jeudi 30 avril 2015

Ex-Senior US officials support Maryam Rajavi’s testimony before the U.S. Congress

Maryam Rajavi testifying before the US Congress
In a rare bipartisan initiative, 20 prominent former US Government national security, and foreign policy officials as well as Military leaders in a joint letter expressed support for the Iranian opposition leader, Maryam Rajavi , the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ) testifying before the US Congress.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi testified in a hearing “ISIS: Defining the Enemy” via videoconference on Wednesday before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, chaired by Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX).
The former senior US officials said: “As a Muslim woman advocating a tolerant and democratic interpretation of Islam, individual freedom, separation of religion and state, gender equality, and rejecting the implementation of Sharia law, Mrs. Rajavi represent the opposite of the misogynous Iranian regime’s rules and all Islamic fundamentalists and extremists.”
“Mrs. Rajavi’s personal experience in leading a popular movement against the religious dictatorship ruling Iran makes her the right person to give testimony on this important issue,” they added.
The signatories of the statement included Rudy Giuliani - former NYC Mayor, Presidential Candidate; Howard Dean - former VT Governor, DNC Chairman, Presidential Candidate; Louis J. Freeh – former FBI Director, Edward Rendell - Former PA Governor, DNC Chairman; Tom Ridge – former PA Governor, Secretary Homeland Security; Mitchell B. Reiss - former Ambassador, Special Envoy to the Northern Ireland Peace Process; Michael B. Mukasey - former US Attorney General; John Bolton- former UN Ambassador; Frances Townsend – former Homeland Security Advisor to the President; General (Ret.) Charles (Chuck) Wald- former Deputy Commander U.S. European Command; Lt. Gen. (Ret.) David Deptula – former Deputy COS For Intel, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, U.S. Air Force; Linda Chavez -former Assistant to the President For Public Liaison; Robert Joseph, former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security; Patrick Kennedy – former Rhode Island Congressman; and John Sano - former Deputy Director CIA National Clandestine Security.
In another statement, Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield, strongly defended the testimony of Iranian opposition leader, Maryam Rajavi before the US Congress.
Bloomfield, the Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs in the George W. Bush administration in a statement said: “It was predictable that with the National Council of Resistance of Iran and its component entities including the MEK having successfully challenged and removed all terrorism listings in Europe and North America, NCRI leader Maryam Rajavi would at some point be given the opportunity to be heard in Washington; it was perhaps equally predictable that longstanding allegations of terrorism and cult-like behavior by this group would be revived.”
Bloomfield has conducted exhaustive reviews and research on the MEK and has authored a couple of books and studies on the subject. He rebuked allegations against the Iranian opposition and while pointing to extensive demonizing campaign of Tehran regarding its arch opponents said: “Western governments have for many years been asked by the Iranian regime to restrict the MEK as a terror organization. Iran’s Intelligence Ministry has repeatedly been revealed paying agents or seeking to pay trusted sources in several countries to propagate allegations against the MEK that are unsupported by any historical records. Yet many of these defamatory allegations continue to be repeated by the American media and current or former U.S. officials, none of whom have produced credible evidence to back them up. “
Former member of U.S. House of Representative Tom Tancredo wrote in The Hill on Wednesday: “I commend my former colleagues, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.), and chair of subcommittee on Terrorism, non-proliferation and Trade, Judge Ted Poe (R-Texas) for doing the right thing and affording the U.S. Congress the opportunity to examine facts and hear from those in the field, rather than relying only on experts within the beltway. 
Maryam Rajavi’s testimony before Congress is long overdue, Mr. Tancredo said.
“Rajavi’s movement alerted the world about Iran’s clandestine nuclear project, exposed Iran’s pervasive presence in Iraq and its operation of terror networks that exported improvised explosive devices to Iraq to kill American servicemen. The opposition has also waged a cultural and political war against Islamic fundamentalism emanating from Iran. Its ubiquitous representatives have galvanized a global campaign against human rights offenses, in particular against women within Iran.'
“In that sense, if the issue is ISIS and defining the enemy, Rajavi is certainly qualified to speak as her movement has been fighting a regime that pursued sectarian violence in Iraq and supported Assad, which led to the rise of ISIS. If it is Islamic fundamentalism and Tehran’s role, Rajavi is more than qualified to speak. If it is Iran’s nuclear program, her movement has had its finger on the pulse of that issue throughout the past decade. On human rights abuses by those with ISIS mentality, her movement has endured the brunt of suppression and executions in Iran. As many as 120,000 activists of her movement have been executed in Iran over the past three decades in the hands of those who were the de facto mentors of ISIS.”
“To avoid the voices about Iran to be monolithic in Washington, Iranian people should be brought into the equation and Rajavi provides a serious, viable voice. That is not a matter of dispute.'.

Iran: Inmates and security in Shiraz prison clashed

 Security, inmates in Shiraz prison clash
Clashes between inmates and security in Adel-Abad prison, Shiraz, southwestern Iran led to the intervention by the anti-riot guards and consecutive battering and beating of the prisoners. 
According to reports, the skirmishes started on the second floor of the prison, ward no. 11 and then it spread to other wards and sections of the prison prompting the anti-riot forces to intervene which resulted in violent clashes between the security and inmates. 
Officials have been silent and no reasons for the cause of the skirmishes have been reported, but many sources say it must have to do something with the six prisoners being hanged the same morning. 
Normally when prisoners are sent to the solitary for next day’s execution, a feeling of unrest and revulsion arises amongst the prisoners which lead to unrest and clashes. Attempts to find out about the number of injured or other details have failed to produce result.

Iran: workers’ gathering to commemorate the Labor Day March in cities around the country

Workers gathered to mark the Labor Day occasion
On Thursday April 30, 2015, workers in cities across Iran took part rallies to show their solidarity on the occasion of the Labor Day and demand the right of workers around the country.
In Zanjan, northwestern Iran, workers gathered outside the provincial office demanding their unpaid wages for months past. 
Another gathering was in front of Hashtgerd provincial office, northern Iran, where dozens of men and women workers gathered demanding job security and backup wages. 
Also in Kamiaran, western Iran, to honor the Labor Day March, dozens of workers took to the streets forming a protest gathering in front of the provincial office there protesting against poor living condition for the workers and their families.

Manifestation ouvrière en Iran aux cris de “libérez les travailleurs emprisonnés”

Manifestation ouvrière en Iran aux cris de “libérez les travailleurs emprisonnés”
Mesures répressives à la suite de l’appel des formations ouvrières et enseignantes à des protestations
Le 28 avril, environ 250 salariés se sont rassemblés peu avant la Journée internationale des travailleurs, pour protester devant le Majlis des mollahs à Téhéran. Ils condamnaient la répression et les discriminations. « Nous avons faim, nous avons faim », criaient-ils et « Libérez les travailleurs emprisonnés », « Libérez les profs emprisonnés », « Travailleurs, enseignants, union, union », « Travailleurs, étudiants, union, union », « De quoi vivre dans la dignité, c’est notre droit inaliénable ».
Dans leur résolution finale, les manifestants ont condamné les mesures anti-ouvrières qui plongent des millions de travailleurs dans la misère.
D’autre part, à la suite de l’appel des organisations ouvrières et enseignantes à protester le 1er mai, le régime redoutant l’ampleur du mouvement, a déroulé une panoplie de mesures répressives :
- Le 18 avril, Hamed Mahmoudi Nejad, soudeur et membre du comité fondateur d’une formation ouvrière, a été arrêté à Sanandaj (ouest de l’Iran).
- Le 19 avril, Ali-Reza Hachemi, directeur général de l’organisation des enseignants iraniens a été arrêté.
- Le 24 avril, les services de renseignement ont menacé par téléphone dans la ville de Chahrekord un grand nombre de travailleurs de la zone industrielle, comme quoi s’ils allaient manifester, ils étaient identifiés et risquaient jusqu’à 15 ans de prison.
- Ce jour-là des agents en civil ont agressé un directeur d’établissement, du nom de Hamid Chahrani alors qu’il marchait dans la rue. Ils l’ont menacé de représailles s’il organisait une grève.
- Le 26 avril, les gardiens de la prison de Gohardacht en banlieue de Téhéran ont sorti le prisonnier politique Rassoul Bodaghi, un enseignant, de la salle 12 section 4 sous prétexte de le conduire au parquet de la prison d’Evine, pour l’emmener vers une destination inconnue. Cela fait des années qu’il est incarcéré et loin de son lieu d’origine et il ne lui manque plus que trois mois à purger.
 Par ailleurs, des unités des gardiens de la révolution et de la milice du Bassidj opèrent des manœuvres dans l’est et l’ouest de la capitale iranienne pour aviver le climat de peur et tenter de contenir les protestations sociales.

Iran - le régime interdit aux conducteurs des transports publics de célébrer le 1er mai, deux militants syndicaux arrêtés

CNRI - Le régime islamiste en Iran a interdit aux syndicalistes des transports publics de tenir des célébrations à l'occasion de la journée internationale des travailleurs. Selon les militants des droits de l'homme, les membres du syndicat de la Société des transports publics qui préparaient une fête à la veille du 1er mai, ont été interdit de rassemblement. Les forces répressives du régime étaient présentes à tous les points de réunions des conducteurs pour empêcher que ces derniers tiennent des célébrations en distribuant des sucreries et en faisant part de leur revendications.
Selon les informations parvenues d'Iran, deux dirigeants syndicaux, Ebrahim Madadi et Davoud Razavi, ont été arrêtés à cette occasion.
En raison de l’absence de liberté de rassemblement en Iran pour la journée du 1er mai, c'est devenu une tradition chez les syndicalistes de distribuer des sucreries parmi les collègues et échanger avec le public. Mais le régime ne peut même pas tolérer cela.
Auparavant, un leader syndical des conducteurs de transport public a passé plusieurs années en prison et torturée par les autorités pour son militantisme affiché. Les syndicalistes de la société des transports publics, qui sont particulièrement actifs, protestent contre l'absence de protection légale et les politiques sauvages en matière de licenciement et de violations des droits des employés.
Selon les statistiques du ministère du Travail, seuls 7% des travailleurs ont un contrat CDI et 93% travaillent en CDD. La grande majorité des salariés en Iran ne sont pas couvert par le Code du travail. En outre, les règles de sécurité pour les travailleurs ne sont pas respectées. En 2013, plus de trois mille travailleurs ont perdu leur vie dans des accidents. Selon les médias du régime, chaque semaine près de 40 travailleurs meurent dans des accidents du travail ; un million d’ouvriers du bâtiment et travaux publics n’ont pas d’assurance sociale.

L'opposition iranienne accuse Téhéran d'être le "parrain" de l'EI

L'opposition iranienne accuse Téhéran d'être le "parrain" de l'EI
Avec l’AFP - L'opposition iranienne en exil a accusé mercredi devant le Congrès américain le régime de Téhéran d'être le "parrain" du groupe Etat islamique. Selon l’Agence France Presse Maryam Radjavi, la dirigeante de l’opposition iranienne, à participé à une audition de la commission des Affaires étrangères de la Chambre des représentants américains. 
Elle a accusé mercredi devant le Congrès américain le régime de Téhéran d'être le "parrain" du groupe Etat islamique, bien que l'Iran chiite combatte ce groupe radical armé sunnite implanté en Irak et en Syrie.
"C'est le régime des mollahs (iraniens) qui a contribué à la création de l'EI et ce sont les tueries de sunnites en Irak qui ont permis à l'EI d'émerger", a argumenté la présidente du Conseil national de la résistance iranienne (CNRI), Maryam Rajavi, par vidéo-conférence depuis Paris devant la commission des Affaires étrangères de la Chambre des représentants américains.
Le CNRI, basé en France, est une coalition politique de groupes d'opposants iraniens, dont les plus connus sont les Moudjahidine du peuple (OMPI ou MEK), une organisation considérée comme "terroriste" par l'UE jusqu'en 2008 et par les Etats-Unis jusqu'en 2012. Le CNRI dispose dorénavant d'une représentation légale à Washington.
Bien que l'Iran chiite aide militairement l'Irak et la Syrie à combattre l'EI sunnite dans ces deux pays, Mme Rajavi a estimé que Téhéran était "le parrain" de ce groupe armé.
"C'est le régime iranien (...) qui a créé le terrorisme", a encore accusé la dirigeante, estimant qu'"en dépit de toutes leurs différences, l'EI et les fondamentalistes au pouvoir en Iran étaient très proches" et pouvaient même "coopérer à l'occasion".
Les dernières révélations du CNRI remontent à février lorsque l'opposition iranienne avait fait état d'un site d'enrichissement d'uranium "secret et illégal" du régime de Téhéran, en violation des négociations entre l'Iran et les grandes puissances sur le programme nucléaire iranien.

mardi 28 avril 2015

Iran: 115 executions in two weeks

The murderous mullahs fascism has sharply increased executions to delay its fall
NCRI- Following the wave of executions in different cities in Iran, the anti-human clerical regime sent another 30 prisoners to the gallows from April 22 to April 26. Nine prisoners were collectively hanged on April 22 in Vakil Abad prison in Shiraz. On April 23, sixteen other prisoners in Bandar Abbas, Kerman and Jiroft were executed. On April 25 and 26, three prisoners in Rasht prison and two other prisoners were executed in the cities of Zanjan and Abhar.
As such, the number of executions over two weeks, April 13 to April 26, reaches 115. The real number of those executed is much more than this. According to some reports in recent weeks, a large number of prisoners have been executed secretly in Arak.
Criminals ruling Iran, surrounded by growing political, social and economic crises, and worried about the consequences of the nuclear negotiations, have resorted to execution, torture and killing of the Iranian people more than any other time in order to create an atmosphere of fear and repression and to prevent the spread of social protests by abusing the silence and inaction of the international community against the brutal and systematic violation of human rights in Iran.

Iran, Isfahan: Increasing the noise signals to defuse teacher’s and workers’ protest on the occasion of International Labor Day March

Noise producing equipment installed to tackle a growing workers frustration

Isfahan – April 25th, 2015 – the clerical regime ruling Iran has severely increased the amount of satellite distortion and noise signals in regions of Isfahan as part of the regime campaign to defuse and confront the planned demonstration on the Labor Day March. These waves are stronger in Sepahan-Shar, Baharestan, Hakim Nezami, and Chahar Bagh. 
Fearing the spread of the demonstration being evolved in to an anti-government rally, the regime has installed large number of noise producing equipment around the city to tackle this problem. There is also a teacher’s demonstration in prospect following the Labor Day March which is in the continuation of the nationwide teachers’ demonstration since last month.

IRAN: Workers’ protest

Workers demonstrate outside parliament in Tehran

Tehran: Unprecedented gathering of workers in front of the clerical regime Majlis or Parliament

Slogans: 'Imprisoned workers must be freed', 'Workers are willing to die, but not accept nadir'
More than 250 laborers gathered in front of the clerical regime’s parliament on Tuesday, April 28 to mark the Labor Day March while they were actually opposing repression and the despotic rule of the mullahs in Iran. They started to chant slogans demanding better working condition and job security, but quickly turned to more political demands and more progressive slogans including the 'freedom of political prisoners', 'imprisoned workers for their involvement in last countrywide demonstration saying: 
'Imprisoned workers must be freed' and 'workers are ready to die but not accept nadir', 'Laborers and teacher must be united' and 'Laborers and students must unite.'
Some of the slogans written on placards and posters included: 
'Flogging workers, return to barbarism'
'We will not tolerate any more the petty salary'
'Increase of taxes without increase in pay, is robbing bread from the workers’ plate' and,
'%1 security, %99 hunger'
The protesting workers condemned the anti-labor policies and repression of workers by the clerical government in their final communiqué. This communiqué in part said: the workers find insufficient government authorities’ initiatives to curb workers’ protest movements and say that they would continue with their protest until their grievances and demands are met.

Workers at Kian Tire Company and Iran Tire Company call for a nationwide demonstration on the Labor Day March

Workers at Kian Tire and Iran Tire companies issued a joint statement calling for a nationwide rally to commemorate the Labor Day Rally. The statement invites all the people to participate in this march in front of the ministry of labor on April 30, 2015 at 10 AM. It says: 'We welcome the commemoration of the Labor Day Rally to have a voice in bringing the public attention to our plight and the conditions that we live in. 
The statement points to some of the problems that the labor society is facing in Iran including low income which has resulted in not having enough to feed their family, no job security, and that their lives are in the hands of selfish and greedy contractors. They also complain of no clear prospect for their lives and of their families except poverty. The statement also says that there is no light at the end of tunnel in our future and we don’t know if we can survive the high cost of living as the expenses rise and incomes shrink. 
Yet in this situation we have nothing to lose, but with our unity and solidarity we can achieve everything. This is worth more than anything else to us. That is why we decided to participate in this independent gathering of worker’s day in front of the ministry of labor in Tehran and remembering this day and the conditions of thousands of workers so our voices and demands would be heard.

Isfahan: Gathering of workers of Pakman Company

Workers of Pakman Company, producing pressure cookware, staged a gathering in Pakman Street, Isfahan, to protest against unpaid salaries and financial benefits. 
It has been more than 2 months since they have received their salaries.

Workers of Salaf-Chekan Free Industrial Zone on strike to protest expulsion threat

The workers of Salaf-Chekan Free Industrial Zone worker have gone on strike since April 21. This strike was in protest to an expulsion threat by the public relations administrator of the zone who told the workers: if they continued with their protest against wage reduction and increased working hours, he will fire them all.

Sur la liberté de religion en Iran avec le juriste musulman Sanabargh Zahedi

CNRI - Une conférence sur la liberté de religion en Iran était organisée la semaine dernière au Parlement européen sous la houlette des eurodéputés Andrew Lewer et Peter Van Dalen. Dans son intervention, Sanabargh Zahedi, juriste musulman, président de la commission juridique du Conseil national de la Résistance iranienne, a brossé le tableau de la situation de son pays sous la dictature islamiste des mollahs. Voici le texte de son intervention :
« La population de l'Iran compte actuellement environ 80 million d'individus. Les Iraniens étaient Zoroastriens avant l'arrivée de l'Islam dans le pays. Ils se sont convertis à l'Islam après la chute de l'Empire sassanide et la prise de l'Iran par les musulmans. Depuis 500 ans, la majorité du peuple iranien adhère à la branche chiite de l'Islam appelée la ‘Chia des 12 imams’.
Selon le dernier sondage officiel en 2011, 99,38 % de la population iranienne sont des musulmans, dont 95 % de chiites. Moins de 5 % sont des sunnites et seulement 0,6 % sont des non-musulmans.
Selon des estimations fiables, 98 % d'Iraniens sont des musulmans, dont 89 % de chiites, 9 % de sunnites et environ 2 % d'adeptes d'autres religions.
Le système actuel du pouvoir en Iran, appelé Velayat-e Faqieh, ou le règne absolu du clergé, est une véritable dictature religieuse, initiée par Khomeiny, qui n'a aucun respect pour d'autres formes de pensée, de croyance ou de religion.
Selon l'Article 12 de la constitution du régime clérical, « la religion officielle de l’Iran est l’Islam de confession Dja'farite duodécimain et ce principe est éternellement immuable ». L'Article 13 rappelle que « les Iraniens zoroastriens, juifs et chrétiens sont reconnus comme les seules minorités religieuses ».
En réalité, toutes les minorités religieuses ont fait l'objet d'une double oppression. Les adeptes de la foi Bahaï ne sont même pas reconnus et ont été réprimés de manière brutale.

lundi 27 avril 2015

Anti-human pressures on 2 Gohardasht, Karaj political prisoners led to their hospitalization

Two political prisoners suffering from severe illness denied medical care
Assadollah Hadi and Ali Soltanpour, 2 Gohardasht political prisoners have been hospitalized in Tajrish Hospital, north of Tehran, due to the anti-human pressures and hideous condition of prison.
Assadollah Hadi was transferred to the Cardiac section of Tajrish Hospital. Ali Soltanpour also was hospitalized in section 2 of physical treatments of Tajrish Hospital since last week.
In addition to his heart disease, Assadollah Hadi also was suffering from renal and digestive problems. He was also detained during 1980’s, and in 2001 was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment on bogus charge of acting against national security and disrupting public order.
Ali Soltanpour, also was suffering from severe back and neck problems and was arrested and detained in 2001. He was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment on the charges of acting against the national security for being a supporter of the MEK. He is in Ward No. 12 of Gohardasht Prison, Karaj.

Italian embassy warnings to reporters of danger of being detained by the Iranian regime

Foreign reporters warned of arrestment when traveling to Iran
The Brisbane Times of Australia has published an article written by its senior reporter who accompanied Australian foreign minister during a visit to Tehran.
Daniel Fleton, the senior reporter of The Brisbane Times describes, in his article, the Iranian regime as a 'religious dictatorship' and writs: Iranian people in Tehran told us that the Iranian government does not represent the Iranian people, and these two, are two separate things.
This reporter said: as we were receiving our travel documents from the Iranian embassy to travel to Iran, they warn us not to cross our line by talking or interviewing ordinary people. We were told that we are only allowed to publish news on the Australian foreign minister’s visit and her comments, and therefore every other coverage of the situation in Iran or people’s viewpoints is off-limits. 
He said in addition to the Iranian authorities, we also were warned by our own Australian embassy in Tehran not to take pictures or interview ordinary people out of the subject of this visit, because if we did, there are threats of being arrested and detained by the Iranian regime.
In his article, he points out that according to the announcement of Reporters without Borders; the Iranian regime is on the bottom of the list of countries suppressing press freedom which is 173rd amongst 180 countries across the world.

Iran, Shahre-Kurd: people protesting lack of medical care and facilities in front of hospitals

Hundreds of people poisoned due to polluted water hospitallized
Following an extensive water poisoning of people of Chahar Mahal Bakhtiyari province due to polluted potable water, which led to hospitalization of hundreds of people in hospitals across the province, a number of families whose loved ones had been poisoned and hospitalized, gathered in front of Kashani, and Hajar hospitals, demanding an investigation in to the cause of this vast poisoning. They also demanded clarification of the main cause and the condition in which their family members had been exposed to. 
After this wave of poisonings which has resulted in severe diarrhea, hundreds of people have been hospitalized in hospitals across Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiyari province.

Tehran – Young brave girls attack plain cloth and suppressive security agents in Ponak Street

Ponak St., Tehran where a scuffle erupted between young women and Basij militants
A number of plain cloth Basij and suppressive security agents were chastised when tried to approach a number of young girls going after their business walking down the street. The agents started to harass the young female passersby under the pretext of improper Islamic dress code. Their aggressive and impolite approach made the young girls angry and sparked protest which led to clashes and resistance from the brave frustrated young women. They attacked the regime mercenaries and tried to teach them a lesson not to reckon with the new and brave generation of men and women in Iran. The Basijis and the plain cloths agents were frightened and were forced to leave the area.

Iran : 115 exécutions en deux semaines

Les fascistes religieux ont multiplié avec force les exécutions pour retarder leur renversement
CNRI - A la suite d’une vague d’exécutions dans diverses villes en Iran, le régime inhumain des mollahs a de nouveau envoyé 30 condamnés à la potence entre les 22 et 26 avril. Neuf prisonniers ont été pendus ensemble le 22 avril à la prison de Vakil Abad à Chiraz (sud de l’Iran). Le 23 avril, dans le sud du pays, seize autres prisonniers à Bandar Abbas, Kerman et Djiroft. Les 25 et 26 avril, trois détenus ont été pendus à Racht prison et deux autres dans les villes de Zandjan et d’Abhar.
 En tout, en deux semaines, du 13 au 26 avril, le nombre d’exécutions atteint les 115. Le véritable nombre de pendaisons est bien plus élevé que cela. Selon des informations obtenues ces dernières semaines, de très nombreux prisonniers ont été exécutés en secret dans la ville d’Arak (centre).
Les criminels au pouvoir en Iran, cernés de crises croissantes politiques, sociales et économiques, s’inquiètent des conséquences des négociations nucléaires. Ils ont plus que jamais recours aux exécutions, à la torture et aux tueries de la population en Iran pour aviver un climat de terreur et de répression afin d’empêcher la propagation des protestations sociales. Ils profitent pour cela du silence et de l’inaction de la communauté international face aux violations brutale et systématique des droits humains en Iran.

dimanche 26 avril 2015

Iran, Shiraz: 9 executions in just one day

Collective execution of 9 prisoners in Shiraz
According to reliable sources in Shiraz, southern Iran, in a collective mass execution, 9 prisoners were hanged last Wednesday in Adel-Abad prison, Shiraz. Three of them were Afghan citizens. The clerical regime has not announced nor identified the names of these victims. 
The overwhelming number of executions in recent months in Iran is despite a government pledge to annual the death sentence for petty drug addicts in the month of April, which currently is punishable by death, according to Iran’s judiciary.

Live online Q&A with Struan Stevenson on West’s policy toward Iran

Mr. Struan Stevenson, the president of the European Iraqi Freedom Association (EIFA) and former head of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq will attend a live online question and answer session.
“Tehran and the nuclear deal, a game or genuine interest for a deal? Tehran’s egregious conduct and correct policy by the West” is the title of the program that will broadcast on at 16:00 (GMT+1) on Monday 27 April 2015.

samedi 25 avril 2015

Measures by mullahs’ embassy and Iraqi Governmental Committee tasked to suppress PMOI members to psychologically torture Liberty residents

Camp Liberty, Iraq, home to Iranian dissidents
Transfer of mercenaries to Camp Liberty – No. 3Transfer of MOIS and Quds Force mercenaries to Camp Liberty under pretext of familyOn April 14 and 21, 2015, the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf at Iraqi Prime Ministry took Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and terrorist Qods Force agents to Camp Liberty under the pretext of residents’ families. The travel of these agents to Iraq and their stay has been arranged by regime’s embassy in Baghdad. 
According to reports from inside the regime, in addition to the security forces, the vehicle carrying these hirelings was accompanied by a vehicle carrying representatives of the Governmental Committee and Iraq’s Human Rights Ministry. These transfers are conducted in complete secrecy and when these mercenaries are present, Iraqi forces are placed on alert and any commute to and from the camp’s police station is announced prohibited so that no one would learn of the presence of these elements.
According to reports, these mercenaries are stationed in Nasseir Township in Saleheyeh district of Baghdad, close to the regime’s embassy. With the help of the Governmental Committee, regime’s ambassador and embassy are trying to find a place of residence for these elements close to Camp Liberty in order to dispatch more groups of agents to Liberty under the cloak of family.
These reports also indicate that the clerical regime is trying to get the United Nations directly or indirectly involved in this project in order to justify this anti-human scheme.
The Iranian Resistance emphasizes that the dispatch of these mercenaries paves the way for another bloodbath in Camp Liberty and given that the presence of these elements is in blatant contradiction to the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the United Nations and the Iraqi government on 25 December 2011 and an unquestionable breach of the International Refugee Law, it calls on the United States and the United Nations who have repeatedly and in writing committed themselves to the wellbeing and security of Liberty residents to take urgent action to obstruct any movement under whatever pretext by the Iranian regime and its proxies and hirelings around Camp Liberty.

Iran – Protest gathering of cities

Hundreds of Kashan workers protest against lack of job security

Iran, Kashan – Hundreds of laid off laborers chased the state authorities out of their region
Kashan - April 19, 2015 – hundreds of laid off laborers staged a gathering in Amir Kabir Industrial Town protesting against government authorities who were visiting the town. 
The government authorities were investigating the situation of the Industrial Town of Kashan under the cover of a routine visit. But when they faced a large protest from hundreds of angry workers, left their work half-done and incomplete and quickly left the place.

Tehran: Protesting youth attack an active base of plain cloth security forces
Tehran - April 19, 2015 – A number of demonstrating youth attacked a base belonging to the suppressive plain cloth security forces, located in Kaveh Street, near Gorgan Square.
They also smashed a number of signs and banners installed on the walls, and took the closed circuit cameras off the wall and took the cameras with them. 
Reports say that mercenaries at this base were harassing young female residents while patrolling the region.

Iran, Asalouyah: Gathering of what is called "Phase 19" employees
Southern Iran - April 20, 2015 – A number of Southern-Pars, phase 19, staged a gathering in front of the entrance gates of the Industrial Complex. They protested against not renewing their contracts. One protestor said they had decided to stop work, to pursuit thier rights, so if the authorities refuse to renew their contracts, they would demand to receive their delayed 3 months salaries. 
He added that they would continue with the protest until they receive their unpaid salaries and New Year bonus. He insisted on remaining there in protest even thought if it even takes a month, until their payment is assured. He said the money that we work for so hard must be paid, because it is our money and we have no other means of supporting ourselves.

Iran – Protest gathering of Tabriz Tractor company workers in front of governor’s office

Iran tractor company workers protest
Tabriz A number of Tabriz Tractor factory workers gathered at noon, April 19th in front of regime’s governor’s office to protest their unpaid salaries.

Iran, Zahedan; A prisoner died due to lack of medical care in Zahedan Prison

Prisoner dies of lack of medical care in Zahedan Central Prison
According to a report filed from the eastern city of Zahedan, Iran, Shafi Mohammad Tanoumand, a prisoner suffering of illness died due to lack of medical attention in Zahedan Central Prison.
This prisoner was suffering from brain malaria which he had caught inside the prison. He was not provided any medical treatments and was not allowed to seek medical care outside the prison through his family. Lack of care and attention which is common under the cruel rule of the clerical regime in Iran led to the loss of his life.

vendredi 24 avril 2015

Iran regime hangs 70-year-old man after 14 years of imprisonment

On Thursday, the Iranian regime’s henchmen hanged a group of nine men including a 70-year-old who had been held in prison for the past fourteen years, allegedly for drug-related offences.
The prisoners were all hanged in the main prison in the city of Bandar Abbas in the southern province of Hormozgan.
The mullahs’ judiciary in the southern province of Hormozgan confirmed the execution of the nine prisoners but did not identify them.
According to the information received, Heydar Mardani, 70, was executed as he was serving his 14th year of imprisonment.
The other victims are: Hossein AliKhah, Ahmad Qurashi, Farhad Kianian, Mohamad Ahmadi, Mehrdad Azmand, Qassem Maziar, Heydar Moridani and Mohamad Naroui. The youngest victim was 25 years old.
In recent days there has been a sharp increase in the number of executions taking place in Iran. In a seven day period between 12 to 18 April at least 81 prisoners were hanged in several prisons, meaning 12 executions per day.
The sharp increase in the wave of executions after an agreement was reached on the framework of a nuclear deal is a clear indication of the mullahs’ desperate need to create an atmosphere of fear in society in order to confront the explosive situation.
Inmates in prisons in the city of Karaj staged protests on April 12 following the transfer of their cellmates to solitary confinement in preparation for carrying out the criminal execution sentences. Protesting prisoner chanted: “We shall not let you kill us.” Similarly, families of the prisoners on the verge of execution also gathered in front of the prisons and shouted: “We shall not let you execute them.”
The Iranian Resistance has called on brave Iranian youths to express their solidarity with prisoners and the families of those executed, and urged them to protest against these brutal killings in the country.

Iran- le nombre des pendaisons sous le gouvernement Rohani a atteint les 1500

 Le régime iranien a procédé jeudi à neuf nouvelles pendaisons dans la prison de Bandar-Abbas, dans le sud de l'Iran. Avec ces nouvelles pendaisons, le nombre des exécutions sous le gouvernement Rohani a atteint les 1500. 
Le procureur criminel de la province de Hormozgan a annoncé les exécutions sans préciser l'identité des victimes. Leurs identités ont toutefois été rendues publiques par les militants des droits de l'homme comme suit: Hossein Alikhah (40 ans),Heidar Moridani (70 ans),Farhad Kianian (40 ans),Madjid Narou’i (45 ans), Massoud Barahou’i (23 ans), Mohammad Ahmadi (43 ans), Asghar Ghorechi (60 ans), Mehrdad Azmand (27 ans), Ghassem Maziar (25 ans).
Le Rapporteur spécial sur les droits de l'homme en Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, a souligné dans son dernier rapport, en mars, la détérioration de la situation des droits de l'homme en Iran qui détient le taux le plus élevé d'exécutions par habitants dans le monde.
La vague de pendaisons a grossi après l’accord nucléaire de Lausanne et connait peu de précédent. Elle trahit le besoin urgent du régime d’aviver le climat de terreur pour contenir une société au bord de l’explosion.
La Résistance iranienne appelle la jeunesse courageuse d’Iran à faire preuve de solidarité avec les familles des victimes et des prisonniers et à protester contre ces crimes. Elle rappelle aussi la nécessité d’exclure le fascisme religieux au pouvoir en Iran de la communauté internationale.

Irak : mesures de l’ambassade du régime iranien pour torturer psychologiquement des habitants de Liberty

Les 14 et 21 avril 2015, le comité chargé de la répression des Achrafiens au bureau du Premier ministre irakien a emmené des agents du ministère du Renseignement du régime iranien (Vevak) et de la force terroriste Qods au camp Liberty sous prétexte qu’il s’agirait de familles des habitants. Le voyage et le séjour de ces agents en Irak ont été arrangés par l’ambassade des mollahs à Bagdad.
Selon des rapports de l’intérieur du régime iranien, en plus des forces de sécurité, les véhicules transportant ces agents étaient accompagnés par un autre avec à son bord des représentants du comité de répression et du ministère irakien des droits humains. Ces transferts se font dans le secret complet et quand ces mercenaires sont présents, les forces irakiennes sont places en état d’alerte et tout déplacement à la station de police du camp devient interdit de manière à ce que personne ne soit au courant de leur présence.
Selon les rapports, ces mercenaires sont stationnés dans le secteur Nasseir du quartier de Saleheyeh de la capitale irakienne, près de l’ambassade des mollahs. Avec l’aide du comité gouvernemental, l’ambassadeur et l’ambassade cherchent un lieu de résidence proche de Liberty pour ces individus afin d’en envoyer d’autres sous le couvert de parents et de proches.
Ces rapports indiquent aussi que le régime des mollahs essaie d’impliquer directement ou indirectement l’ONU dans ce projet pour justifier son plan.
La Résistance iranienne souligne que l’envoi de ces mercenaires prépare le terrain à un nouveau bain de sang au camp Liberty. La présence de ces éléments est en contradiction flagrante avec le protocole d’accord signé entre l’ONU et le gouvernement irakien le 25 décembre 2011 et une violation claire de la loi internationale pour les réfugiés. Aussi la Résistance appelle les USA et l’ONU qui se sont engagés à maintes reprises par écrit à assurer le bien-être et la sécurité des habitants de Liberty, à rendre des mesures urgentes pour empêcher tout mouvement sous quelque prétexte que ce soit du régime iranien et de ses agents autour du camp Liberty.

jeudi 23 avril 2015

Iran – Exécutions de neuf prisonniers à Bandar-Abbas

 Neuf prisonniers ont vont être exécutés le jeudi 23 avril à Bandar-Abbas (au sud de l’Iran).
Selon les rapports reçus d’Iran, à la veille de leur exécution, ces condamnés à mort ont été placés en isolement. Parmi ces neuf prisonniers, six personnes sont accusées de trafic de stupéfiants et une personne est accusée de meurtre. Les identités et les motifs de condamnation à mort des deux autres personnes n’ont pas été annoncés.
Le régime des mollahs – qui est confrontés à de nombreuses crises intérieures et extérieures –a récemment augmenté le nombre des exactions pour créer un climat de terreur dans la société. Durant les 7 derniers jours, 81 personnes ont été exécutées en Iran.
Alors que le parlement des mollahs va examiner ce mois-ci un projet de loi proposant de supprimer la peine de mort pour des délits liés au trafic de stupéfiants, au cours des derniers mois, le nombre d’exécutions de personnes condamnées à mort pour trafic de stupéfiants a augmenté de façon considérable.

Protest gathering of 1500 workers of Rural Communication in Tehran

Workers protesting lack of job security and layoffs
Approximately 1500 workers of Rural Communication in Tehran staged a protest gathering in front of Communication Company building in Tehran, on Tuesday April 21st. The workers from different provinces including; Khorasan Razavi, Hourmozgan, western Azerbaijan, Qazvin, Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Gilan, Fars, Kerman, Khuzestan, Blusher, Elam and Sistan Baluchistan went to the capital to take part in a protest gathering against poor job conditions. 
Currently, more than 9,000 workers of Rural Communication Centers are at work around the country, which a great number of them have no insurance and no work contracts.

Transfer of a group of MOIS and Quds Force hirelings to Camp Liberty under pretext of families

Camp Liberty
This measure has been carried out in two consecutive weeks by mullahs’ regime embassy and agents of Iraqi Suppressive Committee

On Tuesday, 21 April 2015, for the second consecutive week, agents of the Iraqi Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf took a number of agents of Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and the terrorist Quds Force to the police station of Camp Liberty under the pretext of camp residents’ families. These agents whose travel to and residence in Iraq have been organized by regime’s embassy in Baghdad had to go through several checkpoints to get to Camp Liberty that could have only been managed through the assistance of Iraqi security forces.
According to reports from inside the regime, most of the individuals in the group transferred to Liberty yesterday are relatives of a known MOIS agent called Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad, including his daughter Azar (Mona) Hossein-Nejad and her husband Mohammad Farajian, Elnaz Hossein-Nejad, and another female relative.
In the months prior to the September 1, 2013 massacre in Ashraf, Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad went to Ashraf many times with the Iraqi officers. Including, as stated in the communiqué by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ), this mercenary, along with eight other hirelings, went to Ashraf on 24 September 2012 and “In Laleh Square within Ashraf with the help of Iraqi forces where they started pelting rocks at residents. During this assault one of the residents, Hassan Jabbari, suffered injuries on his head and neck” (see attached photo). Hassan Jabbari was among the 52 members of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) that were martyred in the September 1 massacre in Ashraf.
Mullahs’ intelligence used this mercenary for psychological torture and to separate his daughter Zeinab from PMOI members who resided in Camp Liberty. On 21 October 2012, she wrote in a letter to the Secretary-General, UNAMI and UNHCR: On October 17, I was called to refer to UNHCR for an interview because of the lies by Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad; “he has claimed that his daughter ‘Zeinab Hossein Nejad’, i.e. me, has been taken hostage by the PMOI… In my private interview with UNHCR, I underscored that … these are the very same false allegations made by notorious intelligence service of the dictator regime ruling Iran… since he has now become a hireling of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence, I absolutely shall never accept even his phone call for the rest of my life.”
In another letter dated 12 January 2015 to the UNHCR, PMOI member Zeinab Hossein-Nejad wrote: Since the time that “My father… sold himself to the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS)... I have been subjected to a psychological torture… My father has also taken in his employ my sister who is living in Iran in a bid to harass me assisted by the mullahs’ MOIS. One of the measures MOIS is doing by manipulating my sister, Azar Hosseinnejad, or in her name is to post some articles against me or the PMOI on the MOIS websites.” She adds: “I was very surprise in winter 2013 my sister had come to the police station at Liberty and wanted to see me. It was very strange because no families were allowed to come to Liberty or even to its front gate… On the other hand, my sister was never ready to come to Baghdad or Ashraf…. it was very suspicious. Despite it seemed very dubious, I went to see her at the police station, but I found out that in that short interval from the time I was informed till I went to see her, she had been taken from the police station. There I became sure that sending her to Liberty was part of the MOIS plot against me and the PMOI.”
The presence of Quds Force and MOIS hirelings is a blatant violation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the United Nations and the Government of Iraq on 25 December 2011 and an unquestionable breach of the International Refugee Law and the Convention Against Torture, as well as many other international conventions. Prior to the transfer of the first group of resident from Ashraf to Camp Liberty, the Special Representative of Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG) wrote in an official letter to the residents on 15 February 2012: “In respect to your concerns on the presence of any foreign presence inside Camp Liberty, the GoI has assured us that there will be no foreign presence inside Camp Liberty.”
On 15 October 2012, pursuant to the protest letter by Liberty residents’ representative concerning the transfer of regime’s hirelings in Camp Liberty, Deputy SRSG wrote: “They [Iraqi authorities] categorically denied that… Further, I can assure you with absolute certainty that UNSMI is not ferrying anybody to Camp Liberty under any guise.”
The Iranian Resistance warns of the fresh presence of these hirelings around Camp Liberty and staging another psychological torture that prepares the ground for a new bloodbath in Liberty. Reminding of the repeated and written commitments by the U.S. government and the United Nations for the security and wellbeing of Camp Liberty residents, it calls for immediate measures to prevent any movement by the Iranian regime and its proxies and hirelings around Camp Liberty under whatever pretext.
 Spying and collusion of Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad with Iraqi forces
–Ashraf – 24 September 2012

mercredi 22 avril 2015

Iran: Wave of youths’ arrests in Tehran

Tehran Youth are being harassed and ridiculed by the suppressive state security forces
In yet a new round of repressive measures by the mullahs’ regime in Iran, the clerical regime has been arresting more than one hundred youths under the pretext of 'rabbles' only on the night of April 20, 2015 sending them to prison.
Sajedinea, the head of police force in metropolitan Tehran announced this, and while calling the youths as hoodlums, he said: measures have been intensified against gangs and hoodlum during 2015.

IRAQ: Iran regime intelligence hirelings taken to Camp Liberty police station

This measure has been carried out in two consecutive weeks by mullahs’ regime embassy and agents of Iraqi suppressive Committee
NCRI - On Tuesday, 21 April 2015, for the second consecutive week, agents of the Iraqi Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf took a number of agents of Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and the terrorist Qods Force to the police station of Camp Liberty under the pretext of camp residents’ families. These agents whose travel to and residence in Iraq have been organized by regime’s embassy in Baghdad had to go through several checkpoints to get to Camp Liberty that could have only been managed through the assistance of Iraqi security forces.
According to reports from inside the regime, most of the individuals in the group transferred to Liberty yesterday are relatives of a known MOIS agent called Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad, including his daughter Azar (Mona) Hossein-Nejad and her husband Mohammad Farajian, Elnaz Hossein-Nejad, and another female relative.
In the months prior to the September 1, 2013 massacre in Ashraf, Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad went to Ashraf many times with the Iraqi officers. Including, as stated in the communiqué by the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), this mercenary, along with eight other hirelings, went to Ashraf on 24 September 2012 and “In Laleh Square within Ashraf with the help of Iraqi forces where they started pelting rocks at residents. During this assault one of the residents, Hassan Jabbari, suffered injuries on his head and neck” (see attached photo). Hassan Jabbari was among the 52 members of People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) that were martyred in the September 1 massacre in Ashraf.
Mullahs’ intelligence used this mercenary for psychological torture and to separate his daughter Zeinab from PMOI members who resided in Camp Liberty. On 21 October 2012, she wrote in a letter to the Secretary-General, UNAMI and UNHCR: On October 17, I was called to refer to UNHCR for an interview because of the lies by Ghorban Ali Hossein-Nejad; “he has claimed that his daughter ‘Zeinab Hossein Nejad’, i.e. me, has been taken hostage by the PMOI… In my private interview with UNHCR, I underscored that … these are the very same false allegations made by notorious intelligence service of the dictator regime ruling Iran… since he has now become a hireling of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence, I absolutely shall never accept even his phone call for the rest of my life.”
In another letter dated 12 January 2015 to the UNHCR, PMOI member Zeinab Hossein-Nejad wrote: Since the time that “My father… sold himself to the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS)... I have been subjected to a psychological torture… My father has also taken in his employ my sister who is living in Iran in a bid to harass me assisted by the mullahs’ MOIS. One of the measures MOIS is doing by manipulating my sister, Azar Hosseinnejad, or in her name is to post some articles against me or the PMOI on the MOIS websites.” She adds: “I was very surprise in winter 2013 my sister had come to the police station at Liberty and wanted to see me. It was very strange because no families were allowed to come to Liberty or even to its front gate… On the other hand, my sister was never ready to come to Baghdad or Ashraf…. it was very suspicious.
Despite it seemed very dubious, I went to see her at the police station, but I found out that in that short interval from the time I was informed till I went to see her, she had been taken from the police station. There I became sure that sending her to Liberty was part of the MOIS plot against me and the PMOI.”
The presence of Qods Force and MOIS hirelings is a blatant violation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the United Nations and the Government of Iraq on 25 December 2011 and an unquestionable breach of the International Refugee Law and the Convention Against Torture, as well as many other international conventions. Prior to the transfer of the first group of resident from Ashraf to Camp Liberty, the Special Representative of Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG) wrote in an official letter to the residents on 15 February 2012: “In respect to your concerns on the presence of any foreign presence inside Camp Liberty, the GoI has assured us that there will be no foreign presence inside Camp Liberty.”
On 15 October 2012, pursuant to the protest letter by Liberty residents’ representative concerning the transfer of regime’s hirelings in Camp Liberty, Deputy SRSG wrote: “They [Iraqi authorities] categorically denied that… Further, I can assure you with absolute certainty that UNSMI is not ferrying anybody to Camp Liberty under any guise.”
The Iranian Resistance warns of the fresh presence of these hirelings around Camp Liberty and staging another psychological torture that prepares the ground for a new bloodbath in Liberty. Reminding of the repeated and written commitments by the U.S. government and the United Nations for the security and wellbeing of Camp Liberty residents, it calls for immediate measures to prevent any movement by the Iranian regime and its proxies and hirelings around Camp Liberty under whatever pretext.