
samedi 13 février 2016

Iran: ’we are innocent, we have been stigmatized’ say exiled workers

Workers of Khatam Hospital  were exiled to the town of Nik-shahr protested the decision

Three hospital workers from Khatam Hospital in the southern Iranian city of Iranshahr were exiled to the town of Nik-shahr, a long distance away from their home and family. These 3 workers protested the decision through an open letter to the authorities demanding the reversals of this decision. 
Bijar Zehi, one of the exiled workers said in his letter 'we are innocent. Our crime was to say don’t feed the patients in dirty and unsanitary dishes. Our crime was to say would a patient’s wound must get infected and filled with worms. Why would a patient has to stay weeks in hospital, because his family is unable to come up with the money? And why would a student has to miss his school and classes for more than a week, just because his parents are unable to produce the discharging fees? These have been our crimes for which we have been exiled to a town far away from our family and home. 

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