
mardi 12 avril 2016

8 prisoners at imminent risk of execution in Iran

NCRI - Iran's fundamentalist regime on Monday transferred eight death-row prisoners to solitary confinement in the notorious Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran, in preparation for their imminent execution, reports say.
The names of the prisoners are: Ebad Mohammadi, Javad Sadeqi, Mehdi Kaheh, Mostafa Ejlali, Mohammad-Javad Mozzafari, Hossein Moin-far, Mohammad Zarei, and Hamzeh Dowlatabadi.
Their sentence is expected to be carried out imminently.
The European Union on Monday extended sanctions against 82 officials of the Iranian regime until 2017 over "serious human rights violations" in the country.
The 28-nation bloc has frozen assets and placed travel bans against the Iranian officials since 2011 because of the human rights violations in Iran. It has renewed the sanctions every year since.
Amnesty International in its April 6 annual Death Penalty report covering the 2015 period wrote: "Iran put at least 977 people to death in 2015, compared to at least 743 the year before."
"Iran alone accounted for 82% of all executions recorded" in the Middle East and North Africa, the human rights group said.
There have been more than 2,300 executions during Hassan Rouhani’s tenure as President. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran in March announced that the number of executions in Iran in 2015 was greater than any year in the last 25 years. Rouhani has explicitly endorsed the executions as examples of “God’s commandments” and “laws of the parliament that belong to the people.”

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