jeudi 31 décembre 2015
Iran: Padideh Shandiz Project victims came under attack from Security forces + PHOTOS
According to final reports illustrating the tense situation in Mashhad, between thousands of victims of a fraudulent mega construction project called 'Padideh Shandiz' and government forces, the demonstrators which their number reached more than 2,000 came under heavy and brutal attack by the Suppressive State Security forces, SSF.
This tense situation has been simmering for days now, and thousands of people who were deceived and persuaded to buy in advance shares of this bogus project, have found out that they have paid their money to the government backed rogue contractors.
These shareholder then took to the social networks calling for a major protest today, Thursday, December 31, 2015.
Reports that have been coming since little afternoon, Iran time, showed that many of these victims braved the cold and overcame the fear of reprisal from the suppressive government forces and took to the streets to demand their rights.
Apparently, the Padideh Shandiz Project is partially completed, but the shareholders who have paid thousands of dollars in advance, are left in the cold and deprived from both their money and the interest of the shares.
According to eyewitness accounts, a number of protesters were arrested and taken to unknown locations.
Demonstration started in Mashhad’s Taghi-abad roundabout and stretched few blocks away towards '10 Day' major intersection. The protesters chanted anti-regime slogans including: 'Death to people’s rights usurper', 'Governor must quit hypocrisy', and 'we heard thousands of pledges, but no action' and 'all we the victims heard have been lies…'.
Despite suppressive measures planned in advance by the SSF and anti-riot forces, the demonstration continued for several hours. The demonstrators in Mashhad announced at the end of their protest that they will converge again on Monday Jan. 4th 2016 in Tehran, capital of the country to voice their demands.
This tense situation has been simmering for days now, and thousands of people who were deceived and persuaded to buy in advance shares of this bogus project, have found out that they have paid their money to the government backed rogue contractors.
These shareholder then took to the social networks calling for a major protest today, Thursday, December 31, 2015.
Reports that have been coming since little afternoon, Iran time, showed that many of these victims braved the cold and overcame the fear of reprisal from the suppressive government forces and took to the streets to demand their rights.
Apparently, the Padideh Shandiz Project is partially completed, but the shareholders who have paid thousands of dollars in advance, are left in the cold and deprived from both their money and the interest of the shares.
According to eyewitness accounts, a number of protesters were arrested and taken to unknown locations.
Demonstration started in Mashhad’s Taghi-abad roundabout and stretched few blocks away towards '10 Day' major intersection. The protesters chanted anti-regime slogans including: 'Death to people’s rights usurper', 'Governor must quit hypocrisy', and 'we heard thousands of pledges, but no action' and 'all we the victims heard have been lies…'.
Despite suppressive measures planned in advance by the SSF and anti-riot forces, the demonstration continued for several hours. The demonstrators in Mashhad announced at the end of their protest that they will converge again on Monday Jan. 4th 2016 in Tehran, capital of the country to voice their demands.
Three prisoners die in Iran prison in consecutive days
Torture by Iran’s fundamentalist regime has led to the death of three Iranians in a prison in Zahedan, southeastern Iran, over three consecutive days this week, according to received reports.
The reports indicated that on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of this week the three prisoners in Wards 5, 6 and 7 of the central prison of Zahedan died due to brutal tortures and denial of medical treatment.
Farzad Naravi, who went by the nickname Shahin and was in his forties, lost his life on Sunday, December 27, three days after he was transferred to Ward 5 of the prison from an interrogation center where he had been brutally tortured. He had serious torture wounds and blood on his back and feet. In prison, he was denied access to medical care.
Mehdi Naravi, 38, died in prison on Monday, December 28. He had spent the past six years behind bars and had been in Ward 7 of Zahedan Prison. For some time, Mehdi Naravi had been ill, but the prison guards deliberately refused to allow his transfer to a hospital.
Gholam Rabbani, 45, who had been imprisoned in Ward 6 of the prison, died on Tuesday, December 29. He too had been ill after spending the past two years in prison, but prison guards had prevented him from receiving proper medical treatment.Le régime iranien se prépare à exécuter des prisonniers politiques sunnites ; ils demandent des actions immédiates
Le régime iranien se prépare à exécuter des prisonniers politiques sunnites ; ils demandent des actions immédiates
Le régime fondamentaliste iranien prépare une exécution de masse d’un grand nombre de prisonniers politiques sunnites dans la prison tristement célèbre de Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) à Karaj, dans le nord-ouest de Téhéran.
Selon les rapports reçus, ces derniers jours plusieurs prisonniers sunnites dans le couloir 10 de la section 4 ont été transférés dans un autre couloir. Les prisonniers restant dans le couloir 10 ont tous été condamnés à mort.
La ségrégation dans le couloir de la mort des prisonniers politiques a causé de profondes angoisses chez leurs proches qui pensent que le régime prépare leur exécution.
Au moins 27 prisonniers politiques sunnites dans le couloir de la mort à Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) ont vu leurs sentences maintenues par la Cour suprême du régime.
Ils ont été inculpés pour plusieurs fausses accusations par le régime fondamentaliste, dont « acte à l’encontre de la sécurité nationale », « propagande contre l’État », « la diffusion de la corruption dans le monde », et « Moharabeh » (hostilité envers Dieu).
Plusieurs de ces prisonniers politiques ont été arrêtés par des agents du ministère des renseignements et de la sécurité nationale (MOIS) en la province du Kurdistan dans l’ouest de l’Iran, après les rébellions de 2009 dans tout le pays contre le régime des mollahs. La plupart ont été mis en isolement et torturés pendant plusieurs mois après leur arrestation sans pouvoir voir un avocat ou leurs proches.
Les prisonniers politiques sunnites à Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) ont publié la semaine dernière dans une lettre ouverte « le dernier cri. »
Dans leur lettre, les prisonniers politiques ont déclaré : « Nous souhaiterions vous informer que suite à la série d’exécution de jeunes sunnites ces dernières années, cette fois le régime iranien a l’intention d’exécuter le reste des prisonniers politiques sunnites dans le couloir de la mort de la prison de Rajai-Shahr. »
Leur lettre demande à leurs chers Iraniens sunnites et les chefs religieux de les rejoindre et de condamner fortement ce « crime historique » et pour l’empêcher.
mercredi 30 décembre 2015
Iran regime preparing to mass execute Sunni political prisoners; prisoners urge immediate action
Iran's fundamentalist regime is setting the stage for the mass execution of a large number of Sunni political prisoners in the notorious Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) Prison in Karaj, north-west of Tehran.
In recent days many Sunni prisons in Hall 10 of Ward 4 of the prison have been moved to another hall, according to received reports. The remaining prisoners in Hall 10 all have death sentences.
The segregation of the death-row political prisoners has caused deep anguish and concern among them and their relatives that the regime is preparing to soon carry out their executions.
At least 27 Sunni death-row political prisoners in Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) have had their sentences upheld by the regime's Supreme Court.
They have been charged with a variety of the fundamentalist regime's bogus offences, including "acting against national security," "propaganda against the state," "spreading corruption on earth," and "Moharabeh" (waging war against God).
Many of these political prisoners were arrested by agents of the notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) in Iran's western Kurdistan Province after the 2009 nationwide uprising against the mullahs' regime. Most had been held in solitary confinement and tortured for several months after their arrest with no access to a lawyer or their relatives.
The Sunni political prisoners in Gohardasht (Rajai-Shahr) last week published an open letter titled “the last cry.”
In their letter the political prisoners declared: "We would like to inform you that following a series of executions of Sunni youths in recent years, this time the Iranian regime intends to execute all the remaining death-row Sunni prisoners in Rajai-Shahr Prison."
Their letter urged fellow Iranian Sunnis and religious leaders to join together to loudly condemn and prevent this "historic crime."
Iran: SSF harassment of women in Ski resort led to angry protests
A number of young men clashed with the State Security Forces in Totchal ski resorts (north of Tehran) on Tuesday, December 29, when they attempted to disturb young women because of their clothing.
The SSF forces (Ski Police) asked women to leave the resort, but young men confronted them and engaged in a clash. Reinforcement forces were sent in with Ski cycles and two young men were arrested. The arrests, however, infuriated the people who staged an angry protest and forced the SSF to free the young men.
Schools closed down in Iran capital as air pollution increases
Junior schools in the Iranian capital Tehran were once again shut down on Wednesday due to extreme weather pollution.
Nurseries and primary schools in all of Tehran Province, with the exception of schools in Pardis, Damavand and Firouzkouh, were closed on Wednesday.
The average Air Quality Index in Tehran on Wednesday rose to 159, according to Mohammad Rastgari, a senior official of the regime’s environmental agency in the capital, where an estimated 14 million people live. One area in northeastern Tehran peaked at 238.
On Tuesday the AQI in Tehran stood at 157, according to Mohammad-Hadi Heidarzadeh who heads the regime's environmental agency in the capital. That is well above the World Health Organization's advised level of between zero and 50.
Sand and cement factories around the capital have been banned from operating until Friday, he said. Outdoor sport activities, including professional football league matches, have also been banned.
A spokesperson for the regime's air quality control organization in Tehran announced on Tuesday that air quality in the capital was now in the Red Alert zone, meaning that pollution levels were harmful to even healthy people in society.
On Saturday, Mohammadreza Pir-Cheraghali, a fuel expert of the Iranian regime, said: “The main cause of air pollution in Iran’s mega cities is the diesel fuel produced domestically.”
“The reason for the air pollution, especially in winter, is the heavy hydrocarbons produced in oil refineries and petrochemical complexes that reach consumers as diesel fuel,” he said.
There have been 18 straight days of dangerously polluted air in Tehran.
There have been 18 straight days of dangerously polluted air in Tehran.
Iran a major prison for journalists - RSF
Iran is the world's third biggest prison for journalists, the press freedoms group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said in a report published on Tuesday.
At least 18 journalists are confirmed to be in detention in Iran,RSF said in its annual "Round-up of journalists killed worldwide 2015."
Earlier this month RSF published a separate annual Round-up of journalists detained, held hostage or disappeared in 2015," in which it wrote: "Those held in Iran include several arrested in November, the latest of many journalists to be accused of membership of 'espionage networks.'”
That report added that in Iran under the mullahs' rule "the judicial system is controlled by the Supreme Leader and is manipulated by the Revolutionary Guards in order to gag reporting critical of the regime."
RSF's website lists the Iranian regime's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei as a Predator of Freedom of Information.Photo : Une jeune iranienne se suicide en sautant d’un pont
Une jeune iranienne se suicide en sautant d’un pont
Une jeune femme iranienne s’est suicidée lundi en sautant du haut d’un pont à Téhéran. La jeune femme n’a pas été identifiée par son nom, mais les médias d’état du régime ont annoncé qu’elle avait 25 ans. Elle s’est ôté la vie à 11h20 en sautant du pont piéton de 10 mètres de la Place Resalat à Téhéran.
Lors d’une autre affaire de suicide, deux jeunes filles qui avaient été renvoyées d’un centre d’aide sociale dans la province de l’Azerbaïdjan oriental, au nord-ouest de l’Iran, ont tenté vendredi de mettre fin à leurs jours. L’une des jeunes filles, Rava, a été sauvée par les médecins à l’hôpital de la ville de Tabriz, tandis que Paria est décédée des suites de ses blessures, à affirmé l’agence de presse de l’état IRNA.
Par ailleurs, un homme de 45 ans s’est suicidé dimanche en s’arrosant de pétrole et s’immolant dans un square public de la ville de Shush, en Iran occidental.
La pauvreté, la privation et la répression en Iran sous le régime des mollahs a poussé un certain nombre de personnes, en particulier des femmes et des filles, à mettre fin à leurs jours.
De nombreux cas d’immolation en Iran ces derniers mois ont attiré une attention particulière, y compris les cas d’Omid Rashedi, 36 ans, dans la ville sud-occidentale d’Ahwaz ; Mansour Keyhani, un professeur retraité de Sanghar, à l’ouest de l’Iran ; Ali Akbari, 45 ans, un ouvrier de Téhéran ; Hamid Farokhi, 43 ans, un vendeur de rue de Tabriz, au nord-ouest de l’Iran ; et Youness Asakareh, 31 ans, un ouvrier du Khorramshahr, en Iran sud-occidental. Toutes ces immolations comportaient une part de protestation contre le régime des mollahs.
En moyenne, 11 personnes se suicident chaque jour en Iran, l’équivalent de trois personnes sur 100 000, selon le site internet du Comité des Femmes du Conseil National de la Résistance Iranienne (CNRI).
Les ouvriers iraniens souffrent particulièrement de la pauvreté, de la faim et du chômage, tandis que les richesses iraniennes sont gaspillées dans la répression intérieure, les mesures antinationales d’exportation du terrorisme et de bellicisme dans la région, dans les projets d’armes de destruction massive, en plus d’être pillées par les dirigeants du régime.
Le régime iranien arrête des chrétiens le jour de Noël
Le régime fondamentaliste iranien a arrêté un groupe de chrétiens pratiquants iraniens le jour de Noël dans une église à l’intérieur d’une maison dans la ville de Shiraz, dans le sud de l’Iran. Le groupe de chrétiens s’était rassemblé vendredi dernier, le 25 décembre, pour fêter Noël lorsque des agents en civil du tristement célèbre ministère des renseignements et de la sécurité nationale (MOIS) ont fait une descente dans l’église.
Les agents armés du MOIS ont fouillé toute la maison et ont confisqué les objets personnels et l’antenne parabolique, selon les témoins oculaires, qui ont également déclaré que les agents se sont comportés de manière « offensante » envers les détenus.
Parmi les personnes arrêter se trouvait :
Une neuvième personne n’a pas été identifiée.
Mercredi 23 décembre, les agents du MOIS ont arrêté M. Meysam Hojjati, un chrétien iranien lors d’une descente dans sa maison, dans la ville centrale d’Ispahan.
M. Hojjati a été roué de coups et menotté alors que sa maison était fouillée et mise sens dessus dessous par quatre agents en civil du MOIS. Ses livres, son ordinateur, son téléphone portable et même ses décorations de Noël ont été confisqués. M. Hojjati avait déjà été arrêté par des agents du même ministère en mars 2012.
Après avoir entendu la nouvelle des arrestations de chrétiens, Shahin Gobadi du comité des Affaires étrangères du conseil national de la résistance iranienne (CNRI) a déclaré mardi : « Il y a eu une détérioration constante des droits de l’Homme en Iran sous la présidence d’Hassan Rohani, notamment des exécutions et la répression de minorités religieuses et ethniques.
Ce n’est qu’un autre cas parmi tant d’autres. En fait, le régime clérical est un des régimes dans le monde qui viole le plus les droits des minorités religieuses notamment ceux des chrétiens. Le régime a institutionnalisé la répression du peuple iranien comme le principal outil pour sa survie. »
Dans ses vœux pour le Nouvel An et Noël aux chrétiens d’Iran et à travers le monde, le 24 décembre, Mme Maryam Rajavi, présidente élue du conseil national de la résistance iranienne (CNRI), a déclaré : « Je souhaite que 2016 soit une année d’unité et de victoire sur l’extrémisme islamique et particulièrement sur le fascisme dirigeant l’Iran et ses alliés perfides au Moyen-Orient qui ont fait germer les hostilités dans le monde. »
« Les musulmans et les chrétiens peuvent compter sur leurs valeurs communes pour se battre contre ceux qui veulent pervertir leur religion. »
« Espérons que les chrétiens en Iran, convertis par l’oppression des mollahs, seront soulagés et espérons également que l’Iran sera libéré de la dictature religieuse. »
Mme Rajavi a ensuite ajouté : « À cette occasion, j’en appelle à la communauté internationale pour former un front uni contre cette dictature religieuse en Iran et ses mandataires et milice en Syrie et en Irak et à combattre l’extrémisme islamique, les ennemis des vrais musulmans, des chrétiens et des adeptes d’autres religions. »
mardi 29 décembre 2015
Iran: Women eliminated from management positions
“Thirty years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the number of female Majlis deputies in the parliament is even less than their numbers before the victory of the Revolution.”
Faezeh Hashemi, daughter of the clerical regime’s no. 2 man mullah Rafsanjani, acknowledged the above in a women’s gathering in the southern Iranian Khuzistan Province. She also pointed out that Iran’s women are eliminated from the management arena, as well.
(State-run Mehr news agency, December 26, 2015)
Iran: Number of illiterate women exceeds men
The number of illiterate women in Iran’s Western Azerbaijan Province exceeds men. This was announced by Mohammad Reza Najafi, Education Department’s deputy for literacy in Western Azerbaijan Province, in a meeting with the press.
Najafi asserted, “The number of illiterate women in rural areas and villages is greater compared to cities and urban areas.”
Based on figures collected in 2011 in Western Azerbaijan Province, Iran, the number of illiterate women in this province is 181,047, of whom 108,000 women reside in villages and 72,000 live in cities of this northwestern Iranian province.
(State-run ISNA news agency, December 26, 2015)
Photo: Young woman commits suicide in Iran by jumping off bridge
A young Iranian woman committed suicide on Monday by jumping off a bridge in Tehran.
The woman was not identified by name, but the regime’s state media reported that she was 25 years old.
She took her life at 11.20 am by jumping off the 10-meter-heigh pedestrian bridge in Tehran’s Resalat Square.
In another case of suicide, two girls who had been discharged from a girls’ social welfare center in East Azerbaijan Province, north-west Iran, on Friday attempted to take their lives. One of the girls Rava was saved by medics in a hospital in the city of Tabriz while Paria died due to her injuries, the regime’s state news agency IRNA said.
In a separate development, a 45-year-old man on Sunday doused himself with petrol and set himself on fire in a public square in the city of Shush, western Iran.
Poverty, deprivation and suppression in Iran under the mullahs’ regime have driven some people, in particular women and girls, to the point of taking their own lives.
Numerous cases of self-immolation in Iran in recent months have drawn special attention, including the cases of Omid Rashedi, 36, from the south-western city of Ahwaz; Mansour Keyhani, a retired teacher from Sanghar, western Iran; Ali Akbari, 45, a laborer from Tehran; Hamid Farokhi, 43, a street vendor from Tabriz, north-west Iran; and Youness Asakareh, 31, a laborer from Khorramshahr, south-western Iran. In all these cases, the self-immolations had an element of protest against the mullahs' regime.
On average, 11 people commit suicide in Iran every day, the equivalent of three in every 100,000 people,according to the website of the Women's Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).
Iranian laborers in particular are suffering from poverty, hunger and unemployment while Iran’s great wealth is spent on domestic suppression, antinationalistic polices of export of terrorism and warmongering in the region, and weapons of mass destruction projects or is plundered by the regime’s officials.
As long as the mullahs’ regime is in power, suppression, poverty, hunger, prostitution and addiction will continue in Iran. The sole solution to end such tyranny and oppression is to topple the antihuman regime of the mullahs and establish democracy in Iran.
Iran: Save the lives of two political prisoners on hunger strike
The Iranian Resistance calls for the lives of Messrs. Afshin Baymani and Arzhang Davoudi, political prisoners on hunger strike since 21 days ago in Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) Prison, to be saved. They have gone on hunger strike in protest to their transfer to the ordinary prisoners’ ward. Mr. Arzhang Davoudi, 62, suffers of acute renal problem. His condition markedly deteriorated on December 26 and he was transferred to a hospital outside prison. Only a few days prior, he had been taken to the hospital as his condition turned critical, but the henchmen returned him back to the prison before he had received any medical treatment.
Mr. Afshin Baymani with severe heart ailment is now in critical condition due to three weeks of hunger strike. His daughter and wife have also gone on hunger strike in protest to his transfer to the ordinary prisoners’ ward. It is 16 years now that he is languishing in the medieval prisons of the Iranian regime facing all kinds of pressures.
Iran political prisoner denounces demagoguery in Christmas message
Ali Moezzi, an Iranian political prisoner in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison, has sent a message on the occasion of Christmas, denouncing the Iranian mullahs’ reactionary interpretation of religion.
Two of Mr. Moezzi daughters are members of the main Iranian opposition group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq. Mr. Moezzi is held in Ward 8 of the dreaded Evin Prison.
His message reads in part: “Greetings to my Christian and Muslim compatriots on the occasion of the birth of Jesus Christ. The birth of Christ which coincided this year with the birth of Islam’s Prophet Mohammad is a cause for double celebration. These prophets were harbingers of mercy and emancipation and equality and unity. Being reactionary is incompatible with the path of the prophets who are the pioneers of historical progress. The mullahs ruling Iran and Salafist and blood thirsty fundamentalists do not know Christ or Mohammad or Abraham. They foster despicable and ugly qualities in people and promote demagoguery. In anticipation of these festive days, we ask God to eradicate this scourge of the era and help us to establish friendship, co-existence, peace and cooperation between human societies."
Mr. Moezzi who suffers greatly due to obstruction of the intestines was prevented last month by the regime’s henchmen from being transferred to hospital. Following protests by political prisoners in Evin, he was taken to the prison infirmary, but was returned to the ward shortly afterwards without receiving any treatment.
Mr. Moezzi who is a political prisoner of the 1980s suffers from various diseases, including cancer and acute kidney disease, due to years of torture and imprisonment in the Iranian regime’s dungeons. Nonetheless, along with a number of other political prisoners, he staged a hunger strike last month to protest the suppression and the arrest of families of political prisoners and their supporters.
Italian municipalities condemn human rights abuses in Iran
The Provincial Council of Italy’s Piedmont Province has unanimously condemned the increasing violation of human rights in Iran underscoring the escalating trend of executions by the Iranian regime, including the execution of juveniles, as well as the suppression of journalists and censorship of the internet.
In a statement issued on November 11, 2015, the Provincial Council of Piedmont called on the Italian government to adopt a political solution in the international institutions, including the United Nations, with the aim of halting collective executions and to condition any dialogue and trade with Iran to a halt to executions and respect for human rights.
The municipalities of Torre Pellice (November 23) and Rivoli (October 28) issued separate statements as well where they referred to 2000 executions during Hassan Rouhani’s presidency and the suppression by the Iranian regime. They noted:
In the summer of 1988, after a fatwa by Khomeini, over 30000 political prisoners, mostly affiliated with the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), were executed. Many defenders of human rights called it a crime against humanity. A number of those responsible for those atrocities are currently among the leaders of this regime.
In a meeting convened on December 7 by Grugliasco and Collegno municipalities of Piedmont Province, Ms. Emanuela Guarino, President of “Current Time Association” said: “With the presence of heroines in the Iranian Resistance, the hope for freedom in Iran is alive.”
Ms. Sonia Rossato, President of the Women’s Center, emphasized in her speech: “The greatest hope for attaining freedom and equality for women are these women that struggle so courageously, and the world should support them.”
Dr. Yousef Lessani from the Association for a Free and Democratic Iran said in this meeting: “The Iranian people, standing with their organized Resistance led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and a thousand heroines in this movement will bring back freedom and democracy to Iran.”
In a separate meeting, Ms. Ughetta Biancotto, President of Italian Partisans Association in Cuneo, said: The special thing about the Iranian Resistance that is unique to the contemporary history is that it is managed by women and this misogynic regime will be overthrown by these women and with the leadership of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.”AFP: Iran reports 112 swine flu deaths since mid-Nov
A swine flu outbreak in Iran has killed 112 people since mid-November and the country's first medical worker has died of the virus, state media said on Monday.
"About 1,190 people have been diagnosed with the (H1N1) virus and hospitalized" and "the death toll has reached 112", the state news agency IRNA quoted Mohammad Mehdi Gouya, an official in the regime's health ministry, as saying.
Swine flu deaths have mostly been in southeastern Iran, while many other provinces across the country have reported isolated fatalities, the French news agency AFP reported on Monday.
A nurse died Sunday after contracting the flu from patients at a hospital in the northeastern town of Neyshabour, the state-run Mehr news agency reported Monday.
A major H1N1 outbreak sparked a World Health Organization pandemic alert in June 2009, after the virus emerged from Mexico and the United States.
The outbreak killed some 18,500 people in 214 countries. The alert was lifted in August 2010.
Iran / Irak : 46 ONG demandent aux Nations Unies de protéger le Camp Liberty
Iran / Irak : 46 ONG demandent aux Nations Unies de protéger le Camp Liberty
CNRI- Quelque 46 organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG) des cinq continent ont signé un appel urgent aux Nations Unies et aux gouvernements des Etats-Unis et d’Irak condamnant l’attaque mortelle du 29 octobre contre les membres du principal groupe d’opposition au régime iranien l’Organisation des Moudjahidines du Peuple d’Iran (OMPI) au camp Liberty en Irak demandant une protection internationale pour le camp.
Ce qui suit est le texte de l’appel :
Attaque meurtrière contre les réfugiés iraniens du Camp Liberty
Appel Urgent aux Nations Unies, Etats-Unis et Gouvernement irakien
Décembre 2015
Nous, les Organisations Non-Gouvernementales et personnalités respectant les droits humains de tout individu et groupe de personnes en vertu du droit international, exprimons notre dégoût le plus total vis-à-vis de l’attaque meurtrière et impitoyable du 29 octobre contre les réfugiés iraniens du Camp Liberty en Irak. Ce crime brutal représente indubitablement un crime contre l’humanité au 21e siècle.
L’attaque, qui a tué 24 résident et en a blessé des centaines d’autres, a selon les sources, été menée avec le soutien d’agents du régime fondamentaliste iranien au gouvernement irakien. En plus du grand nombre de victimes, beaucoup d’endroits du camp ont subi de très lourds dommages dus aux roquettes. À la suite de l’attaque, au lieu de porter assistance aux résidents, le gouvernement irakien, par une démarche inhumaine et criminelle, a fait obstacle à la livraison de nourriture, de carburant et de médicaments, et empêche maintenant l’entrée dans le camp de véhicules utilitaires ou de tout autre objet nécessaire à la réparation des baraquements endommagés et brisés, dans une tentative de soumettre les résidents à une pression encore plus grande.
Depuis qu’en 2009 la protection des résidents d’Achraf – qui sont reconnus comme « personnes protégées » sous la 4e Convention de Genève – a été transférée contre leur gré des Etats-Unis au gouvernement de l’ancien Premier Ministre irakien Nouri al-Maliki, en 7 attaques militaires 141 d’entre eux ont perdu la vie et 27 autres sont morts des conséquences d’un siège criminel.
Malheureusement, les avertissements lancés par les organismes internationaux avant les attaques n’ont pas été entendus, et aujourd’hui nous sommes témoins d’un nouveau crime de guerre contre ces réfugiés. Il semble logique que l’échec des Etats-Unis et des Nations Unies à prendre des mesures concrètes nécessaires sera perçu comme un feu vert par le régime iranien et ses mandataires en Irak, et nous serons témoins d’autres bains de sang ; en particulier alors que la gestion de ce camp reste entre les mains d’individus associés au régime iranien, qui a joué un rôle direct dans ces sept massacres.
Par conséquent, réitérant les engagements des Etats-Unis et de l’ONU vis-à-vis de la sûreté et de la sécurité de cette population, nous demandons:
1- Une enquête complète et impartiale sur les attaques contre les résidents de Liberty comme il a été demandé par les rapporteurs spéciaux des Nations Unies.
2- De mettre fin immédiatement au siège inhumain imposé au camp, y compris en n’empêchant pas les résidents de se procurer des murs en béton « T-walls » et des sacs de sable nécessaires à leur sécurité ; de la même façon les résidents doivent pouvoir obtenir tous les éléments nécessaires pour réparer leurs abris et leur environnement.
3- Qu’une démarche soit entreprise pour enlever le contrôle du Camp Liberty des mains d’agents liés au régime iranien, et pour reconnaître l’endroit comme un camp de réfugié sous la supervision de l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés.
Mouvements de protestation à l’ouest de l’Iran
Protestation à Kermanshah - photo d'archive
Plusieurs mouvements de protestation ont eu lieu à l’ouest de l’Iran ces dernières 24 heures, menés par des étudiants iraniens et des ouvriers qui revendiquaient leurs droits. Ilam, Iran occidental – Un groupe d’étudiants en dernière année à l’Université de Bakthar a manifesté samedi sur leur campus après qu’ils aient été empêchés de participer à une session d’examen sous prétexte qu’ils n’avaient pas payé leurs frais de scolarité.
Sanandaj, Iran occidental – Un groupe de contractuels municipaux de la Chambre des Industries et Mines a manifesté samedi devant ses locaux pour réclamer leurs salaires en retard. Les travailleurs doivent recevoir six mois de rappel de salaire pour avoir effectué des heures supplémentaires.
Sanandaj – Un groupe de contractuels de la mairie du 2e district de Sanandaj a tenu un rassemblement samedi dans la mairie pour réclamer les salaires impayés du mois passé.
Dehgalan, Iran occidental – Un groupe de travailleurs a protesté samedi devant l’agence pour l’emploi municipale pour n’avoir pas touché leur assurance santé et de leur salaire mensuel.
Kermanshah, Iran occidental – Un groupe de travailleurs de l’entreprise de construction de pare-chocs Zagros Sepehran Joshan, dans la zone industrielle de Faraman, s’est réuni samedi devant son lieu de travail à cause de salaires et d’heures supplémentaires impayés ces trois derniers mois.
lundi 28 décembre 2015
Iran: Christian woman arrested on Christmas Eve in Shiraz
A woman was among the ten Christians arrested in a Christmas Eve ceremony held at a house-church in Shiraz.
Plainclothes agents raided the service and took away those arrested including a woman called Elaheh Izadi, to an unknown location.
The assailants destroyed the church’s satellite receiver and confiscated people’s personal belongings.
Iran: Two teenage girls committed suicide in Tabriz
Two young girls on leave from the welfare organization of Eastern Azerbaijan in Tabriz
used rice pills and committed suicide on Friday, December 25, 2015. One of the girls, Rawa, was saved from death at hospital but Pariya, lost her life.
(State-run Mehr news agency – December 28, 2015)
Iran: Mothers honor martyr of 2009 uprising
Mothers of Iranian martyrs and political prisoners joined Karim Beigi family on December 27,
to pay tribute to their son, Mostafa Karim Beigi, who was run over by the State Security Forces car during the great uprising of the people of Tehran on December 27, 2009.
They sang a popular anthem pledging to join together and not remain silent against injustices in the country.
Iran government employees, workers and unions are on strike in defiance of economic hardship
Tehran bazar merchants of deferent branches went on strike once again in a campaign to oppose soaring insurance premiums.
They’ve been charged 10 to 15 percent extra in insurance premiums which led to several strikes during previous months.
Stickers declared they reject any further increase in premium and, started their strikes once again on December 25th.
In another instance, merchants in Tehran Bazar closed their place of business in Bazar on midday Sunday 25th to express aversion to Rohani’s plundering plan of raising the cost of importing goods. The government custom office declared that the cost of duties for incoming goods for furniture business, has increased depending on the weight of commodities.
IRAN: Main cause of air pollution is domestic diesel fuel
The Iranian regime has acknowledged that domestically-produced diesel fuel is the main cause of the heavy air pollution that has plagued major Iranian cities in recent days.
“The main cause of air pollution in Iran’s mega cities is the diesel fuel produced domestically,” Mohammadreza Pir-Cheraghali, a fuel expert of the Iranian regime, told the state-run news agency ISNA on Saturday.
“The reason for the air pollution, especially in winter, is the heavy hydrocarbons produced in oil refineries and petrochemical complexes that reach consumers as diesel fuel,” he said.
Two premier league football matches were postponed on Sunday, state media said, as air pollution more than twice the acceptable level persisted in the capital.
Severe air pollution earlier this week had already forced the regime to close schools for three days in and around the capital, where an estimated 14 million people live.
The Air Quality Index in Tehran on Sunday stood at 132, a regime official told state television, well above the World Health Organization's advised level of between zero and 50.
Video: Protesters denounce corruption in Iran outside judiciary
A group of victims of the Padideh Shandiz investment scam in Iran on Sunday rallied outside the Iranian regime's judiciary in Tehran and chanted slogans against corruption and embezzlement by the mullahs' regime.
The protesters carried signs reading: "End the root of oppression. How much longer must our rights be destroyed?"
The protesters chanted slogans against the government of mullah Hassan Rouhani, the fundamentalist judiciary and the regime's Ministry of Economy.
Among the slogans they chanted were:
"Today is a day of grievance, people’s lives are up in the air"
"Oh Government of plans and hope, where are the plans? Where is the hope?"
"[Mullahs' judiciary chief] Sadeq Larijani, what do you answer to the nation?"
"[Judiciary] Chief Sadeq, resign, resign"
"Ministry of Economy, shame on you, shame on you"
"Our state broadcaster [TV and radio] lied to us"
"All we have heard are lies".
"Oh Government of plans and hope, where are the plans? Where is the hope?"
"[Mullahs' judiciary chief] Sadeq Larijani, what do you answer to the nation?"
"[Judiciary] Chief Sadeq, resign, resign"
"Ministry of Economy, shame on you, shame on you"
"Our state broadcaster [TV and radio] lied to us"
"All we have heard are lies".
Padideh Shandiz, which has close links to the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, has billed itself as an international tourism development company active in restaurants, tourism and construction and lured investors by promising huge returns on their shares in projects in Shandiz, a suburb of the city of Mashhad, north-west Iran, and in the island resort of Kish. Its advertising campaign on state television was taken as reassurance that the regime backed the company.
In January 2015, a huge "fraud" worth $34.3 billion came to light in the company which is believed to have manipulated its shares. Many people who had invested in the company went bankrupt soon after.
Padideh Shandiz is reported to have had a third share in Iranian airports advertisements, as well as paying 5.1% of the state-broadcaster IRIB's income from advertisements.
Change in Iran is the sole solution to resolve Middle East crises and end terrorism
American Thinker
December 27, 2015
By Shahriar Kia
After the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris and the ensuing California shooting rampage, democratic societies are anxiously rushing to impose harsh measures and new anti-terrorism laws to erect a defensive shield in the face of terrorists and extremists. Although these actions aimed at preventing yet another catastrophe in Europe and America are necessary, they actually fall short.
The most important step necessary to bring an end to attacks by terrorist groups is to focus on their roots and stopping the motivating force behind all the sectarian cultures seen in different shapes and forms, from ISIS, al-Qaeda, the Lebanese Hizb’allah and other ruthless and lethal groups that deviously act under the flag of Islam. The true solution to guarantee world security lies in completely annihilating the roots that allow the growth of this notorious sectarian mentality. Iranian opposition leader Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, with over three decades of experience in the fight against fundamentalism, said in a recent speech in Paris: “As long as the factories of cultural motivations continue to burn the midnight oil for terrorism in Syria, Iraq and Iran, the current threat from terrorist groups that have risen from religious powers against democracy and freedom will never bear any fruit.”
After witnessing vicious measures and fatwas issued by Iran’s mullahs, terrorist groups that have staged vicious attacks against innocent people in the past decade under the name of Islam are all religiously motivated in their crimes. In the past three decades over 100,000 political dissidents have to this day been horrifically massacred by the mullahs ruling Iran. Beheadings, amputating limbs, raping women, executions and hangings of dissidents, even pregnant women in Iran under the name of “moharebe” (enmity against God) are all the sources of motivation for ISIS, al-Qaeda and Shiite militants roaming in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and of course the crimes against innocent people in Paris and San Bernardino in California.
However, what has made the effectiveness and impact of the war against terrorism and fundamentalism more complicated, and resulting in the world completely forgetting about the roots of this crisis, is the newborn phenomenon called ISIS. Bashar Assad and the Iranian regime are profiting the most from ISIS’ atrocities, diverting all attention from the main epicenter of this problem and legitimizing the West’s failure in not supporting the democratic, moderate opposition in Syria and other countries.
The great divide in today’s Muslim world is not as some so conveniently argue as being between Shiite and Sunni, as if this is a battle that has gone for centuries. In fact, the great divide today is between Shiite and Sunni extremists faced against moderate Muslims who have a very different view of Islam on the other.
“…the United States must join forces with moderate Muslims, including Iranian dissidents, who can lead in the all-important ideological fight, promoting a tolerant interpretation of Islam that respects human rights, women’s rights, democracy, and the rule of law,” wrote Governor Tom Ridge, the first U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security in a recent article.
Some are heard backing cooperation with Bashar Assad and Tehran in the fight against ISIS, arguing that the international community needs a ground force such as that of Bashar Assad and the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards to fight ISIS. This is nothing but a deception and plot planned by Tehran and Damascus, and a childish understanding of the current crisis engulfing the Middle East and the fight against terrorism. One is reminded of Iran’s devious misinformation campaign regarding Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction that led to the 2003 U.S.-led campaign of invading Iraq, which itself is another long story. Anyhow, neither the Assad army -- whatever is left of it -- nor Iran’s IRGC are able to take on ISIS and destroy it. If there was actually such a potential the results would have been witnessed by now on the ground in Iraq and Syria.
The united fundamentalist front, with its heart beating in Tehran, is attempting to maintain ISIS and take full advantage of its atrocities in order to divert all public opinion from the root cause of this international dilemma. Reports confirm that Bashar Assad and former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki are closely associated to the Iranian regime. By releasing 2,000 prisoners – all senior al-Qaeda and ISIS commanders – they played a major role in the rise and growth of ISIS. The crackdown carried out by Iran-linked Shiite militias in Iraq targeting the country’s Sunni minority community paved the grounds for ISIS recruiting and boosted its growth efforts immensely.
Although there are differences in mentalities between Sunni and Shiite extremist groups, the roots of all such groups and the existing unit amongst Islamic fundamentalist and terrorist groups lie in Iran under the mullahs’ rule.
Therefore, the correct strategy in the fight against Islamic fundamentalism and extremism is to sack Bashar Assad from power and annihilate the front that has its capital and headquarters stationed in Iran. The regime in Iran must be evicted from Iraq and Syria. The very reasons behind the existence of ISIS are none other than the Iranian regime and Bashar Assad.
The most important necessity in the struggle against terrorism and extremism under the banner of Islam is for Muslims to play a role in the military, and of course the cultural scene to isolate this evil phenomenon.
“The NCRI has emerged as a powerful force for a values-based, mainstream, tolerant, non-violent Islam. A force that a lot of the non-Muslim world has been pleading for a long time. The civilized world needs you now more than ever,” Senator Joseph Lieberman said at a recent conference near Paris.
Without a doubt, the recently formed coalition of Islamic countries in support of democracy against fundamentalism must be supported and strengthened. Only through such a policy can the free world be successful in uprooting terrorism in the name of Islam, be it Sunni or Shiite.
Shahriar Kia is a press spokesman for Iranian opposition in Camp Liberty, Iraq, who advocates for a democratic, secular, nuclear-free Iran. He graduated from North Texas University. His Twitter handle is @shahriarkia
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