
dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Iran: Kurdish political prisoners stage hunger strike in Urumia Prison

                    Kurdish political prisoners on hunger strike

Hunger strike by 30 Kurdish political prisoners in Urumia Prison entered its third day on Nov. 22nd. They began their hunger strike in ward 12 of Urumia Prison on Thursday to protest the transfer of ordinary prisoners to the political prisoners’ ward. The objective of transferring ordinary prisoners to the political prisoners’ ward is to intensify the pressure and suppression of the political prisoners, especially that the regime brings elements of its Mafia gangs under the cover of ordinary criminals to the political prisoners’ ward to intensify the torture of political prisoners. 
The protesting prisoners are also demanding the return of 27 political prisoners that have been transferred to other wards in Urumia Prison.
At the same time, regime’s court in Karaj City is planning to bring up fresh fabricated allegations against two Kurdish political prisoners by the names of Zaniar and Loghman Moradi as their current file is empty. To this end, mullahs’ regime’s intelligence elements have started to produce bogus documents in the city of Marivan (in Kurdistan Province).
In another development, 19 Baluchi political prisoners in the central prison of Zahedan have sent a letter to the international authorities and human rights organs to request dispatch of an international delegation to this prison to look into the abhorring prison conditions there.
The Iranian Resistance calls on all human rights bodies and organs to adopt effective measures to save the lives of political prisoners in Iran and to look into the demands of the striking prisoners and other political prisoners in Iranian regime’s dungeons.

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