
mardi 23 février 2016

Iran: A woman protests harsh treatment of his imprisoned son

Protest in Iran

The mother of a jailed activist protested her son’s conditions and demanded his court case be clarified immediately. Shayeste al-Sadat Shahidi is the mother of Ali Shariati who is currently detained in ward 8 of Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison . One year after his apprehension he remains in limbo and under so-called temporary detention, whereas he has never been informed of his temporary detention being extended.
“It has been a year since they raided our house and arrested him. However, he remains in temporary detention while not temporary detention takes 1 year!” said the mother of this prisoner in her protests.
“In court they raised the charges of ‘assembly and collusion’ against Ali, along with ‘propaganda against the state’, ‘insulting the leader’, ‘insulting the president’ and ‘having satellite TV equipment’,” she added.
“I also followed up on other matters. However, the judge has to deliver his ruling and the ministry has yet to report on this case,” Mrs. Shahidi continued.
“When I go to follow up on his case the office manager the ruling is being typed. Then when I call they say it is not being typed, but they are waiting for the judge to answer!” she added.

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