 2, the young prisoners’ ward were move to the solitary and the quarantine ward in Zahedan Central Prison.

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