
mercredi 6 avril 2016

Mullahs take advantage of Italian PM’s visit to Iran; Iranian Resistance calls for cancellation of the visit

The Iranian Resistance calls for cancellation of the Italian Prime Minister's visit next week to Iran. The Iranian Resistance is worried that the terrorist, religious dictatorship ruling Iran would take advantage of the visit to step up human rights violations and export of terrorism and fundamentalism. The clerical regime manipulates such visits against the highest interests of the people of Iran and against peace and tranquility in the region.
More than 2300 people have been executed in Iran during Rouhani's tenure as president of the mullahs' regime. He said executions are "divine decrees or legislations passed by the parliament" that need to be carried out. According to the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, the number of executions in 2015 was the highest over the past 25 years.
The Iranian regime has test-fired ballistic missiles in recent months in flagrant violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231. These missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
Also in the past weeks, three Iranian vessels were seized in international waters while attempting to transfer arms to the Houthis in Yemen in breach of UN Security Council Resolution 2216.
Meanwhile, Tehran has consistently increased the number of troops dispatched for the massacre of the people of Syria. In recent weeks, the Iranian Army has dispatched its commando division to Syria, besides the IRGC forces that have been deployed there. In a letter on December 31, 2015, to the Minister of Defense, Rouhani asked for acceleration of the missile program. On February 8, 2016, he declared, “If our armed forces and our commanders had not stood up in Baghdad, Fallujah and Ramadi; had they not supported the Syrian government in Damascus and Aleppo; and had it not been for the courage of our military, Revolutionary Guards, Bassij and the State Security Forces, we would not have had the necessary security to be able to conduct such a good [nuclear] negotiation.”
Visiting Tehran to shake hands with leaders of the Iranian regime without denouncing their crimes, while turning a blind eye to these undeniable facts, will certainly assist the detested theocratic regime ruling Iran and prolong the agony and suffering of the people of Iran and the region.
The Iranian Resistance calls on Italian political parties, the Parliament, and human rights advocates to undertake urgent measures to encourage Prime Minister Renzi to condemn violations of human rights and export of terrorism by the Iranian regime and cancel his visit to Iran.

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