
samedi 30 avril 2016

Merchants are denied entry to Camp Liberty by Iraqi forces

National Council of Resistance of Iran
In violation of agreements, Iraqi forces prevent merchants from coming to Camp Liberty to buy residents’ property
On Thursday, April 28, 2016, agents of the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Camp Liberty residents headed by Iraqi National Security Advisor Faleh Fayyad prevented two groups of Iraqi merchants from coming to Camp Liberty to buy residents’ property and returned them after hours of stalling. Similarly, on April 24, two other groups of merchants were barred from entering Camp Liberty. Thus, in a span of six months, six groups of Iraqi merchants who had referred to purchase residents’ property have been turned back.

Iran regime under scrutiny for denying political prisoners health care

Political prisoners in Iran are denied health care
The health condition in many prisons where political prisoners are being kept is horrible, according to reports from inside Iran.
The health of several Iranian political prisoners who have been denied medical treatment despite suffering from various illnesses are deplorable, according to the report.
Political prisoner Hadi Qaemi, who is a relative of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) is suffering from various ailments including high blood pressure and prostate cancer in Ward 7 of Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison . Mr. Qaemi was arrested at his home by intelligence ministry agents and taken to solitary confinement in Ward 209 of Evin Prison in late 2009 following major anti-regime protests. He is currently serving a 15-year sentence.

Iranian workers protest for their rights in Tehran

 Iranian workers protested on Saturday in central Tehran denouncing the detention of banned union activists and demanding labor rights currently denied to them by the mullahs’ regime.
The rally had been organized by the state-affiliated Worker’s House, and there was a heavy police presence to ensure that the rally did not get out of hand. In the middle of the procession, however, large numbers of workers began to chant slogans against the regime and demanded freedom for political prisoners.
“Arrested workers must be freed,” they chanted.

Rouhani’s record on workers’ rights in Iran

Millions of Iranian workers are continuing to suffer from poverty out of unemployment, inadequate pay or non-receipt of their wages. Their situation has worsened since Hassan Rouhani took office as the regime’s President in 2013.
The following is a breakdown of just some of the problems faced by Iranian workers:
1. The Global Wage Report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) indicates that Iranian workers’ wage ranks 138 out of 148 countries. Some 65 percent of Iranian workers cannot afford to buy food for their families on a daily basis with their current wages.

Iran ranks 190 out of 199 for press freedoms - watchdog

The mullahs' regime in Iran ranks among the world's top ten state violators of press freedoms, the U.S.-based watchdog Freedom House has said in its latest annual report.
The situation for journalists in Iran remains uncertain in the face of "harsh censorship" and "increased arrests by security services," Freedom House said in its report FREEDOM OF THE PRESS 2016 published on Tuesday.
"The Iranian government attempted to shape domestic media coverage of the international agreement on its nuclear program. The Supreme National Security Council instructed media outlets to praise Iran’s team of negotiators and to avoid any talk of 'a rift' between top officials," the report said.
"The intelligence division of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps arrested several journalists late in the year for alleged involvement in an 'infiltration network' serving hostile foreign countries," it added.
Iran and Syria jointly ranked 190th out of 199 countries in the global rank for freedom of the press. They jointly ranked as the Middle East's top press freedom violator.

Un prisonnier politique d’Iran écrit à un rapporteur des Nations Unies sur les violations des droits de l’Homme

Un prisonnier politique d’Iran écrit à un rapporteur des Nations Unies sur les violations des droits
Le prisonnier politique Masoud Arab Choobdar a écrit depuis sa prison au rapporteur des Nations Unies sur la situation des droits de l’Homme en Iran donnant une description des épouvantables violations auxquelles font face les dissidents dans les prisons Iraniennes.
Dans sa lettre au rapporteur spécial Ahmed Shaheed, Monsieur Arab Choobdar met particulièrement en relief la maltraitance des prisonniers politiques dans la célèbre prison de Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) à Karaj, au nord-ouest de Téhéran.
Ce qui suit est le contenu de sa lettre, qui a été clandestinement sorti de la prison de Gohardasht :
Mon nom est Masoud Arab Choobdar. Vous vous souvenez sans doute de qui je suis. Je suis le prisonnier qui purge sa peine dans ces prisons du gouvernement antihumain depuis 4 ans dans les pires conditions. Vous êtes sûrement au courant de mes problèmes et difficultés en prison puisque je vous l’ai expliqué dans mes précédentes lettres. Vous êtes pleinement informés de mes problèmes de santé, mon état de maladie et des traitements inhumains que je subis en prison.

vendredi 29 avril 2016

Iran: Educated women blamed for soaring divorce rates!

Divorce rate has significantly increased in Iran over the past several years. However, the Iranian regime's pundits suggest extremely absurd reasons for such development blaming
it on more awareness and freedom of action on the part of women.
The state-run Rouz Online website cited one such expert on April 28, 2016, as saying, "Increased level of women's education, increased social awareness among women and their individual growth, women's demand for equal relations with men (which is impossible given the traditional infrastructure and the laws governing our society), the impact of media and the crumbling of traditional values which promotes more freedom of action for women especially recognizing them as individuals with independent choice, are among the reasons for soaring divorce rates."

Iran to recruit teenage boys to fight in Syria, NCRI released a translated video

A man carries a child after airstrikes hit Aleppo, Syria, on Thursday.
The Washington Times- Iran has begun to ask its teenage boys to volunteer to fight in Syria in a sign the hard-line Islamic regime’s military is suffering rising casualties in the five-year war and needs a morale boost, an opposition group says.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ) released a translated video it says was produced by the Tehran’s Bassij Music House and was shown over several days on state-run television this month.
The selling pitch to youngsters: You will be defending sacred Shiite shrines in Syria and will position yourselves to invade Israel, whose destruction is an Iranian regime priority.
The four-minute clip shows a group of boys in a courtyard, with three of them singing to another boy they are trying to recruit as he watches from a window. The singers are dressed in camouflage and combat boots. On camera, they tie on a cloth headband to complete the warrior look.

Iran: A woman publicly flogged

The misogynic Iranian regime publicly flogged a female prisoner on April 27 in Golpayegan County, Esfahan Province. The religious fascism ruling Iran has intensified repression in recent weeks to control the society and as usual women are bearing the brunt of this pressure and repression.
Accordingly, Tehran’s suppressive security forces announced on April 16 a new round of repression upon the pretext of battling mal-veiling: “Since this morning, police officers in the form of various patrols have been deployed in various sections of the capital and will confront mal-veiling and lack of hijab inside vehicles…” (ISNA state news agency – April 16).

Iraqi forces prevent merchants from coming to Camp Liberty

In violation of agreements, Iraqi forces prevent merchants from coming to Camp Liberty to buy residents’ property
On Thursday, April 28, 2016, agents of the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Camp Liberty residents headed by Iraqi National Security Advisor Faleh Fayyad prevented two groups of Iraqi merchants from coming to Camp Liberty to buy residents’ property and returned them after hours of stalling. Similarly, on April 24, two other groups of merchants were barred from entering Camp Liberty. Thus, in a span of six months, six groups of Iraqi merchants who had referred to purchase residents’ property have been turned back.

European lawmakers condemn repression in Iran

Members of the European Parliament on Friday condemned the heightening level of repression in Iran.
A statement by the Friends of a Free Iran inter-group at the European Parliament urged European leaders to publicly condemn the human rights violations in Iran.
The following is the text of the statement: Press release- 29 April 2016
Friends of a Free Iran intergroup, which has enjoyed the support of over 200 members of the European Parliament from different political groups, strongly condemns the increasing trend of executions, inhuman treatment of political prisoners and jailing of journalists in Iran.
Iranian regime hanged at least 10 people in prisons since the weekend, in what has been described as a new wave of executions. Among the latest cases was the execution of eight Iranian Baluchis in Zahedan Prison on Saturday and Tuesday. According to reports, at least six other death-row prisoners in Ghezelhesar Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran, were transferred on Wednesday 27 April to solitary confinement for their imminent execution.

Iran Libération - No 452 - Engagement pour la parité Les femmes unies contre l’intégrisme islamiste

 Iran Libération - No 452 - Engagement pour la parité Les femmes unies contre l’intégrisme islamiste
A l’occasion de la Journée internationale des droits des Femmes, une grande conférence intitulée «Engagement pour la parité : les femmes unies contre l’intégrisme islamiste» s’est tenue près de Paris en présence de Maryam Radjavi, la Présidente-élue de la Résistance iranienne. De nombreuses personnalités politiques, des intellectuelles, des figures éminentes et des activistes du mouvement pour l’égalité sont venus de 26 pays de quatre continents à ce rassemblement qui s’est tenu le 27 février à La Défense.
Sur les causes profondes de la montée en puissance de l’intégrisme au Moyen-Orient, Mme Radjavi a affirmé que c’est le régime des mollahs qui le premier a créé le système du Guide suprême, autrement dit un califat tyrannique sous couvert de l’islam et du chiisme. Une dictature absolue et extrêmement brutale dont la misogynie constitue un des traits essentiels. Ce régime a emprisonné, torturé ou exécuté des dizaines de milliers de femmes militantes des Moudjahidine du peuple d’Iran et d’autres combattantes.
Le califat de Daech n’est qu’une réplique du califat des mollahs, dans sa version sunnite, trente ans plus tard. Il a profité d’un terrain fertile préparé par le régime de Téhéran et ses affidés en Syrie et en Irak pour émerger. La misogynie et les inégalités institutionnalisées dans les lois de la charia des mollahs servent de leviers pour réprimer non seulement les femmes, mais aussi toute la société. Le voile obligatoire est un levier essentiel pour une répression généralisée et permanente des femmes.

jeudi 28 avril 2016

Reporters without Borders denounced the Journalists’ Prison Sentences in Iran

Human Rights Groups Condemn Journalists Prison Sentences in Iran

CAIRO—U.S. human rights groups are condemning the sentences imposed by an Iranian court on four journalists who were arrested late last year. The four were accused of “paving the way for U.S. infiltration of the country.”
The Iranian judiciary has handed down sentences of five to 10 years in prison to the journalists who were arrested last November in the period leading up to parliamentary elections.
They were convicted Tuesday of harming national security and spreading propaganda against the Islamic Republic.
Paris-based  Reporters Without Borders (RSF) denounced the sentences, saying they were part of a “tale of repression [being carried out] in Iran since the first of January.” RSF indicated that a fifth journalist, was also sentenced, but the term was not revealed.
Judiciary spokesman Mehdi Mohseni told Iranian state TV that the judicial system was just doing its job, and that the sentences were “not final.”

Committee to Protect Journalists condemns jailing of journalists in Iran

Court sentenced the three to between five and 10 years in prison on charges of ;acting against national security

New York, April 26, 2016 - The Committee to Protect Journalists strongly condemns an Iranian court’s sentencing of three journalists. Tehran’s Revolutionary Court sentenced the three to between five and 10 years in prison on charges of 'acting against national security,' according to press reports.
'Convicting journalists for ’acting against national security’ underlines the need to change the overbroad laws that lead to the harassment and jailing of the media,' said Sherif Mansour, CPJ’s Middle East and North Africa program coordinator. 'Iranian authorities must cease imprisoning journalists'
Security officials arrested the journalists in November 2015.

 Source: The Committee to Protect Journalists, 26 APRIL 2016

Iranian refugee, 23, self-immolates; call for support for Iranian refugees in Australia

The Iranian Resistance declares its deep regret for the self-immolation of an Iranian refugee, 23, that occurred during a visit by a UNHCR delegation from a refugee camp in New Guinea.
This Iranian refugee, reported to be in dire condition, is among around 800 Iranian and Afghan refugees who had succeeded in reaching Australia but the Australian government, in breach of recognized refugee standards, has sent these refugees to Papua Islands in New Guinea.
The Supreme Court in Papua, New Guinea, issued a verdict on April 26 declaring Australian refugee camps on its soil in violation of New Guinea’s constitution and ordered the camps to be promptly closed. However, the Australian government announced that it shall not accept any of these refugees on its soil.
The Iranian Resistance calls on the international community, especially the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the European Union and its member states, to condemn Australia’s ill-treatment of Iranian refugees and their expulsion from its soil in flagrant violation of international conventions and covenants and it further urges political parties and organizations defending refugee rights and human rights in Australia to rush to the aid of these refugees and prevent pressures brought upon them and their refoulement to Iran.

Experts de l’ONU : le régime iranien empêche les prisonniers politiques d’accéder à des soins médicaux

Un groupe d’experts des Nations Unies a averti mercredi que plus d’une douzaine de prisonniers politiques en Iran, dont d’éminents défenseurs des droits de l’homme, avocats et activistes politiques, étaient en danger de mort en détention à cause de leur état de santé qui empire et du refus continu des autorités iraniennes de leur donner accès à un traitement médical.
 « La condition de plusieurs prisonniers de conscience souffrant de graves problèmes de santé s’est aggravée à cause de leur longue détention et du refus répété de les laisser accéder aux installations médicales et aux traitements dont ils ont besoin urgemment », ont affirmé les experts de l’ONU, selon une déclaration publiée sur le site internet du Bureau du Haut-Commissariat aux Droits de l’Homme (OHCHR).
« L’entrave aux soins médicaux, les violences physiques, qu’elles se déroulent dans les prisons surpeuplées ou à l’isolement, ainsi que d’autres formes de tortures et de mauvais traitements exposent les prisonniers aux risques de blessures graves et de mort », ont-ils affirmé, remarquant que « malheureusement, les prisons iraniennes ne sont pas étrangères à de telles tragédies, dont beaucoup auraient pu être évitées si les autorités avaient prodigué des soins corrects. »

Iran : 17 exécutions en quatre jour dont au moins 3 jeunes prisonniers

Le régime inhumain des mollahs a pendu 17 prisonniers entre le 23 et le 27 avril. Mercredi 27 avril, six prisonniers ont été pendus collectivement dans la prison Gohardasht. L’un des prisonniers, du nom de Milad Mostakhdem, était mené à la potence pour la septième fois, une méthode prisée par les sbires du régime pour torturer psychologiquement les prisonniers.
 Le 26 avril, trois jeunes homme de 22 à 30 ans ont été exécutés dans la prison centrale de Zahedan tandis qu’un autre prisonnier était exécuté dans la prison de Qazvin. Deux autres prisonniers ont été pendus dans une prison de la ville de Sari le 24 avril. Et cinq prisonniers ont été pendus collectivement le 23 avril dans la prison centrale de Zahedan.
Ainsi, le nombre d’exécutions en avril s’élève maintenant à 52. Le but de ces exécutions arbitraires et collectives est d’intensifier le climat de peur et d’horreur et d’empêcher l’explosion du mécontentement et de l’aversion populaire, en particulier de la jeunesse, contre le régime iranien.

Iran : une femme reçoit cent coups de fouet en public

Iran : une femme reçoit cent coups de fouet en public
 Mercredi, le régime intégriste iranien a fouetté une femme en public à Golpayegan, au centre de l'Iran. Les médias officiels ont rapporté que la femme, qui a été identifiée uniquement par ses initiales S.T., a reçu cent coups de fouet.
Elle a été flagellée, car elle était soupçonnée d'avoir eu une aventure avec un homme, selon Najafali Alyan, le procureur du régime à Golpayegan. Ses remarques ont été rapportées par l'agence de presse affiliée à l'État, Serat, le 27 avril.
Il n'y a pas eu de rapports dans les médias de l'État de femmes étant fouettés en public en Iran au cours de ces dernières années.
La femme purge actuellement une peine de prison de 15 ans pour son rôle présumé dans l'assassinat de son mari en juillet 2012. Le pouvoir judiciaire du régime iranien est tristement célèbre pour ses verdicts draconiens sans procédure conforme, et il a été condamné à plusieurs reprises par des organisations internationales des droits de l'homme.
Farideh Karimi, une militante des droits de l'homme et membre du Conseil national de la Résistance iranienne (CNRI), a fermement condamné la flagellation publique à Golpayegan.

L’ancien chancelier de l'Université de Téhéran demande aux jeunes iraniens de protester contre la dictature

L’ancien président de l'Université de Téhéran demande aux jeunes iraniens de protester contre la dictature
 Dr Mohammad Maleki, le premier chancelier de l'Université de Téhéran après la révolution de 1979 et un ancien prisonnier politique iranien, a envoyé un message aux jeunes iranien depuis son domicile à Téhéran pour « se lever et protester » contre le régime des mollahs en Iran.
Le Dr Maleki a fait le plaidoyer suivant après une déclaration de soutien au physicien iranien et prisonnier politique, Omid Kokabee, qui a subi une intervention chirurgicale la semaine dernière pour l’ablation de son rein cancéreux droit.

mercredi 27 avril 2016

Health condition of Iran political prisoners deteriorates

The health of several Iranian political prisoners who have been denied medical treatment despite suffering from various illnesses has deteriorated, according to local reports.
Political prisoner Hadi Qaemi, who is a relative of members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) is suffering from various ailments including high blood pressure and prostate cancer in Ward 7 of Tehran's notorious Evin Prison. Mr. Qaemi was arrested at his home by intelligence ministry agents and taken to solitary confinement in Ward 209 of Evin Prison in late 2009 following major anti-regime protests. He is currently serving a 15-year sentence.

UN experts: Iran regime denying medical treatment to political prisoners

A group of United Nations human rights experts on Wednesday warned that over a dozen political prisoners in Iran, including some prominent human rights defenders, lawyers and political activists, are at risk of death in detention due to their worsening health conditions and the continued refusal by the Iranian authorities to provide them with medical treatment.
“The condition of several prisoners of conscience with serious health problems has been exacerbated by their continued detention and by repeated refusals to allow their access to the medical facilities and treatment they so urgently require,” the UN experts said, according to a statement published on the website of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
“The denial of medical care, physical abuse, either in overcrowded prisons or in solitary confinement and other forms of torture and ill-treatment exposes prisoners to risk of serious injuries and death,” they said noting that “unfortunately, Iranian prisons are no strangers to such tragedies, many of which could have been avoided if authorities exercised proper care.”

Iran regime flogs woman in public 100 times

Flogging in Iran

Iran's fundamentalist regime has flogged a woman in public in Golpayegan, central Iran, it emerged on Wednesday.
The woman, who was only identified by her initials S. T., was given 100 lashes, state media reported.
The flogging was carried out as punishment over an affair she allegedly had with another man, according to Najafali Alyan, the regime’s prosecutor in Golpayegan. His remarks were carried by the state-run Serat News Agency on April 27.
There haven’t been reports in state media of women being flogged in public in Iran in recent years.
The woman is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence for her alleged role in the murder of her husband in July 2012. The Iranian regime's judiciary is notorious for handing down draconian verdicts without due process, and it has been repeatedly condemned by international human rights organizations.

NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee chief comments on recent spate of executions in Iran

NCRI – Regarding the recent spike in the rate of executions in Iran, which have numbered at least 46 since April 10, Mohammad Mohaddessin, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said:
“In the month of April, during and after visits to Iran by the Prime Minister of Italy and the EU foreign policy chief dozens of people have been executed in Iran. Among the latest cases was the execution of eight Iranian Baluchis in Zahedan Prison on Saturday and Tuesday.
The increasing trend of executions indicates that the visits of senior European officials to Iran not only have failed to improve the human rights situation; rather, they have given a message of silence and inaction to the mullahs. This has emboldened the clerical regime in stepping up executions and suppressing the Iranian people. This is the regime that has been the record holder of executions per capita globally in 2015. This bitter reality is not an issue of pride for any of the guests of the religious fascism.
We say to European leaders, in particular to Mr. Renzi and Ms. Mogherini, that if you don’t want the Iranian people to consider you as accomplices to the suppression by the regime, raise your voices in protest to these executions and condition an improvement of ties with this regime to a halt in executions.”

10 prisoners hanged in Iran in new wave of executions

 Iran's fundamentalist regime has hanged at least 10 people in prisons since the weekend, in what has been described as a new wave of executions.
Earlier on Wednesday at least six other death-row prisoners in Ghezelhesar Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran, were transferred to solitary confinement for their imminent execution.
The regime's judiciary in Mazandaran Province announced that a 27-year-old prisoner identified by the initials Z. Ch. was hanged in a prison in Sari, northern Iran, on Sunday, April 24. Earlier in the week, the judiciary had announced that a second 27-year-old prisoner, identified only by the initials H. H., was also hanged in prison in Sari on Sunday.
Elsewhere, the regime’s judiciary in Qazvin Province announced that an unnamed man was hanged in Qazvin Central Prison, north-west of Tehran, on Tuesday.
At least five prisoners were hanged on Saturday in Zahedan Central Prison, south-east Iran. Another three prisoners were hanged in the same prison on Tuesday.
Three of those executed in Zahedan were identified as: Jamshid Dehvari, 30; Sadeq Rigi, 35; and Mohammad Sanchouli, who is believed to have been 22 years old.

mardi 26 avril 2016

Iranian women urge Western tourists to oppose Iran’s hijab law to fight against oppression

An Iranian policewoman warns a woman about her clothing and hair during a crackdown to enforce Islamic dress code in Tehran, Iran (Getty Images)

’When compulsory hijab affects all women, then all women should raise their voice,’ the campaign’s leader said

Foreign Western women who visit Iran as tourists are being urged to break the country’s strict Islamic dress code to “make a stand” about the restrictive laws.
It is illegal for women to go out in public without wearing headscarf in the country, where thousands of undercover agents and “morality police” patrol the streets to check for violations.
Women found to have their hair or bodies inadequately covered can be publicly admonished, fined or even arrested.
But thousands of Iranians have been risking punishment by taking off their hijabs (headscarves) in public and snapping photos as part of a defiant online campaign to counter the “oppressive' law.
Now, the founder of My Stealthy Freedom is urging Western tourists to join them in a show of solidarity.

Five NGOs urge UN protection for PMOI members in Camp Liberty

NCRI - Five international organizations with United Nations consultative status have issued a statement addressing the UN Human Rights Council session in which they stressed that “there is absolutely no evidence” of an investigation by the Government of Iraq into deadly attacks on members of the main Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty since 2009. They called for an investigation into the “seven massacres of residents, especially that of September 1, 2013 in Ashraf and the slaughter of October 29, 2015 in Camp Liberty.”
The following is the full text of their joint statement:

Iran regime sentences 4 reporters to 27 years in jail

NCRI - Iran's fundamentalist regime has sentenced four journalists to a combined total of 27 years of jail, their lawyer announced on Tuesday.
Afarin Chitsaz was sentenced to 10 years behind bars for gathering and colluding to disrupt national security and having ties to foreign governments, her lawyer Mahmoud Alizadeh-Tabatabaee told the state-run Tasnim news agency.
Ehsan Mazandarani was given a seven year sentence for propaganda against the regime and gathering and colluding to disrupt national security, Alizadeh-Tabatabaee said.
Davood Assadi and Ehsan (Saman) Safarzaie were each handed down a five year sentence for gathering and colluding to disrupt national security.
The four detained journalists previously wrote for state-run media in Iran. They were arrested on November 2, 2015 in raids on their homes by intelligence agents of the Revolutionary Guards who accused them of spying for the governments of the United Kingdom and United States.

6000 truck drivers go on strike in Iran

 At least half a dozen strikes and protests were held on Sunday, April 24, in Tehran, Bandar Abbas (southern Iran), and Iran’s western cities against the against the repressive policies of Hassan Rouhani's government and the looting of workers’ salaries by officials of the mullahs’ regime.
Bandar Abbas – A major strike by Iranian truck drivers continued with at least 6000 drivers refusing to work. This protest was against the regime’s agents, including syndicate officials and those in charge of shipping terminals, over their policy of extortion under various guises. Congestion caused by the protesters’ trucks and cars have closed off all roads to Baba-Gholam Highway.
Tehran, Yaft Abad District, 9:00 AM (local time) - The market traders of the furniture industry went on strike against extortions by government agents. They had gathered to strike in front of the customs representative in one of the entrances to the bazaar.
They protested the staggering increase in import tax rates. The regime’s customs announced that import tax rates are being raised since in the current difficult economic climate, imports in the furniture industry are not necessary.

Dowlat Nowrouzi: Execution rate rising in Iran under Rouhani

NCRI - Dowlat Nowrouzi, the representative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in the United Kingdom, says the rate of executions in Iran are rising during Hassan Rouhani's presidency.
In an interview with on Tuesday, Ms. Nowrouzi said that recent trips by European officials to Iran have not led to an improvement of the human rights situation by the mullahs' regime.
Earlier this month while the head of European Union diplomacy Ms. Federica Mogherini visited Tehran, 10 people, including two women, were executed, Ms. Nowrouzi pointed out.
"The recent trips not only did not help the terrible human rights situation in Iran; they only aggravated it,” she said.
She added that according to the United Nations the execution rate in Iran hit a record last year.
“In reality and based on the reports by the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran only last year 966 people had been executed in Iran, while we know that the real figure is much higher,” Ms. Nowrouzi said.
“In the aftermath of the nuclear deal the human rights situation has not improved for the better; rather, it is getting much worse.”

Iran : Appel pour sauver dix prisonniers sur le point d’être

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "exécutés en iran"
La Résistance iranienne appelle les organes internationales de défense des droits de l’homme à prendre des actions urgentes pour sauver la vie de dix prisonniers transférés en isolement en vue de leur exécution imminentes dans les prisons de Ghezel-Hessar et Zahedan.
Le 24 avril, les tortionnaires du régime ont transféré sept prisonniers dans le couloir de la mort en isolement dans la prison de Ghezel-Hessar avant leur exécution. Le même jour, trois autres prisonniers dans la prison centrale de Zahedan ont été transférés en isolement.
Transférer les prisonniers en isolement ou les emmener devant la potence pour regarder les exécutions des autres prisonniers sont également des méthodes employées dans les prisons du régime pour faire pression sur les prisonniers.

Appel à la formation d'un comité international pour enquêter sur les crimes du régime iranien à Achraf

Appel à la formation d'un comité international pour enquêter sur les crimes du régime iranien à Achraf
 NCRI- Dans un programme diffusé les 22 et 23 avril sur les prisons et les centres de torture les milices affiliées au régime iranien en Irak et sur le massacre d'innocents, en particulier les sunnites, la chaine Al- Jazeera a rapporté: "certaines des personnes enlevées étaient transférées dans des prisons secrètes sur la base d'Achraf.
Cette base appartenait autrefois à l'organisation des Moudjahidines du peuple iranien [OMPI], mais a été occupée par la milice Badr. À l'heure actuelle, près de 150 personnes ont été exécutées par les forces paramilitaires Badr à Achraf et enterrées dans des fosses communes".
Al-Jazeera a ajouté: "la plupart des personnes arrêtées ont été transférées dans des bases iraniennes à Ahvaz, Dezful et Mehran et à la prison de Kahrizak à Téhéran". Bon nombre des prisonniers qui ont échappé à l'enfer créé par Daech ont été arrêtés par les milices et ont subi toutes sortes de sévices ou ont été exécutés.

lundi 25 avril 2016

Iran: Call to save 10 prisoners about to be executed

The Iranian Resistance calls on international human rights organizations to take urgent action to save the lives of 10 prisoners transferred to solitary confinement in preparation for their antihuman execution in prisons in Karaj (Ghezel-Hessar) and Zahedan.
On April 24, the regime’s henchmen transferred seven prisoners on death row to solitary confinement in Ghezel-Hessar prison in preparation for their execution.
Three other prisoners on death row in Zahedan’s central prison were transferred to solitary confinement one more time. Transfer of prisoners to the quarantined ward, special to the prisoners about to be executed, or taking them to the hanging poles to see the execution of other prisoners, are ordinary methods employed to pressure and psychologically torture prisoners in the prisons of the velayat-e faqih regime.

Iran: Mullah lauds suppression of women dubbed social security

Mullah Alam-ol Hoda, Khamenei’s representative in Khorassan Razavi Province and Mashhad's Friday Prayer Leader, praised the recent security measures taken against women in his Friday Prayer sermon.
“To realize social security, unveiling must be dealt with as the source of all other corruptions." He praised and thanked the State Security Force (SSF) for its decisive, powerful and calculated engagement in this arena. He emphasized that the SSF "must confront unveiling" because it is in charge of social security.
Alam-ol Hoda claimed just last week that "mal-veiling is worse than financial embezzlement."

Two hanged in Iran prisons

Archive photo
NCRI - Iran's fundamentalist regime has hanged two people in prisons in the northern city of Sari and the south-eastern city of Zahedan.
On Sunday a 27-year-old prisoner, identified only by the initials H. H., was hanged in prison in Sari, according to the regime's judiciary in Mazandaran Province.
Another prisoner, identified as Javad Sanji, 25, was hanged in Zahedan Central Prison on Saturday.
The hangings bring to at least 37 the number of people executed in Iran since April 10. Three of those executed were women.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said in a statement on April 13 that the increasing trend of executions “aimed at intensifying the climate of terror to rein in expanding protests by various strata of the society, especially at a time of visits by high-ranking European officials, demonstrates that the claim of moderation is nothing but an illusion for this medieval regime.”

Iranian Kurdish and Arab youths arrested in Bukan, Ahwaz and Shush

NCRI - According to reports received from Iran, the clerical regime has resorted to widespread arrests in Ahwaz and Shush, in south-west Iran, and Bukan, in north-west Iran, in the month of April to create an atmosphere of fear and prevent anti-regime protests.
On Wednesday April 13, intelligence officers in Bukan, in West Azerbaijan Province, arrested three young men after inspecting their homes and their private belongings. They were transferred to an unknown location. No explanation has been given for their arrest and their current whereabouts remains unknown. Reports say that in Bukan, the mullahs’ regime is targeting ethnic Iranian Kurds.
Also in the last few days, a number of young Iranian Arab men in Ahwaz and other cities in Khuzestan Province were arrested by agents of the regime’s notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). Some of these detainees were arrested for being active on social networks such as Facebook and WhatsApp. The fate of those arrested remains unknown.
Other reports say that on April 13, the MOIS branch in the city of Shush arrested several young people because of their political activities and activity on social media networks.
Five of those arrested in Shush have been identified as:
Ali Dabat,18 -Ali Kaabi,27 -Milad Dabat 22 (he is married and has one child) -Faisal Dabat,17-Mostafa Daat, 17

Craignant des manifestations le 1er mai, le régime iranien menace les travailleurs à Sanandaj

Craignant des manifestations le 1er mai, le régime iranien menace les travailleurs à Sanandaj
 Le régime des mollahs prend des mesures draconiennes pour empêcher les travailleurs iraniens d'organiser des manifestations à la journée internationale des travailleurs le 1er mai. Chaque année, le régime tente de créer un climat d'intimidation et de menaces contre les travailleurs afin de les empêcher d'organiser des rassemblements anti-régime. Cette année, ils ont fait un ultime effort pour y parvenir.
 A Sanandaj, dans l'ouest de l'Iran, en vue de la Journée internationale des travailleurs, les autorités ont appelé les travailleurs et leurs représentants afin de les empêcher d'organiser des actes de protestation.
Mercredi 20 avril, les forces de sécurité répressives de l'Etat ont commencé à exercer des pressions sur les défenseurs des droits des travailleurs de Sanandaj. Un groupe de travailleurs, notamment Khaled Hosseini, Ghaleb Hosseini et Majid Hamidi, ont été convoqués au bureau de renseignement de la police par des agents du fameux ministère du Renseignement et de la Sécurité du régime (VEVAK). Ils ont été sommés de ne pas participer à des rassemblements lors de la Journée internationale des travailleurs.
De plus, le régime a mis en oeuvre des mesures de sécurité répressives dix jours avant le 1er mai pour empêcher les manifestations de travailleurs. Le régime est censé être particulièrement préoccupé par la possibilité de rassemblements de colère, compte tenu de la récente escalade de la crise de chômage.
L'organisation des Moudjahidines du peuple iranien (OMPI) a fait un appel national aux travailleurs et aux personnes de toutes les couches de la société iranienne, pour qu'ils organisent des manifestations anti-régime lors de la Journée internationale des travailleurs.

dimanche 24 avril 2016

26th anniversary of Kazem Rajavi’s assassination by Iran’s regime

 Sunday, April 24 marks the 26th anniversary of the assassination of Professor Kazem Rajavi, a renowned defender of human rights in Iran and elder brother of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi, by a terrorist hit squad of the mullahs’ regime.
At the age of 56, Prof. Kazem Rajavi held six doctorate degrees in the fields of law, political science, and sociology from the universities of Paris and Geneva.
In 1971 he established the Swiss Society for Defense of Iranian Political Prisoners with the help of a resident of Geneva by the name of Christian Grobet who later became head of government advisors during the years 1986 to 1993. Kazem’s younger brother Massoud Rajavi had been condemned to death on political charges by the Shah. Kazem succeeded in commuting the sentence to life in prison.
He was Iran's first Ambassador to the United Nations headquarters in Geneva following the 1979 revolution. Shortly after his appointment, he resigned his post in protest to the "repressive policies and terrorist activities of the ruling clerics in Iran." He then intensified his campaign against mass executions, arbitrary arrests, and torture carried out by Iran’s theocratic leadership.

Iran: Suppression of women, Rouhani no different than other mullahs

Suppression of women is further institutionalized in Iran with each passing day

A human rights activist and member of the Iranian resistance has condemned   Hassan Rouhani for 7,000 new morality police to patrol the streets ’suppressing women’.
Farideh Karimi, a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI), said  Rouhani had the power to halt the measures, which have so far carried reports from Tehran of armed police stopping girls as young as 12 for failing to veil ’correctly’, despite the president claiming the government could not interfere.
Karimi said: 'Suppression of women is further institutionalised in Iran with each passing day. The regime’s suppressive institutions are ever more blatantly cracking down on women. This has been a tenet of the mullahs’ regime from its outset.

Amir Amirgholi in his 13th day of hunger strike in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison.

Amir Amirgholi Iranian political prisoner in poor health after 13 days of hunger strike in notorious Evin Prison.

Amir Amirgholi Iranian political prisoner has been on hunger strike for the past 13 days in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison .
According to the reports, his health is in poor condition. He is suffering from physical weakness and a severe drop in his blood pressure.
The fundamentalist regime’s courts have sentenced him to 21 years of imprisonment under the bogus charge of 'insulting the holy sanctities,' 'insulting the Supreme Leader,' 'gathering and colluding to act against national security,' 'disturbing public order by participating in illegal gatherings' and 'propaganda against the regime.'

NGO urges dismissal of Iran regime’s agents in Iraqi government

NCRI - The Brussels-based European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA) has called for the Iranian regime's "agents and proxies" to be dismissed from Iraq's government and military and security forces.
The following is the text of a statement on Sunday by EIFA President Struan Stevenson:
24 April 2016
Iraq: Call for early elections after the formation of a new government of technocrats
The European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA) supports the formation of a technocratic government in Iraq and stresses the following two points for the establishment of peace, democracy and prosperity in this country:

IRAN: Ailing political prisoner shown support from ex-Tehran University chancellor

NCRI - Iranian physicist and political prisoner Omid Kokabee who underwent surgery last week to remove his cancerous right kidney has been given moral support by the former chancellor of the University of Tehran.
Mr. Kokabee, 34, and his relatives had repeatedly warned about his various problematic health conditions, but the mullahs' regime systematically ignored their warnings in the past five years that he has been behind bars.
Human rights groups say Mr. Kokabee is a prisoner of conscience held solely for his refusal to work on military projects in Iran and as a result of spurious charges related to his legitimate scholastic ties with academic institutions outside of Iran.
Following Mr. Kokabee’s surgery last Wednesday, Dr. Mohammad Maleki, the first post-revolution Chancellor of Tehran University, in a video message denounced his "inhumane" detention, which goes against "human rights."

samedi 23 avril 2016

Iran: At least 35 people executed in Iran since last week

NCRI- Increasing trend of executions “aimed at intensifying the climate of terror to rein in expanding protests in Iran.

A prisoner has been hanged by the regime in the port city of Bandar Abbas in southern Iran on Wednesday.
The 31-year-old prisoner, identified only by the initials H. M. and was hanged in Bandar Abbas Central Prison, according to the Iranian regime’s judiciary in Bushehr Province.
The hanging bring to at least 35 the number of people executed in Iran since the start of last week, while European officials have been paying visits to Tehran. Three of those executed were women.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ) said in a statement last week that the increasing trend of executions “aimed at intensifying the climate of terror to rein in expanding protests by various strata of the society, especially at a time of visits by high-ranking European officials, demonstrates that the claim of moderation is nothing but an illusion for this medieval regime.”

IRAN: Plot against the life of political prisoner Ali Moezzi

Political prisoner Mr. Ali Moezzi

Call for the formation of an international fact-finding mission

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations especially the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to life and arbitrary detentions, and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran to act urgently to address the situation of, who is at risk of physical elimination, and it demands the formation of an international fact-finding mission to investigate the clerical regime’s medieval prisons and the deteriorating conditions of prisoners, especially political prisoners.
In the afternoon of April 20, 2016, political prisoner Ali Moezzi, father of two PMOI members, who is in Section 8 of the notorious Evin Prison , was poisoned and had a headache, and due to lack of medical attention, his condition deteriorated.

Women situation has worsened since Rouhani took over

The National Council of Resistance of Irans Womens Committee; They call Rouhani a moderate or a reformist. This is a total myth

Elham Zanjani from the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ) in an interview with Deutsche Welle radio talked about about the suppression of women in Iran.Officials in Iran have said this week they have a network of 7,000 undercover agents who inform police about ’moral transgressions’ - like women who don’t cover their hair properly, the report by DW said on Wednesday, adding that women in Iran are also increasingly blocked from education opportunities and employment.
'They call Rouhani a moderate or a reformist. This is a total myth,” Ms. Zanjani said.
She pointed out that the mullahs’ regime is “based on misogyny; there is no way that women will have progress and equal rights.”

Iran political prisoner Amir Amirgholi in poor health after 13 days of hunger strike

 Iranian political prisoner Amir Amirgholi, who has been on hunger strike for the past 13 days in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison, is in poor health. He is suffering from physical weakness and a severe drop in blood pressure.
The regime’s fundamentalist courts have sentenced him to 21 years of imprisonment under the bogus charge of "insulting the holy sanctities," "insulting the Supreme Leader," "gathering and colluding to act against national security," "disturbing public order by participating in illegal gatherings" and "propaganda against the regime."
Mr. Amirgholi has gone on hunger strike in protest to being held in the dangerous prisoners’ ward instead of the ward for political prisoners.
Mr. Amirgholi, an advocate of children's rights, was arrested by the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) on December 1, 2014 over his support for the people of Kobani, northern Syria. He was tried before a ruthless hangman-judge in Branch 15 of the so-called Islamic Revolutionary Court.

Iran regime hangs prisoner in southern port city

 The mullahs' regime has hanged a prisoner in the port city of Bandar Abbas, southern Iran.
The 31-year-old prisoner, identified only by the initials H. M., was hanged on Wednesday, April 20, in Bandar Abbas Central Prison, according to the Iranian regime's judiciary in Bushehr Province.
The hanging bring to at least 35 the number of people executed in Iran since the start of last week, while European officials have been paying visits to Tehran. Three of those executed were women.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said in a statement last week that the increasing trend of executions “aimed at intensifying the climate of terror to rein in expanding protests by various strata of the society, especially at a time of visits by high-ranking European officials, demonstrates that the claim of moderation is nothing but an illusion for this medieval regime.”