mercredi 30 avril 2014

Iran - Test de deux missiles de moyenne-portée par l’armée sous le commandement des mollahs

 L’armée sous le commandement des mollahs a annoncé qu’elle a testé deux nouveaux missiles de « moyenne-portée », en ajoutant que « la qualité de ces missiles est supérieure à celle des missiles Nazéat ».
Les missiles Nazéat (des missiles balistiques de moyenne-portée) ont été testés pour la première fois en Iran il y a un an.
Le général Kioumars Heidari, l’adjoint du commandant en chef de l’armée de terre, a affirmé à l’agence de presse gouvernementale Fars que la fabrication à l’échelle industrielle des missiles Nazéat a commencé et que ces missiles vont être prochainement mis à la disposition de l’armée de terre.
Ces missiles ont été conçus et fabriqués avec la coopération de la « Force Aérienne et Spatiale » du Corps des gardiens de la Révolution (les pasdaran).   
Houshang Hassan-Yari, professeur au « Collège Militaire Royal du Canada » (situé à Kingston, dans la province d’Ontario) a affirmé à la BBC : « Dans le passé, le régime iranien a déclaré à plusieurs reprises qu’il a même fabriqué des missiles de longue-portée. Pour un pays comme l’Iran, ce n’est guère difficile de fabriquer des missiles de moyenne-portée. » 
Il a ajouté : « Ces dernières années, l’Iran a annoncé de temps à autre qu’il a fait des progrès dans la maîtrise de nouvelles technologies dans le domaine balistique. » 
Hassan-Yari a précisé : « Alors que les négociations nucléaires entre l’Iran et les pays du group 5+1 sont en cours, le régime iranien fait ce type d’annonce pour faire pression sur ces pays et leur montrer que si les négociations échouent, ce régime serait capable de se défendre face aux menaces extérieurs. »

Les pays occidentaux sont convaincus que le programme nucléaire du régime iranien poursuit des orientations militaires et considère que le programme balistique de ce régime a pour objectif la fabrication de vecteurs pouvant transporter des charges nucléaires.

Iran: rallies, drivers on strike in various cities protesting high fuel prices

                     Increasing fuel prices are leading to major protests across Iran
                   Increasing fuel prices are leading to major protests across Iran 

Minibus drivers in the city of Malayer went on strike on Saturday, April 27th, protesting the increasing prices of fuel. Passengers in this city protested the rising price of gasoline and disorders caused in their daily lives.
A group of passengers and citizens in the city of Lahijan on Friday, April 26th, protested rising automobile renting prices and staged a gathering resulting from rising gasoline prices.
Taxi drivers in the area of Seyed Khandan and Azadi Avenue in Tehran rallied on Sunday, April 28th, at the taxi stations protesting increasing and demanding a final resolution on the issue of taxi rates.
According to other news a number of truck owners in Tehran went on strike on Sunday, April 28th, protesting the increasing energy prices and especially diesel fuel.

Brave Iranian youths in Hamedan up activities to mark Int’l Labor Day

                  Posters in Hamedan reveal Rouhani’s devious and destructive policies
                 Posters in Hamedan reveal Rouhani’s devious and destructive policies   

Brave youths in the Iranian city of Hamedan are welcoming and markingInternational Labor Day by writing slogans and installing posters across the city revealing the regime and Rouhani’s policies of crackdown, plundering and sloganeering and its deceptive president Hassan Rouhani, recent reports from inside Iran indicate.
These posters held slogans such as, “Rouhani is a liar, what happened to all his promises”, “Budget for homes and bread went to Syria, Lebanon and Hezbollah” and “Rouhani’s achievement is unemployment and skyrocketing prices”. 

Personal items of Evin’s Ward 350 inmates stolen by authorities

                   Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison
                                             Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison 

New revelations show Iranian regime authorities stole the personal property of political prisoners in Evin Prison’s ward 350 during the vicious April 17th raid. This was in addition to destroying their items inside the rooms, breaking their dishes and other personal belongings, and stealing their cash and money.
This consisted of the watch and cash belonging to Hossien Ronaghi, along with cash belonging to Yashar Dara al-Shafa and other inmates.

Iran: Public hanging of 3 political prisoners

                    ‘Moderate’ Rouhani increasing use of public executions across Iran
                ‘Moderate’ Rouhani increasing use of public executions across Iran 

The anti-human clerical regime in Iran hanged three Sunni Baluchi young political prisoners on Saturday, April 26, in the city of Zabol (Sistan & Baluchistan Province). Ali Dahmardeh, 20, Eman Galwi, 20, and Omid Peeri, 23, were condemned to death in mullahs’ sham courts without any fair judicial process on the charge of assassinating Zabol’s atrocious Public Prosecutor and the verdict was approved within days by the mullahs’ Supreme Court.
During the five months of detention of these three prisoners in Zahedan’s Intelligence Department, they faced the most severe tortures for extracting forced confessions from them. The signs of torture were evident on their bodies and they were unable to walk, lie down or sit.
Additionally, on April 24 and 26, two prisoners by the names of Mojtaba Nouri and Ali Doniyadideh in Zahedan’s central prison and another prisoner hanged in public in the city of Semnan were executed.
In another cruel act on April 27, regime’s henchmen flogged a young man in public in the city of Birjand (South Khorassan Province, eastern Iran). A suppressive security forces official said in this regard: “The police confront those who disrupt public order or security without any forgiveness and will show no mercy in this regard.”
In a situation where the raid by the suppressive forces on the political prisoners has raised public abhorrence; where the inflation, poverty and high prices have people under enormous pressure; and at a time that the empty promises of Mullah Rouhani have been disclosed more than ever, the clerical regime has found the only way to thwart expansion of protests, especially in the deprived regions, in the escalation of suppression and executions, particularly in front of the public’s eyes.
The silence and inaction on part of the international community regarding the criminal executions in Iran that have topped 700 during the Rouhani’s era have emboldened the religious dictatorship ruling Iran in continuing and intensifying its executions, massacres and its systematic and brutal violation of human rights.

French human rights group condemns savage Evin prison Ward 350 raid

                      France’s New Human Rights condemns savage Evin Prison ward 350 raid
                France’s New Human Rights condemns savage Evin Prison ward 350 raid 

 NCRI - A French human rights group has condemned the brutal attack on political prisoners by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards at the regime’s Evin prison.
On April 17, A large number of the clerical regime’s suppressive forces raided the ward 350 of notorious Evin Prison, savagely beating up and insulting the prisoners. The excuse for the raid was inspecting the ward.
Ward 350 is the ward of political prisoners in Evin Prison, including those who are imprisoned on the charges of affiliation with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).
France’s New Human Rights (Nouveaux Droits de l’Homme) said prisoners were attacked ‘for asserting their legitimate claims, including improving conditions of detention and their right to freedom of conscience’. They named those among the wounded as Gholam-Reza Khosravi-Savadjani, Assadollah Hadi, Javad Fouladvand and Assadollah Assadi, who are all in a critical condition.
NDH President Pierre Bercis said in a statement: “New Human Rights condemns the violent raid Thursday, April 17, against political prisoners in Evin prison, which left several people injured and many segregated .
“Prisoners were attacked for asserting their legitimate claims, including improving conditions of detention and their right to freedom of conscience.
“According to witnesses, the People’s Mojahedin sympathisers were particularly brutalized and ‘beaten to death’. Other prisoners who protested against the brutality have also been the target of violence.
“Following the raid, 31 prisoners were placed in solitary confinement in Section 240 of Evin.”
The statement added: “Violence against helpless political prisoners is another example of the deterioration of human rights in Iran under the presidency of Hassan Rohani.
“NDH joins the European Parliament deplored the growing repression in Iran and urge theEuropean Union to mainstream human rights in all aspects of its relations with Iran.
“NDH calls for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Iran and the initiation of a prosecution by an international court against the perpetrators of serious violations of human rights that have raged for 35 years in this country.
“Western governments, including France, have a duty to respond with force to face the catastrophic situation of human rights in Iran, to make a political and economic relationship with the theocratic regime, to stop executions and improve the human rights situation in Iran.”       

Iran: Hunger strike of Pol prisoners, families broadens

                   Gohardasht Prison، Karaj, northern Iran
                                   Gohardasht Prison، Karaj, northern Iran 

On Wednesday, April 23, political prisoners of Room 12 of ward 4 of Gohardasht prison, in solidarity with prisoners of ward 350 of Evin prison, went on hunger strike. They demand the return of prisoners from solitary confinement, urgent treatment of injured and wounded, and an impartial investigation on the brutal raid on Evin and prosecution and punishment of perpetrators of this great crime. 
Meanwhile, families of political prisoners have declared that in solidarity with their protesting children, they too will go on hunger strike from Thursday April 24. 
Transferred prisoners to solitary cells have gone on hunger strike since April 17 and today they entered their second week of hunger strike. Subsequently, prisoners of ward 350 of Evin prison went on hunger strike in solidarity with their cellmates who had been transferred to solitary confinement. 
On Wednesday henchman Gholamhossein Esmaili, head of the Prisons Organization, who had previously denied any raid on political prisoners, foolishly claimed that the hunger strike of prisoners was a lie.

Iran – Exécutions d’au moins sept prisonniers à l’ouest du pays

Le régime des mollahs a exécuté au moins sept personnes dans l’enceinte de la prison de Dizel-Abad située dans la ville de Kermânchâh (chef-lieu de la province de Kermânchâh, à l’ouest de l’Iran).
Ces exécutions par pendaison ont eu lieu le dimanche 27 avril.

Deux des personnes exécutées s’appelaient Siabani et Fattahi. Les noms des autres personnes exécutées n’ont pas été précisés.

Depuis qu’Hassan Rohani est devenu le président du régime des mollahs, plus de 700 personnes ont été exécutées en Iran.

Malgré sa prétendue modération, Rohani reste souvent silencieux sur ces exécutions quotidiennes en Iran dont le nombre a considérablement augmenté sous sa présidence. La semaine dernière, il a défendu la peine de mort en la qualifiant de « mise en application des lois ».

Iran – Les prisonniers politiques continuent leur grève de la faim

 Les prisonniers politiques dans la prison de Gowhardacht à Karadj (ville située dans la banlieue ouest de Téhéran) ont affirmé qu’ils continueront leur grève de la faim jusqu’à la sortie de l’isolement des prisonniers placés en cellules individuelles dans la prison d’Evin.
Dans un communiqué publié le mardi 29 avril, les prisonniers grévistes ont remercié ceux qui leur avaient demandé de mettre fin à leur grève de la faim et ils ont souligné : « Nous arrêterons notre grève de la faim uniquement après la sortie de l’isolement de tous nos compagnons prisonniers qui ont été sévèrement battus. Ils ont été insultés, leurs chevaux ont été tondus et ils ont été placés dans des cellules individuelles. Nous comptons sur le soutien de vous qui êtes tous très chers pour nous. »
Les prisonniers grévistes ont ajouté : « Nous sommes en grève de la faim pour défendre tous les prisonniers, dont nous-mêmes. »
Le lundi 28 avril, 14 prisonniers détenus de la section 350 de la sinistre prison d’Evin ont été privés du parloir. Récemment, les personnes détenus dans cette section de la prison ont été sauvagement attaquées et battus par les agents du régime. Ce raid barbare contre les prisonniers sans défense a soulevé une vague de contestation à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de l’Iran. Après ce raid, les parents de quelques détenus qui ont pu rencontrer leurs enfants lors d’un parloir qui a eu lieu ce lundi ont dit que leurs enfants avaient sur le visage des bleus et des contusions.

Le gouvernement Rohani interdit le défilé du 1er mai en Iran

Le ministre du travail du gouvernement d’Hassan Rohani, Ali Rabii, s’est opposé à la tenue du défilé du 1er mai (la fête internationale des travailleurs).
Selon l’agence de presse gouvernementale ILNA, Rabii a déclaré : « Puisque ce jour le président de la République va prononcer un discours public, ce n’est pas possible d’avoir en même temps un défilé. »
Ces dernières années, le régime des mollahs a toujours utilisé différentes prétextes pour annuler le défilé du 1er mai pour les ouvriers.
Le mouvement de protestation des ouvriers se développe de plus en plus en Iran. Les ouvriers iraniens se plaignent des contrats de travail précaires, du manque de sécurité professionnel, du niveau très bas des salaires et des retards dans le paiement des salaires.
Les ouvriers iraniens ont des revendications très basiques : ils réclament que leurs salaires soient payés régulièrement à la fin de chaque mois, ils s’opposent aux licenciements collectifs et ils souhaitent pouvoir bénéficier d’une assurance maladie. Selon les statistiques officielles du régime iranien, la majorité des ouvriers en Iran vivent sous le seuil de pauvreté.

mardi 29 avril 2014

Iran: police units enter homes in early morning raid

                    Iranian repressive police raiding the people’s homes
                         Iranian repressive police raiding the people’s homes 

Following popular protests in the Khozeire region of the city of Shush, Iranian regime police stormed into people’s homes at 4 in the morning recently and arrested a number of residents after conducting various inspections.
Mohammad Mousa al-Ka’bi and Shaker Zakhravari are two of those arrested in this vicious raid.
This criminal raid took place while a number of Shush residents were sentenced to death based on TV confessions obtained under horrific torture.

Iran: increasing anger & workers’ protests on brink of Labor Day

        Iranian workers to mark International Labor Day by holding anti-regime rallies  
            Iranian workers to mark International Labor Day by holding anti-regime rallies 

On the brink ofInternational Labor Day, the mullahs’ regime in Iran has increased the price of oil-based products and placed the entire nation under increasing pressure, especially the laborers. These pressures, in addition to those already imposed by the regime, have increased labor protests across the country.
This includes more than 12,000 retired workers that rallied outside the regime’s Majlis (parliament) on Sunday, April 27th, protesting their low pensions and the stealing of their wealth by the regime’s Social Security Organization.
Workers of the Karoun Sugar Cube Factory in Shahr-e Kord staged a gathering protesting not being paid their insurance pensions, and the workers of the Azar Nasooz Complex also protested not receiving half of their wages during the past few months.
Nearly 100 workers of the Khuzestan Pipe Factory rallied outside the province’s so-called high court and demanded to receive their monthly salaries and paychecks.
Expelled workers of the Pakdasht Punel rallied and demanded to receive their delayed paychecks and pensions. Furthermore, over 200 workers of the Pars Ghu Vegetable Oil Factory rallied and protested the closure of this factory by the Tehran municipality.
In other developments in Tehran, groups of active and retired workers disrupted and turned into turmoil a sham session held by the regime under the pretext of supporting workers on April 26th in the Ministry of Labor. The protesting workers chanted slogans against Jahangiri, Rouhani’s deputy, Rabi’i, the regime’s labor minister and Mahjoub, the director of the so-called Labor House. As a result, Jahangiri cancelled his speech halfway and ended the session in a huge embarrassment.
In a serious faceoff against the mullahs’ regime, Iran’s workers and freedom-loving people are preparing to hold independent labor rallies on Thursday, May 1st, outside the Ministry of Labor in Tehran and also governor offices in various cities, calling for workers to rise united against the plundering mullahs’ regime.
A group of youths and high-school students in Dezful, a group of unemployed workers in the city of Doroud, a group of nurse students in the open universities of Ahvaz, Khoram Abad and Abadan, and a group of Parand Open University students are amongst those who have announced their solidarity to hold protest rallies marking International Labor Day to voice their opposition to the mullahs’ regime.

Iran is world’s 2nd most miserable nation, ranking states

                       Poverty & unemployment are just two of the problems Iranians are facing
           Poverty & unemployment are just two of the problems Iranians are facing 

Iran under the mullahs’ rule has been ranked second out of 90 countries in the world Misery Index which rates the quality of life of the population.
The theocratic regime came only second to Venezuela in the table which studies inflation, unemployment, lending rates and the growth of GDP per capita.
It is Iran’s soaring annual inflation of 34.7 per cent, according to their Central Bank figures, which gave it a score of 61.6, behind Venezuela on 79.4.
Petrol prices in Iran were hiked by around 75 per cent last Friday, and came after more evidence of poverty in the regime when two days earlier 95 per cent of Iranians signed up for state aid, ignoring a government campaign urging people to forgo handouts.
The authors of the ranking carried out by US-based think-tank the Cato Institute said: “For most people, quality of life is important. They prefer lower inflation, the lowest unemployment rate, lowest loan rates, and the highest GDP per capita.”
Iran’s per capita income in 2013 has been estimated at the equivalent of $12,800, but the minimum monthly wage is fixed at $185, leaving many low earners depending on the direct aid..
Eight months after taking office as the president of the clerical regime in Iran, Hassan Rouhani has suffered a major political defeat, with the public overwhelmingly brushing aside his appeals to forgo direct government aid.
The state-run daily newspaper Mardomsalari described Rouhani’s campaign as a ‘clearly evident failure’, adding in an editorial: “Bombarding the people with appeals was more tiring than it was convincing. It totally flopped.”

Iran: Tehran Khaje Nasir Tech Univ. students hold protest gathering

          Student protests in Iran [File Photo]
                                                 Student protests in Iran [File Photo] 

A group of students in Tehran’s Khaje Nasir Tech University held a gathering protesting the delay of council elections and also the widespread problems they are facing in the campus. They also protested the insulting speech given by regime officials against the students. 
This rally was held outside the university’s main building located in the Iranian capital’s Mirdamadi Avenue.

Iran: Emboldened by int’l community inaction, regime continues with executions

                       Executions on the rise in Iran under Rouhani due to no serious int’l reaction
           Executions on the rise in Iran under Rouhani due to no serious int’l reaction

The anti-human clerical regime in Iran hanged three young Sunni Baluchi political prisoners on Saturday, April 26, in the city of Zabol (Sistan & Baluchistan Province). Ali Dahmardeh, 20, Eman Galwi, 20, and Omid Peeri, 23, were condemned to death in the mullahs’ sham courts without any fair judicial process on the charge of assassinating Zabol’s atrocious Public Prosecutor, and the verdict was approved within days by the mullahs’ Supreme Court.
During their five months of detention in Zahedan’s Intelligence Department, these three political prisoners faced severe torture to extract forced confessions. The signs of torture were visible on their bodies, making them unable to walk, lie down or sit.
Additionally, two prisoners in Zahedan’s central prison named as Mojtaba Nouri and Ali Doniyadideh, and a third prisoner, were hanged in public in the city of Semnan on April 24 and 26.
In another barbaric act, the regime’s henchmen flogged a young man in public in the city of Birjand (South Khorassan Province, eastern Iran) in April 27. A security forces official said of the punishment: “The police confront those who disrupt public order or security without any forgiveness and will show no mercy in this regard.”
While the raid by the suppressive forces on political prisoners has raised public abhorrence, when soaring inflation and poverty have put people under enormous pressure, and at a time when Mullah Rouhani’s empty promises are being exposed to the world, the clerical regime has found the only way to thwart the expansion of protests, especially in the deprived regions, is the escalation of suppression and executions, particularly carried out in public.
Silence and inaction on part of the international community regarding the criminal executions in Iran have emboldened the religious dictatorship ruling Iran to continue and intensify massacres, the systematic and brutal violation of human rights and executions which have topped 700 duringHassan Rouhani’s time in office.

Iranian regime no defender of women’s rights

                     Women under intense crackdown in Iran
                                     Women under intense crackdown in Iran 

Source: Toronto Sun
Nope, it’s not from a parody website. This is real news: “Iran wins seat on UN body that presses for women’s rights.” That’s an actual headline from the Washington Times.
The Islamic Republic of Iran was elected to several United Nations human rights committees last week, including receiving a four-year term on the Commission on the Status of Women.
“It is a black day for human rights,” said UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer.
No kidding.
Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the UN, pointed to Iran’s human rights abuses and called the committee appointments a “particularly troubling outcome.” Iran hit back, calling these “baseless accusations.” Oh, really? Yet it was only this April 14 that a UN independent expert called on Iran to halt the hanging execution of a young woman.
In 2007 interior designer Reyhaneh Jabbari was sexually assaulted by an Iranian intelligence officer. Apparently he lured her to his apartment on the pretence of doing work for him. Jabbari confessed to stabbing the man in self-defence.
And they talk about victim-blaming over here!
Then there’s this: Every spring, morality police take to the street’s in Iran to punish “bad hijab.” This isn’t to punish women for parading around topless. The infractions are as minor as showing a bit of hair.
Some may argue being on the commission might encourage Iran to rise to the occasion.
But here’s the rub: Iran is actually being re-elected. They’ve been a member since 2011.
The first term certainly hasn’t helped Jabbari or those harassed on “bad hijab” day.
The purpose of the women’s commission is to “set global standards and formulate concrete policies to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment worldwide.” Now there are currently women’s rights activists in Iran and we wish them well. But they will not be the voices represented at this committee.
While some people want to ignore how ridiculous the UN has become, Canada has taken a stand in the past and must again.
Our delegates have walked out to protest former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s speeches at the UN.
We’re not currently a member of the women’s commission, but we need to keep sending such messages.
No more moral relativism at the UN.

Iran : trois prisonniers politiques sunnites condamnés à mort

L’appareil judiciaire iranien a condamné à mort trois prisonniers politiques de confession sunnite.
Ces prisonniers s’appellent Mohammad Keyvan Karimi (31 ans), Amdjad Salehi (27 ans) et Omid Peyvand (31 ans). Ils sont actuellement détenus dans la prison de Radjai-Shahr à Karadj (ville située à l’ouest de Téhéran). Ils ont été accusés de « moharebeh » (guerre contre le Dieu) et propagande contre le régime.
Les verdicts de condamnation à mort de ces trois prisonniers ont été envoyés à la Haute Cour de Justice des mollahs pour être confirmés.
Le sunnisme est la confession majoritaire dans le monde musulman, mais les sunnites iraniens sont une minorité confessionnelle réprimée et harcelée par le régime des mollahs.
Les estimations effectuées montrent qu’au sein de la population iranienne, qui compte près de 80 millions de personnes, environ 10% sont des musulmans de confession sunnite.

Le 30 mars, Molawi Abdollah Badji Zehi, l’imam d’une mosquée sunnite située à Zâhédan (chef-lieu de la province de Baloutchistan au sud-est de l’Iran) a été tué par balle au moment où il sortait de la mosquée. Le même jour, deux habitants de la province de Baloutchistan dont le nom de famille était Shahou-Zehi et qui était âgés de 34 et 40 ans ont été tués sous les balles des agents du régime des mollahs.
Le 31 mars, Morad Kahrazehi, âgé de 45 ans, a reçu 8 balles et a été grièvement blessé. Le 1er avril, Khodad Naroui, âgé de 60 ans et habitant à Iran-Shahr (ville situé dans la province de Baloutchistan) a été tué par les agents du régime.

Des commerces en grève à Téhéran

 Les commerçants de la rue Laleh Zar de la capitale iranienne ont tiré leurs rideaux ce dimanche 27 avril. Les détaillants de matériel éléctrique protestaient contre la hausse de la TVA qui augmente de 8%, indique Radio Farda.
Au son des rideaux qui baissent a succédé le bruit des bottes des forces répressives qui se sont déployées dans la rue pour convaincre par un dialogue musclé les commerçants à rouvrir. Cependant le mouvement a duré tout l’après-midi, suivi d’un rassemblement de ces commerçants à la mosquée locale. Ils y ont désigné un représentant pour aller discuter avec les autorités.

Des ex-officiels américains dénoncent les exactions contre les opposants iraniens du Camp Liberty

Dans une réunion qui a eu lieu le 25 avril à Phoenix (ville située dans l’Etat d’Arizona, au sud-ouest des Etats-Unis), d’anciens officiels américains de haut-rang ont dénoncé les exactions commises par le gouvernement irakien contre les opposants iraniens résidants au Camp Liberty en Irak.
Parmi les personnes participants à cette réunion, il y a eu notamment : Rudy Giuliani, l’ancien maire de New York, Linda Chavez, un ancien fonctionnaire de la Maison Blanche sous l’administration Reagan, le général George Casey, un commandant des forces américaines en Irak de 2004 à 2007.

Voici ce que le journal « The Republic », publié en Arizona, a écrit sur cette réunion :

Dans un discours devant environ 250 personnes réunies dans une salle à Hôtel Sheraton à Phoenix, l’ancien maire de New York, Rudy Giuliani, a dénoncé les exactions du régime iranien et a appelé au renversement de ce régime. Il a été longuement applaudi par une foule enthousiaste.

Giuliani a notamment affirmé : « Les dirigeants du régime iranien se présentent comme des modérés, mais à l’intérieur de l’Iran, ils assassinent, ils oppriment, ils répriment et ils terrorisent la population. Selon les chiffres d’Amnesty International, l’an dernier le régime iranien a exécuté 680 personnes. »

Tous les orateurs ont dénoncé le traitement infligés aux dissidents iraniens détenus dans un camp de prisonniers en Irak. Pendant le conflit en Irak, le gouvernement américain s’était engagé à les protéger. Après le retrait des forces américaines de l’Irak, le gouvernement irakien, que Giuliani qualifie de « marionnette de l’Iran », les a assassinés.

Une immense affiche accrochée à côté du podium, représentant les visages des 52 dissidents iraniens tués lors d’une attaque qui a eu lieu au camp d’Ashraf en Irak en septembre 2013.

Le général Casey a notamment affirmé : « La résistance démocratique contre ce régime est justifiée. »
L’événement a débuté avec un message vidéo de Maryam Radjavi, la présidente élue du Conseil national de la Résistance iranienne. Dans son message, elle a appelé à la mise en place d’un gouvernement libre, démocratique et pluraliste en Iran. Giuliani a décrit le groupe de Maryam Radjavi comme un groupe connu et digne de confiance pour diriger l’Iran.