dimanche 6 septembre 2015

Camp Liberty: Obstructing entry of parts for worn out generators

 Worn out generator parts in Liberty Camp and Iraqi forces do not allow replacement in the camp
On Thursday, September 3, the Iraqi forces under the command of the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf that works under the supervision of Faleh Fayyad, obstructed entry of spare parts for electric generator to Camp Liberty for the second straight day.
At the beginning of the summer with temperature hitting over 50 degrees Celsius, a number of Liberty’s dilapidated generators broke down completely and need overhaul. Residents bought the necessary spare parts at their own expense and with great difficulty, but the parts have not been allowed into the camp.
UNAMI monitors and UNHCR representatives have been informed of the broken state of the electric generators since last month and have inspected them.
In addition to generator parts, on September 3, the Iraqi forces working under Faleh Fayyad’s supervision, prevented items needed for the maintenance of camp’s infrastructures, vehicles’ spare parts and tires, electric cables, stationary and clothing to enter the camp.
These measures are in breach of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between government of Iraq and UNAMI with endorsement from the U.S. government in December 2011. The MoU stipulates: “The transit locations meet humanitarian and human rights standards” and “The Government shall facilitate and allow the residents, at their own expense, to enter into bilateral contact with contractors for provision of life support and utilities such as water, food, communications, sanitation, and maintenance and rehabilitation equipment.”
The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations and the U.S. government that have repeatedly and in writing committed themselves to the wellbeing and security of the residents to take immediate steps to end this criminal and antihuman siege.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 4, 2015

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