
mercredi 11 novembre 2015

Antihuman restrictions by Iraqi forces continue 2 weeks into the deadly missile attack

Camp Liberty under heavy attack – No. 19
Preventing entry of fuel, material to repair trailers, and construction machinery to collect the debris
The Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Camp Liberty residents prevented entry of fuel, generator engine oil, and material needed to waterproof damaged trailers’ roofs on Tuesday, November 10. Similarly, yesterday, vehicles rented by residents to discharge black water tanks were not allowed into the camp. These antihuman measures are being implemented by the suppression committee under Faleh Fayyad, Iraq's national security advisor, to intensify Camp Liberty’s blockade that initiated on October 29 in tandem with the missile attack.
Now, two weeks after the missile attack, the governmental suppression committee continues to obstruct the entry of residents’ basic needs and the minimum requirements to repair and rebuild the camp, including the construction machinery necessary to collect and clean the debris, to transfer demolished trailers and voluminous wreckages, and to relocate bunkers and fallen T-walls.
Camp Liberty’s antihuman blockade and barring entry of basic humanitarian necessities is an egregious violation of human rights and blatant violation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between UNAMI and the government of Iraq on December 25, 2011, as well as many international covenants, and a criminal act that warrants legal prosecution.
Concurrent with the UN Security Council session on Iraq, the Iranian Resistance reminds the international community of its commitments to the security and wellbeing of Camp Liberty residents and calls on the U.S. government, the European Union, and the United Nations to take immediate action to obligate Iraq to honor its international commitments and ensure the security of Camp Liberty residents and to promptly revoke its criminal siege.

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