
lundi 17 août 2015

Iran: female prisoner on verge of going blind

Political prisoner Zeinab Jalalian
Political prisoner Zeinab Jalalian has lost eyesight in one eye due to torture in prison by Khamenei’s authorities, and vision in her second is deteriorating every day.
“She is in prison in Kermanshah,” her sister Deniz Jalalian says. “She has been in need of seeing a doctor for a very long, but authorities are not providing any such permission. She has already lost one eye, and both her eyes rely on each other and if she doesn’t undergo surgery she will go completely blind. It has been a year and a few months now that her family cannot go and see her, and again the authorities are not providing such permission. Her family asked to have the doctor go to see her in prison, but the authorities again did not allow it.”
“When they arrested her they literally banged her head to the wall. That’s where her eye suffered a blow,” she added.
Zeinab Jalalian, born in 1982, has been in prison in Kermanshah for 7 years and has not received any visits for the past year.
 ( NCRI Women’s Committee – August 15, 2015)

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