
jeudi 5 février 2015

Arrests of youths at parties in Iran now ‘into hundreds’ in January

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Iranian Revolutionary Guards have arrested 46 people in a raid on a party in the city of Nazarbad claiming that it was disturbing public order.
Security forces arrested 22 women and 24 men at the mixed party on January 31, in Karaj local officials told a news website.
The clerical regime has increased its clampdown on parties in recent months, accusing revellers of public order offences.
Another 84 young men and women were arrested for participating in a celebration party on January 19, bringing the total arrests in January into the hundreds.
Security forces have also begun removing shop mannequins from clothes store windows because they promote 'improper veiling. manikins from behind the shop windows.
A police commander in the city of Behbahan told the Fars news agency, controlled by the Revolutionary Guards, on February 3: "These mannequins promote mal-veiling and therefore it was ordered that they be removed from shops windows."

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