
dimanche 27 juillet 2014

Over 13,000 Arab jurists demand minimum protection for Camp Liberty residents

         Camp Liberty residents

Independent Jurists Association in Defense of Human Rights in Iraq Press Release: Over 13000 Arab lawyers and jurists (including 959 judges) recognized the prevention of minimum protective measures at Camp Liberty and the inhumane siege on Camp Liberty as collective punishment and tantamount to crime against humanity
Voice of Iraq Website, 21 July 2014
Over 13000 Arab lawyers and jurists (including 959 judges) recognized the prevention of minimum protective measures at Camp Liberty and the inhumane siege on Camp Liberty as collective punishment and tantamount to crime against humanity

13083 Arab lawyers and jurists (including 959 judges) from Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Morocco and Libya, by signing a joint statement expressed their grave concern over the probability of another humanitarian catastrophe unfolding due to the Iraqi Government’s obstructions in providing the minimum protective measures for Camp Liberty.
The Arab lawyers, jurists and judges who signed this statement, while explaining the suppressive policies of the Iraqi Government and its numerous and repulsive obstructions regarding the installation of 17500 T-walls, which it had removed from Camp Liberty to leave its residents without security, reminded: “In 2013, Camp Liberty was the target of 4 missile attacks by elements of the Iranian regime and as a result 14 residents were martyred and dozens of others suffered severe injuries and were maimed. Therefore, the minimum protective measures for the residents of this camp are a legal and humanitarian necessity”.
The signatories of this statement, while noting that “the residents of this camp, based on documents and papers, are protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention and refugees entitled to international protection”, stressed: “Any kind of siege against them, especially a medical siege and collective harassment, is tantamount to crime against humanity. As a result of this medical siege and prevention from access to medical and treatment centers 20 residents have died in the past 5 years. The continuation of such suppressive and humiliating treatment of these refugees is a violation of international conventions and refugee laws and they must immediately be stopped.”
13,083 Arab judges, lawyers and jurists remind the legal and moral commitments of the UN and US regarding their security and guaranteeing their rights, reiterating that the “humanitarian society and humane conscience is very disturbed due to the mass execution carried out by Iraqi forces in Ashraf, murdering 52 individuals with their hands tied behinds their backs and on clinic beds on 1 September 2013”, and emphasize:
In voice with thousands of MPs across the globe and hundreds of thousands of freedom-lovers in various countries, we call for the following measures:
1- Returning and installing T-walls and providing other necessary protective supplies in Camp Liberty
2. Lifting the siege and allowing access to residents’ lawyers as announced time and again by the UNHCR that “freedom of movement is the most desired status”.
3. A full transparent and independent investigation into the massacre of Ashraf residents on 1 September 2013 and publishing its results.
4. Stationing at least one UN blue helmet unit in Camp Liberty on a 24/7 basis.
Association of Independent Jurists in Defense of Human Rights in Iraq
21 July 2014

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