samedi 1 juin 2013

German dignitaries call on EP foreign affairs chief: Dangerous security conditions in Liberty

                                                 Letter of prominent German dignitaries to European Parliament foreign affairs chief

Letter of prominent German dignitaries to European Parliament foreign affairs chief

INTV, 31 May 2013 –Prominent German dignitaries called on European Parliament Foreign Affairs Commission Chairman Elmar Brok raising the issue of dangerous security conditions in Camp Liberty in Iraq.

Rita Süssmuth, former President of German Bundestag
Günther Verheugen, former deputy chief of the European Commission
Horst Telchik, former adviser to Chancellor Helmut Kohl and former president of Munich Conference
Gerhart Baum, former president of the German Bundestag
Klaus Bresser, former German Federal Minister of the Interior
Otto Bernhardt, member of the Chairing Council of Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Jürgen Chrobog, former German deputy foreign minister and former German ambassador to the US

Mr. Elmar Brok,
European Parliament Foreign Affairs Commission Chairman,
In relation to the participation of Martin Kobler in your committee, we would like to inform you that throughout all the transferring process from Ashraf to Liberty, and the issue of the transfer to third countries, we have always been active in order to provide support and of course because of our immense concerns. Unfortunately, our concerns were continuously turned into reality in the worst possible methods.
The massacres in Ashraf and now in Liberty, with over 50 killed and hundreds heavily injured, is not at all acceptable for a transfer that according to UNAMI should have taken place peacefully, according to humanitarian standards and in understanding of all parties involved. UNAMI’s mission has been anything but successful.
Camp Liberty residents are in very dangerous security conditions and they are not at all protected. Even following the February 9th terrorist rocket attack, no measures have been taken to guarantee the security of these Iranian dissidents. This is a fundamental request the Iraqi government must immediately explain.
In this regard UNAMI has not lived up to its mission and this has delivered a serious blow to the residents’ trust in UNAMI. Alongside the security conditions, the camp’s general conditions and medical facilities are a catastrophe. The residents’ protests and objections in this regard are very legitimate, but unfortunately they have fallen on deaf ears.
We view the biggest threat in Maliki’s cooperation with Tehran, a regime that clearly seeks the annihilation of Liberty residents. This condition means a continuous and severe threat. Resolving this threat is among the most vital duties of UNAMI and other responsible parties in the United Nations, United States and the European Union.
The Foreign Affairs Commission session must see into this very dangerous conditions in Liberty and all the consequences of this eviction. We urgently need a responsible European policy that is obligated to security protection and humanitarian support, and provide them effectively.
Additionally, the role of the Iraqi government under Nouri Maliki must be essentially placed under investigation. Without international pressure on Maliki’s government and without clear humanitarian decisions, the conditions in Iraq can lead to inhumane crimes. In such a case, all those who evaded from giving in to necessary actions will be considered as accomplices. 

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