jeudi 3 février 2022

Iran News in Brief – February 3, 2022

 Broken Under Economic Hardships, Iranian Teacher Took His Life

Struggling with severe economic problems, Mustafa Ranjbaran, committed suicide and died today. Mr. Ranjbaran was the biology teacher of a school in Minab. Mohammad Habibi, a member and spokesman for the board of directors of the Tehran Teachers’ Union announced on his personal page that the motive for the suicide lay in livelihood problems.

Earlier, Gholam Abbas Yahyapour, a math teacher in the city of Gerash in Fars province, had committed suicide and lost his life due to living problems.

Another Prisoner Executed in Southeast Iran

The Biden administration expects a restored nuclear deal would leave Iran capable of amassing enough nuclear fuel for a bomb in significantly less than a year, a shorter time frame than the one that underpinned the 2015 agreement, U.S. officials familiar with the matter said.

Administration officials concluded late last year that Iran’s nuclear program had advanced too far to re-create the roughly 12-month so-called breakout period of the 2015 pact, the U.S. officials said... Read more

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