dimanche 30 août 2015

Western Iran: 8 secret executions in 2 cities

executions in Iran
The inhumane mullahs’ regime ruling in Iran secretly executed seven prisoners in Kermanshah prison in western Iran without prior public notice, reports on Saturday indicate. This crime was carried out on Wednesday, August 26th and some of these prisoners in this facility reported 8 prisoners were actually executed.
A prisoner was hanged in the city of Sanandaj on Thursday, August 27th. This prisoner had already endured 4 years behind bars.

Iran: Mohammad Ali Taheri entering 3rd week of hunger strike in Evin Prison

Evin Prison – political prisoner Mohammad Ali Taheri on hunger strike
Political prisoner Mohammad Ali Taheri is finishing his second week on hunger strike and entering his third of this protest in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison . He has been on hunger strike since Thursday, August 13 protesting the death sentence issued for him.
It is worth reminding that recently Khamenei’s authorities attacked demonstrators gathering in the city of Qom as they were protesting the death sentence issued for this political prisoner. A number of Taheri’s supporters were arrested and the remaining were dispersed from the scene. Protesters had gathered in Qom from various cities.

Iranians ranked amongst most depressed, angriest of nations

Iranians are amongst most depressed people in the world
The UK-based Independent daily on Friday, August 28th published a survey by Gallup assessing the world’s happiest and depressed nations of the world.
For the first time in Gallup’s 10 year history this survey has assessed the world’s happiness nations.
Citizens in Paraguay, Columbia and Ecuador are most likely to experience positive emotions on a daily basis, while residents of Sudan, Tunisia and Bangladesh showed the lowest scores for positive emotions in 2014.
The annual poll, conducted with 153,000 people across 148 countries, found that happiness across the world remained remarkably stable in 2014.
Participants were asked five questions, including whether they felt well rested, if they were treated with respect and if they had laughed or smiled yesterday. The answers were compiled into a 'Positive Experience Index” for each nation.  The highest score (89) in Paraguay strongly contrasts to Sudan (47) presently in the midst of sectarian conflict.
World’s happiest countries are all in South America for first time, international poll finds Gallup questioned 153,000 people in 148 countries over the course of a year.

Highest Positive Experience Index 
Paraguay 89
Colombia 84
Ecuador 84
Guatemala 84
Honduras 82
Panama 82
Venuzuela 82
Costa Rica 81
El Salvador 81
Nicaragua 81
Source: Gallup Get the data
Lowest Positive Experience Index 
Sudan 47
Tunisa 52
Bangladesh 54
Serbia 54
Turkey 54
Afghanistan 55
Bosnia and Herzegovina 55
Georgia 55
Lithuania 55
Nepal 55
Source: Gallup Get the data

“That so many people report experiencing positive emotions in Latin America at least partly reflects the cultural tendency in the region to focus on the positives in life,” the Gallup report suggests.
Conversely, Iraq, Iran and Cambodia had the highest negative experiences scores. Iraq has been top for three years (2011, 2013 and 2014) and remained in the top five consecutively since 2008.

Most negative experiences 
Iraq 56
Iran 50
Cambodia 46
Liberia 45
South Sudan 44
Uganda 43
Cyprus 42
Togo 42
Bolivia 41
Palestinian Territories 41
Source: Gallup Get the data
Iran and Iraq tie for the world’s angriest nations, with 49 per cent of their populations reporting they had recently experienced anger.

Iran: intelligence agents arrest Christians in Tehran

Pressures increasing on Christian community in Iran

Iran’s repressive Ministry of Intelligence agents arrested a number of Christian Iranians as they raided a church in eastern Tehran on the evening of Friday, August 28th.
According to eyewitnesses those arrested were amongst the Armenian community living in Tehran’s Nezam Abad district and they were transferred to unknown location.

IRAN: Relatives of 30,000 executed PMOI members prevented from remembering massacre

Khavaran Cemetery
NCRI- Iran's fundamentalist regime has prevented the families of executed political prisoners from commemorating the death of their loved ones on the 27th anniversary of their massacre.
Some 30,000 political prisoners, primarily affiliated to the main democratic opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, PMOI (Mujahedin-e Khalq, MEK), were executed in the summer of 1988.
On Friday (August 28) relatives of the 30,000 martyrs and other ordinary Iranians attempted to gather at the Khavaran Cemetery near Tehran to remember their loved ones.
The regime's suppressive forces however prevented the entry of those who had intended to gather.
August marks the 27th anniversary of the brutal prison massacre in Iran. In the summer of 1988, one month after Ruhollah Khomeini was forced to accept a cease-fire in his eight-year war with Iraq, the fundamentalist ruler of the mullahs’ regime ordered a mass execution of all political prisoners affiliated with the main opposition group PMOI (MEK).
The brutal prison massacre, which has been described by some international human rights lawyers as the greatest crime against humanity that has gone unpunished since the Second World War, saw the execution of some 30,000 defenseless prisoners.
Near the end of the Iran-Iraq war, Khomeini who felt that defeat was imminent, decided to take his revenge on the political prisoners. He issued a fatwa (or religious decree) ordering the massacre of anyone who had not repented and was not willing to collaborate fully with the regime.
Khomeini decreed: "Whoever at any stage continues to belong to the Monafeqin (PMOI) must be executed. Annihilate the enemies of Islam immediately." He added: "Those who are in prisons throughout the country and remain steadfast in their support for the PMOI are waging war on God and are condemned to execution...It is naive to show mercy to those who wage war on God."
The Iranian regime has never acknowledged these executions, or provided any information as to how many prisoners were summarily killed. Young girls, old parents, students, workers, and many of those who had already finished their sentences prior to 1988 were among those who vanished in the span of a few months. Their bodies were dumped into mass graves, including in Khavaran Cemetery near Tehran.
Khomeini had assigned an "Amnesty Commission" for prisoners. In reality it was a "Death Commission: comprised of the three individuals: A representative of the Ministry of Intelligence, a religious judge and a prosecutor. Most trials lasted for just a few minutes and resembled more of an interrogation session. The questions were focused on whether the prisoner still had any allegiances to the PMOI (MEK), whose supporters made up more than 90 percent of the prisoners. If the prisoners were not willing to collaborate fully with the regime against the PMOI (MEK), it was viewed as a sign of sympathy to the organization and the sentence was immediate execution. The task of the Death Commission was to determine whether a prisoner was an Enemy of God or not. In the case of Mojahedin prisoners, that determination was often made after only a single question about their party affiliation. Those who said "Mojahedin" rather than the derogatory term "Monafeqin" (meaning hypocrites) were sent to the gallows.
None of the perpetrators of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran and none of the regime's senior officials including the Supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, have been brought to justice to date.

48 actes de protestation par différents groupes à travers l’Iran ces derniers jours

48 actes de protestation par différents groupes à travers l’Iran ces derniers jours
Au cours de la dernière semaine d’août, différents groupes de personnes à travers les villes d'Iran ont effectué pas moins de 48 actes de protestation contre l’oppression, l’absence de rémunération, l’extorsion fiscale, l'augmentation des frais de scolarité, le manque cruel des commodités élémentaires comme l'eau par exemple et la spoliation de biens par des bandes organisés associées avec les dirigeants du régime des mollahs, et en solidarité avec les personnes arrêtées.
Les travailleurs de l'usine Mallard de Karaj, les greffiers et les travailleurs de l'usine de Wiener à Mashhad, les travailleurs de l'usine Arak Behgostar, les retraités de la raffinerie d'Abadan, les travailleurs de l'unité d'urgence de la compagnie des eaux régionale du 2ème district de Qom, les travailleurs de la société Daniel à Shush, des entreprises de nettoyage de la municipalité de Karaj, les travailleurs de l'usine de fils et câbles Portex de Tabriz, les employés pédagogiques d'Arak, les travailleurs horaires de l'hôpital de Kangan (services médicaux et personnel administratif), les travailleurs de l'usine de chaussures Bella à Téhéran, les conducteurs de poids lourds de la zone industrielle de Divandareh, les balayeurs municipaux de Fouman, les retraités de la sécurité social de Kermanchah et les surveillants du marché du district du bazar à Téhéran se sont ralliés en deux jours pour protester contre leurs salaires impayés.
Les protestations se poursuivaient contre le licenciement des travailleurs des complexes industriels à Téhéran, Arak, Kermanchah Bisotun, Karun, Sanandaj et Islamabad, et également contre le stress hydrique et la sécheresse dans différents quartiers de Téhéran, Chaharmahal et Bakhtiari et dans les villes de Karaj, Qorveh, Jahrom, Ardabil. De nombreux autres secteurs ont fait entendre leurs voix pour protester contre les extorsions du gouvernement et le pillage de leurs biens à Téhéran, Mashhad et Ardebil. Une protestation menée par les commerçants de la ville de Javadiyeh contre les agences du fisc a conduit à des affrontements. A Ahwaz, les écologistes ont organisé une manifestation contre la pollution et la négligence des autorités du régime.
Les manifestations ouvrières ont parfois conduit à de sévères affrontements entre les forces de l'ordre et les travailleurs, comme ce fut le cas dans l'entreprise industrielle de canne à sucre de Mian-do-Ab, près de Shush. Après les licenciements de travailleurs indigènes qui ont travaillé dans cette unité industrielle, payés à la journée, les travailleurs se sont rassemblés et ont fait des sit-in devant la société. Les forces de l'ordre ont attaqué le sit-in, ce qui a engendré des affrontements avec les travailleurs et l'arrestation de certains d'entre eux. Suite à cela, les familles des travailleurs se sont également jointes à la grève. La femme de l'un d'entre eux a été grièvement blessée au visage et a dû être transportée à l'hôpital, lors de la seconde attaque à l'aide de gaz lacrymogènes, des forces de l'ordre sur les grévistes. Les grévistes de la société Mian-do-Ab exigent le départ du directeur et le retour de leurs anciens collègues licenciés.
L'ampleur des manifestations démontre que la crise économique massive est le résultat de la corruption et le pillage par le régime inhumain au pouvoir en Iran, et les promesses creuses de relance économique de Rohani ne sont rien d'autre qu'un mensonge. Un régime qui n'a pas de solution aux angoisses sociales et économiques de son pays, ne répond seulement aux protestations qu'avec davantage de répression.
Secrétariat du Conseil national de la Résistance iranienne- Le 28 août 2015

samedi 29 août 2015

Iran: 48 acts of protests by various groups across Iran in recent days + photos

peopls protesting in Iran
Over few days in the last week of August‏, various groups of people in cities across Iran have carried out at least 48 acts of protest against oppression, lack of pay, tax extortion, rising student fees, terrible lack of basic needs such as water, and theft of property by marauder organizations associated with the clerical regime’s leaders, and in solidarity with those arrested.
Mallard Karaj masonry factory workers, clerks and factory workers of Wiener in Mashhad, Arak Behgostar factory workers, retirees of Abadan refinery, workers of the emergency section of Qom’s district 2 Regional Water company, workers of Daniel in Shush, contract cleaners of Karaj Municipality, Portex Tabriz wire and cable factory workers, Arak educational employees, hourly workers of Kangan hospital medical and services and administrative staff, Bella shoes workers in Tehran, drivers of heavy trucks in the industrial zone of Divandareh, Fouman municipal street cleaners, Kermanshah Social Security retirees, and park monitors of Tehran bazaar district market rallied within a two day period in protest to their unpaid salaries.
Protests against the sacking of workers from industrial complexes in Tehran, Arak, Kermanshah Bisotun, Karun, Sanandaj and Islamabad, and also against water stress and drought in various parts of Tehran, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari and in the cities of Karaj, Qorveh, Jahrom, Ardabil continued. Many other sectors raised their voices in protest to governmental extortions and pillaging of their property in Tehran, Mashhad and Ardebil. A protest by shopkeepers in the town of Javadiyeh against tax officers led to clashes. In Ahwaz environmentalists staged a protest against pollution and neglect by the regime’s authorities.
Labor protests, in some cases, such as 'Mian Ab Sugarcane Industries Company' near the town of Shush led to severe clashes between the repressive forces and the workers. The dismissal of indigenous workers who have been working in this industrial unit on a daily paid basis led to their gatherings and sit-ins in front of this company. The security forces attacked the sit-in, which led to clashes with the workers and the arrest of some of them. Following that the families of workers also joined the strike. In the second attack by suppressive forces on the strikers with tear gas, the wife of one of the workers was seriously injured in the face and was taken to hospital. The striking workers of Mian Ab company demand a change of Director and return of their former fired colleagues.
The extent of the protests demonstrates that the massive economic crisis is the result of corruption and looting by the inhuman regime ruling Iran, and Rouhani’s hollow promises of economic revival are nothing but a deception. A regime that has no solution to the social and economic agonies responds to the protests only with more repression.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 28, 2015

Iran: state agents continuously attack wards 7 & 8 in Evin Prison

Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison
Khamenei’s state forces once again attacked wards 7 and 8 of Evin Prison and began searching and inspecting the prisoner’s belongings, Hrana reported on Thursday, August 27th. Ward 7 and 8 of Evin Prison are where a large number of political prisoners are held alongside ordinary prisoners in inadequate conditions. In many of these attacks no particular items were found and the state forces intended to harass and psychologically torture the political prisoners by destroying their belongings.

Iran : agression contre les prisonniers politiques à Evine et à Zahedan

Iran : agression contre les prisonniers politiques à Evine et à Zahedan
CNRI - Le 27 août, les détenus des sections sept et huit de la prison d'Evine ont été la cible d’un raid des gardiens qui ont procédé à des inspections de leurs affaires personnelles. Ces deux sections regroupent des prisonniers de droit commun, mais afin d’accroître la pression sur les politiques, ces derniers y sont parfois incarcérés.
Dans ces raids habituellement accompagnés d'intimidations, les gardiens ont procédé à la confiscation de nombreuses affaires personnelles. C'est la deuxième fois en deux mois que ces sections sont visées par des mesures de répression.
Par ailleurs, le 20 aout, les prisonniers politiques de la section 1 de la maison d’arrêt centrale de Zahedan (sud-est de l'Iran) ont aussi été visés par un raid des gardiens. Il faisait suite à une grève de la faim de détenus qui protestaient contre les violences et les conditions inhumaines, notamment sur le plan de l'alimentation. Deux grévistes ont été grièvement blessés et transférés à l’infirmerie. Vingt-cinq autres ont été placés à l'isolement et ont subi des sévices avec des coups de fouet, des chocs électriques et des suspensions prolongées.
Le silence de la communauté internationale, notamment de l'Union européenne, vis-à-vis des violations flagrantes des droits de l'homme en Iran, quelles qu'en soient les raisons, relève de la complicité dans la répression du peuple iranien. Toute relation avec le régime iranien doit être subordonnée à la fin des exécutions en Iran et à la libération de tous les prisonniers politiques.

vendredi 28 août 2015

Iran: prisoner’s family attacked by intelligence agents

Mother of Behruz Alekhani
The family members of Behruz Alekhani, a Kurdish political prisoner recently executed by the Iranian regime, were attacked and beaten by anti-riot guards in Urumieh Central Prison. These agents resorted to violence to bring an end to this sit-in.
“Nearly 10 other prisoners were executed in the prisons of Khuy and Urumieh. People who were protesting, including women and children, were all beaten by police armed with batons,” said Bahman Alekhani, Behruz’s cousin in a telephone call on Tuesday, August 25th.
“Behruz was tortured while in detention. They pierced his ankle with an electric drill and broke his fingers. While in detention in the intelligence department they used electric shockers on his head. He had lost his mental balance,” his brother said.
(August 25, 2015)

Iran: students of Mohammad Ali Taheri detained

Detained followers of death row political prisoner Mohammad Ali Taheri
A group of followers of the ‘Erfan Halghe’ sect – most of them being women – who were arrested 9 days ago in Qom (south of Tehran) while protesting the death sentence issued for Mohammad Ali Taheri, remain behind bars. To this day the identities of 12 of these individuals have been clarified:
Naime Taghavi, Mahnaz Farhad, Azime Sepehri, Arezu Moghadam-Sepahr, Thurayia Ahdi, Naime Ahdi, Arezu Ahdi, Hayede Derakhshani, Mahmoud Amin, Akhundi, Baharin Asgariye and Maryam Amiri.
Mohammad Ali Taheri is the founder of the ‘Erfan Halghe’ sect in Iran and he has been in detention for some time now. He was recently sentenced to death by the Iranian regime’s judiciary, erupting numerous protests in response.
An Internet campaign dubbed “No to death sentence of Mohammad Ali Taheri”, covering news of protests and support by students of Mohammad Ali Taheri, reported 100 of Erfan Halghe supporters were mass arrested recently.
This campaign announced over 100 protesters were arrested on August 24 and there is no information on their whereabouts.

Iran: discrimination against women in employment

Only a small number of women are employed in Iran
Despite the high capacity and brilliance seen in women, in Iran they are deprived of equal job opportunities in comparison to men. The state-run Mehr news agency reported various statistics on women employment in Iran:
Based on reports on the result of statistics gathered in the winter of 2014 and published by the Iran Census Center, currently young women in 20 provinces are facing unemployment rates above 40%. 
Women in 9 provinces are unemployed above 40%, in six provinces above 50%, in 3 provinces above 60% and in 2 provinces more than 70% of young women are unemployed.
According to this report the provinces of Kohgilaviye & Boyer Ahmad and Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiary are witnessing above 70% unemployment amongst young women.
The high unemployment rates for young women in urban areas of various provinces is even higher. In the three provinces of Ilam, Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiary and also Lorestan 80% of young women in urban areas are unemployed.
Of the total number of 35,000 employees in the administrative offices of Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiary, 21,812 are men and 13,236 are women. The portion allocated for women is only 37.7% of employees in administrative offices.
Based on this consensus in urban areas of Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiary around 8% of women are employed, 3% are unemployed, 64.5% are in their homes and 23% are still in school.
6% of rural women in this province are employed, 1% are unemployed, 17% are continuing their education and 72.8% are housewives. 

Spot inspection carried out at Iran’s notorious Evin Prison

NCRI - Prison wardens on Thursday carried out yet another spot inspection in two wards of Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison which houses numerous Iranian political prisoners.
The mullahs’ henchmen raided wards 7 and 8 of Evin early on Thursday, scouring through the prisoners’ personal belongings.
Numerous spot inspections have been carried out by the mullahs’ regime in Evin’s wards 7 and 8 in recent months, and prisoners have been forced to wait at time for hours in the courtyard as their belongings are searched.
The prisoners believe that these inspections are an attempt by the regime to intimidate the inmates and aggravate their suffering.
On Tuesday, 47 ordinary prisoners from Evin’s wards 7 and 8 were transferred under heavy escort to the newly-opened Greater Tehran Central Prison (known as Fashafouye).
Fashafouye Prison is still under construction, but the mullahs’ regime has already begun to move prisoners in despite a lack of facilities.
More than 500 prisoners at the end of July protested their conditions and lack of basic services and began a hunger strike.
Protests have erupted in the new prison, built in the deserts near the Tehran-Qom road, over sub-human living conditions.
Among the problems that the prisoners are complaining about are lack of sanitary or functioning toilets, water and heating outages, lack of medical care to ill prisoners and constant harassment of inmates by prison wardens. Many prisoners are forced to sleep on the floor next to the toilets and in the hallways.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) said in an August 3 statement: "In this prison which is also known as Fashafouye or Hassanabad Qom Prison, prisoners are forced into unpaid labor. Around 600 prisoners work in shifts in a camp called 'Cultivation and Industry' and its subsidiary units. Another 450 prisoners work in the Prison Organization’s workshops that are entirely controlled by the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the Intelligence Ministry with no pay."
The regime says it plans to transfer 15,000 prisoners, including some from the notorious Evin Prison and Karaj’s Ghezel Hesar Prison, to the new jail once construction is completed.

La vague d'exécutions ne faiblit en Iran

CNRI – La vague d'exécutions n’a pas faibli d'amplitude ces derniers jours en Iran. Un homme a été pendu jeudi à la prison centrale de Sanandaj, dans l'ouest de l'Iran. Jamal Jaafari avait passé quatre ans en prison pour assassinat. Mercredi, six prisonniers, dont leprisonnier politique Behrouz Alkhani, ont été pendus dans la prison d'Oroumieh, à l’ouest de l'Iran.

Le lundi 24 aout, Hossein Karimi, 25 ans, a été pendu dans la prison de Bandar Abbas, au sud de l'Iran. Il avait été accusé de trafic de stupéfiants.
Par ailleurs, le procureur du régime intégriste dans la province de Mazandaran, au nord de l'Iran, a annoncé l'exécution dans la prison de Sari d’un prisonnier identifié par ses seules initiales R.F.
Si le rythme d’exécutions actuel continue, nous serons témoins en 2015 du plus grand nombre d’exécutions en Iran depuis des décennies. Amnesty International a récemment dénoncé la "frénésie des exécutions" en Iran où selon elle plus de 700 personnes condamnées à la peine capitale ont été exécutées depuis le début de l'année.
Actuellement, plusieurs milliers de personnes attendent dans les couloirs de la mort en Iran, accusés notamment de rébellion ou de blasphème. La communauté internationale doit insister sur le respect des droits humains comme élément central de ses relations économiques et politiques avec l’Iran.

Iran-Exécution : les autorités refuse de donner la dépouille d’un prisonnier à sa mère

Iran-Exécution : les autorités refuse de donner la dépouille d’un prisonnier à sa mère
Iran-Exécution : les autorités refuse de donner la dépouille d’un prisonnier à sa mère
Selon les derniers rapports parvenue de l’intérieur de l’Iran jusqu’à jeudi après-midi, les agents du régime n’ont pas remis à sa mère, la dépouille d’un prisonnier politique exécuté.
Le prisonnier politique kurde, Behrouz Alkhani, agé de 30 ans, a été pendu mercredi 26 août par le régime iranien après avoir subi six ans de torture.
Amnesty International qui a condamné cette exécution s’est indigné devant l’attitude du régime iranien : « c’est révoltant que les autorités aient ajouté à la tristesse et à la souffrance des proches de Behrouz en refusant de leur donner sa dépouille pour qu'ils puissent l'enterrer ».
Selon sa mère, les agents ont encerclé la maison après la mort de son fils et lui ont interdit de faire le deuil et même selon ses termes : « de pleurer la disparition de mon fils.... ».
Selon plusieurs sources, les gardiens de la révolution ont encerclé la maison de la famille de Behrouz, dans le village de Ak-Barzeh, afin d’empêcher la tenue d’une cérémonie. Pourtant de nombreuses personnes des villages environnants et des villes d’Orumieh et de Salmas ont exprimé leurs solidarités et leurs compassions avec la famille endeuillée.
Behrouz savait qu’il serait exécuté, il avait pourtant conservé un moral élevé et appelait à résister au régime iranien. Lors de la dernière rencontre avec sa mère, il lui avait demandé de ne pas céder devant la pression des autorités et à tenir face à la tyrannie et le despotisme.
Selon une information sur les réseaux sociaux, il aurait courageusement embrassé la corde avant sa pendaison.
Dans une interview accordée aux organisations humanitaires, le frère de Behrouz a déclaré : Behrouz a été torturé sauvagement pendant sa détention. Les tortionnaires avaient percé sa cheville avec une perceuse, et ont brisé ses doigts, on a appliqué sur sa tête, l’électrochoc. Emu il dénonce ensuite : on a beaucoup frappé la tête de mon frère avec des câbles, et à la suite des coups, il avait perdu son équilibre à tel point que son avocat a dû demander le report de son procès»
Il a ajouté : « selon les conseils des médecins, Behrouz devait être hospitalisé en dehors de la prison, mais sous prétexte de sa condamnation, les responsables de la prison ont refusé de l'envoyer à l'hôpital.»
En signe de protestation contre les traitements inhumains et dégradants contre les prisonniers et leurs proches, Behrouz et 28 autres prisonniers politiques avaient participé à une grève de la faim qui a duré 23 jours.
Deux jours avant son exécution, la famille de Behrouz a entamé un sit-in pour réclamer l’arrêt de la sentence, jusqu'à ce que le dernier appel à la Cour suprême soit examiné.
Mais la police anti-émeute les a frappé violemment pour mettre fin au sit-in. Les proches se sont réunis encore une fois devant la prison d’Orumieh. Mais les garde spéciaux les ont encore dispersés violemment.
Selon Amnesty International « L’éxécution de Behrouz Alkhani alors qu'il attendait toujours que la Cour suprême statue sur un recours contre sa condamnation à mort est un acte cruel des autorités iraniennes, contraire tant à la législation nationale qu'au droit international ».
Les prisonniers politiques des prisons de Zanjan, Tabriz et Orumieh, ont condamné l’exécution de Behrouz lors d’une déclaration publique.
Les prisonniers politiques rendent ainsi hommage à leur camarade : « il a toujours résisté malgré de graves problèmes et difficultés physiques et psychologiques, suite à une détention dans une cellule d’isolement qui a duré 19 mois. (…) Il est devenu éternel dans le cœur de sa patrie » conclut cette déclaration diffusée à l’insu des autorités carcérales.

jeudi 27 août 2015

Prisoner executed in Sanandaj, western Iran

Sanandaj Prison
The mullahs’ regime in Iran hanged an inmate in Sanandaj Prison in western Iran in the early morning hours of Thursday, August 27th. 
This prisoner was identified as Jamal Jafar and he was born in Sanandaj. He had already been in prison for 4 years.
Following the July 14th P5+1 nuclear agreement with Iran the mullahs have been increasing the number of executions, caring less about human rights.

Iran regime continues spate of executions

Archive Photo
NCRI - Iran's fundamentalist regime on Thursday hanged a man in the central prison of Sanandaj, western Iran.
The man, identified as Jamal Jaafari, had been imprisoned for four years. He was accused of murder.
Six prisoners, including political prisoner Behrouz Alkhani, were hanged in Orumieh Prison, western Iran on Wednesday.
On Monday, the mullahs' regime hanged a 25-year-old prisoner identified as Hossein Karimi in Bandar Abbas Prison, southern Iran. He was accused of a drugs related charge.
The regime's prosecutor in Mazandaran Province, northern Iran, on Monday said a prisoner, only identified by the initials R.F., was hanged in Sari Prison on Sunday.
A statement by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein on August 5 said: "Iran has reportedly executed more than 600 individuals so far this year. Last year, at least 753 people were executed in the country."

Amnesty describes execution of Behrouz Alkhani as vicious act of cruelty

Amnesty International
Amnesty International Logo
NCRI - Amnesty International has condemned the execution on Wednesday of Iranian Kurdish dissident Behrouz Alkhani in a prison in the city of Orumiuh, western Iran.
Mr. Alkhani, 30, from Iran’s Kurdish minority, was executed early this morning local time despite the fact that he was awaiting the outcome of an appeal by the regime's Supreme Court.
"The organization has also learned that the authorities have so far refused to return Behrouz Alkhani’s body to his family," Amnesty International said.
“Today's execution of Behrouz Alkhani, who was still waiting for the outcome of a Supreme Court appeal against his sentence, is a vicious act of cruelty by the Iranian authorities and a denigration of both Iranian and international law. It is appalling that they have imposed further pain and suffering on Behrouz Alkhani’s family by refusing to return his body for burial," said Said Boumedouha, Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Programme.
“The fact that the authorities have carried out the execution despite the pending appeal against a sentence imposed in a grossly unfair trial and international pleas to halt the execution, shows their utter disregard for justice. His execution is just further proof of the authorities' determined resolve to continue with a relentless wave of executions which has seen more than 700 put to death in Iran so far this year."

mercredi 26 août 2015

Iran: Mohammad Ali Taheri enters 13th day of hunger strike in Evin Prison

Political prisoner Mohammad Ali Taheri
Political prisoner Mohammad Ali Taheri entered his 13th day of hunger strike in Evin Prison in Tehran, capital of Iran.
Khamenei’s authorities attacked demonstrators gathering in the city of Qom as they were protesting the death sentence issued for this political prisoner. A number of Taheri’s supporters were arrested and the remaining were dispersed from the scene. Protesters had gathered in Qom from various cities.

Iran: Golrokh Ibrahimi, three others sentenced to 24 years behind bars

 Golrokh Ibrahimi, Arash Sadeghi, Navid Kamran and Behnam Musavand
Golrokh Ibrahimi has been sentenced to 24 years in prison alongside Arash Sadeghi, Navid Kamran and Behnam Musivand.
“The utmost punishment possible has been issued for nearly all the charges; 7½ years for assembly and collusion against the system, 3 years for allegedly insulting the founder of the revolution, 3 years for forming a group and 18 months for propaganda against the system,” said Arash Sadeghi in a brief interview.
The pretext for all these allegations are peaceful activities such as meeting with the families of prisoners, taking part in peaceful rallies and his interviews, Sadeghi added.
Golrokh Ibrahimi, Arash Sadeghi, Navid Kamran and Benam Musivand were last arrested at their office on September 6, 2014.
( NCRI Women’s Committee – August 24, 2015)

Iran: Kurdish man receives whipping for clashing with Bassij militants

Public flogging in Iran
On August 19th a verdict for 250 lashes was carried out for Jamshid Gol Andami, a prisoner who clashed with a Bassij member in the city of Mahabad, in western Iran. This ruling was reportedly carried out while the prisoner was ill and in dire physical conditions.
Jamshi Golandami was arrested by Mahabad intelligence-security agents on June 28, 2014 on charges of “clashing with an IRGC Basij member”.
 (International Campaign in Defense of Human Rights – August 22, 2015)

Iran: I am hungry, but agents arrest me!

Scene of young man being paraded by Iranian regime authorities
Security forces arrested and paraded a man on August 18th for the crime of “owning a home coffee shop” in the city of Pars Abad, making him the subject of humiliation and insults.
This individual protested the security units’ actions and said, “I wouldn’t be serving coffee if I had a job! I am hungry, but they arrest me! I am married and in debt!”
During the past year the Iranian regime’s security forces in Pars Abad have closed down all traditional coffee shops throughout the city. 

Iran: Gathering held to protest the execution of Behrouz Alkhani

Iran regime brutally executed political prisoner Behrouz Alkhani
Residents of the town of Holear, northwester Iran, will hold a gathering tomorrow, Thursday August 27th to protest the criminal execution of the young Salmas residents after suffering six years of imprisonment and torture in Orumieh prison. 
A member of the organization in charge of this gathering invited friends and families and all freedom loving people to take part in this gathering saying it is a duty for all people who oppose and condemn this heinous execution. 
The gathering will be held Thursday, August 27 at 5:30 pm in ’Shaneh-dar’ Park in the town of Holear

Iran: prisoner with cancer transferred to Evin

Kurdish political prisoner Afshin Sohrabzadeh
Kurdish political prisoner Afshin Sohrabzadeh was transferred on Monday, August 24th from Minab prison to Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison .
“Afshin’s health conditions is extremely dire, in a way that his blood pressure was 7 over 8,” an informed source has said.
Sohrabzadeh, 24, is in very dire health conditions as he is suffering from intestinal cancer and internal bleeding. He was arrested by Kamiyaran Intelligence Department on June 8, 2010 and condemned to suffer 25 years in prison for ‘moharebe’ (enmity against God). This prisoner was reportedly tortured by Shahram Rahimi, then deputy of Kamiyaran Intelligence Department. He was returned back to Sanandaj Intelligence Department 20 days later after receiving no medical treatment at all.
 (August 24, 2015)

Camp Liberty: Eight patients with eye surgery and ear treatment obstructed from going to hospital

Liberty patients with official surgery and doctors appointment are held up at the gate by the security foces
On Sunday, August 23, upon orders from the Governmental Committee tasked to suppress Ashraf that works under Faleh Fayyad, the National Security Advisor to Government of Iraq, Iraqi officers stopped four patients from going to the hospital in Baghdad. This is the second time that these patients who have eye surgeries scheduled for a long time in a hospital in Baghdad are prevented from going to the hospital.
Meanwhile, on Thursday, August 20, this committee also opposed the transfer of four other patients seeking ear treatment to a hospital in Baghdad. Previously, on August 16, the Iraqi forces had prevented these same eight people from going to the hospital.
Residents’ representatives have repeatedly raised this issue with UNAMI and the U.S. Embassy to no avail.
At the same time, since the last week, the Iraqi forces prevented clothes and textile bought by the residents from getting into the camp despite the fact that residents’ representatives had informed UNAMI on the details prior to the purchase and on the day that the clothes would be delivered.
Meanwhile, for the fifth week, forces under the command of Faleh Fayyad who has supervised seven years of siege and six massacres against Ashraf and Liberty are preventing basic necessities from getting to Liberty by ramping up the siege.
The medical and logistical blockade of Camp Liberty is a grave violation of human rights and humanitarian standards, as well as a flagrant breach of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the United Nations and Government of Iraq on 25 December 2011, and a criminal act.
Given the repeated and written commitments of the U.S. government and the United Nations to the security and wellbeing of Camp Liberty residents, the Iranian Resistance is calling for immediate action for ending this antihuman siege, especially the free and unconditional access of residents to medical services.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 24, 2015

Report: Iranian women dying due to lack of medical services

Deprived women in Iran
Mehrkhane.com, a state-run website in Iran, has published a report on the dire conditions of women in Iran and their deprivation of the most basic hygiene and medical care necessities:
“Pregnant woman dies in Ahvaz hospital due to absence of medical specialist”, “Pregnant woman dies in Lodab due to absence of a physician”, “Three young mothers die in Gonabad in span of six months” are the titles of news reports showing many women in Iran are losing their lives due to the fact that they are living in regions deprived of medical supplies and specialists.
The fact that women medical specialists are not equally distributed across the country is nothing new. It has been years that women in deprived areas are suffering numerous problems due to lack of 24-hour medical treatment centers, lack of adequate supplies and equipment in medical centers, absence of female specialists, obstetricians and other hygiene and medical services. Currently many towns don’t have even one female specialist. For example, in the provinces of Kerman, Kurdistan, Lorestan, Sistan & Baluchistan, Hormozgan, Bushehr, Southern Khorasan and even Khorasan Razavi one can vividly see how physicians are not orderly distributed.
Maryam is a woman living in Bandar Lange in Hormozgan Province (southern Iran). She is pregnant and due to illnesses such as appendix pains, problems after giving birth and infection she has been forced to go to the city of Bandar Abbas.
“In Bandar Lange we only have one medical center and there is only one obstetrician. There is a Shohada Hospital without any medical specialist and people are forced to go to Bandar Abbas or the city of Yazd. There are a lot of medical restrictions imposed on us,” she said.
Sahar is another young woman living in the city of Sabzevar, northeastern Iran, and she refers to the lack of bare minimums. She talks about women who need caesarean surgery when they cannot undergo natural childbirths. However, due to the lack of medical specialists, their surgery is carried out in a way that they suffer serious infections afterwards.
This state-run source stipulated: What has been mentioned is just a tip of the iceberg for women in deprived areas. Such difficulties end in people losing their lives.
(State-run Mehrkhane website – August 23, 2015)

45 % des prisonniers en Iran n’ont pas été reconnus coupables – un officiel

45 % des prisonniers en Iran n’ont pas été reconnus coupables – un officiel
45 % des prisonniers en Iran n’ont pas été reconnus coupables – un officiel
CNRI- Quelque 45 pourcent des détenus dans les prisons iraniennes n’ont pas été reconnus coupables d’un crime, a reconnu un officiel du régime de Téhéran.
« Je pense que 45 pourcent de ceux qui sont emprisonnés n’ont pas été reconnus coupables », a affirmé l’ancien directeur des prisons de la province de Gilan, au nord de l’Iran, et ancien conseiller du directeur de l’Organisation des établissements pénitenciaires de l’état. Ses remarques ont été publiées dimanche par l’agence de presse de l’état Tasnim.
La semaine dernière, un conseiller du Ministre de la Justice du régime a reconnu le taux élevé d’iraniens emprisonnés par le régime chaque année.
« Parmi les diverses punitions appliquées, l’une des principales punitions est l’emprisonnement » a affirmé Mozafar Alvandi. «Chaque année quelque 600 000 personnes sont envoyées en prison. »
Plus tôt ce mois-ci, le Ministre adjoint de l’Éducation iranien a reconnu que plus de 1000 enseignants étaient actuellement emprisonnés en Iran.

Iran: Exécution d'un prisonnier politique kurde

Le régime iranien a exécuté ce matin, mercredi 26 août, un prisonnier politique kurde à Oroumieh M. Behrouz Alkhani
Le régime iranien a exécuté ce matin, mercredi 26 août, un prisonnier politique kurde à Oroumieh - M. Behrouz Alkhani
Le régime iranien a exécuté ce matin, mercredi 26 août, un prisonnier politique kurde à Oroumieh. M. Behrouz Alkhani avait subi six ans d'emprisonnement et de torture. Ce prisonnier politique kurde avait été transféré, le mardi 25 août, à l'isolement dans la prison d'Orumieh, en prévision de son exécution. Les sbires du régime avaient dit à sa famille qui lui a rendu visite mardi pour la dernière fois, qu'il va être exécuté le lendemain.
La Résistance iranienne condamne fermement cette exécution. Le CNRI avait appelé les Etats-Unis, l'UE et ses Etats membres, ainsi que l'Organisation des Nations Unies et le Haut-Commissaire aux droits de l'homme et les institutions des droits humains dans le monde entier, à prendre des mesures urgentes pour empêcher l'exécution de ce prisonnier politique.
La Résistance condamne fermement le silence de la communauté internationale, notamment de l'Union européenne, au sujet de la hausse des exécutions et en particulier des exécutions politiques par la théocratie iranienne.
En l’absence de positions fermes condamnant ces exécutions criminelles, les visites de Hauts Représentants de l'UE et de hauts fonctionnaires et de ministres des Affaires étrangères des Etats membres de l'UE encouragent la machine d'exécution, de terreur et de répression du fascisme religieux au pouvoir en Iran.
Amnesty International avait publié un communiqué le 25 Août déclarant que : "les autorités ont déjà effectué 700 exécutions en Iran cette année. Permettre la condamnation à mort de Behrouz Alkhani va davantage souiller leurs mains de sang ".
Ce régime qui a fait exécuter plus de 2000 personnes seulement durant la présidence du mollah Rohani, doit voir ses dirigeants traduits en justice.

mardi 25 août 2015

URGENT: Iran: Halt #execution of Kurdish man due to be carried out tomorrow morning

Behrouz Alkhani, a 30-year-old man from Iran’s Kurdish minority has been transferred out of Oroumieh prison’s general ward and placed in solitary confinement in preparation for his execution tomorrow, despite the fact that he’s still awaiting the outcome of a Supreme Court appeal, said Amnesty International.
“The Iranian authorities must urgently halt Behrouz Alkhani’s execution. Carrying out a death sentence while a prisoner is awaiting the outcome of his appeal is a serious violation of both Iranian and international law, and is an affront to justice,” said Said Boumedouha, Deputy Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Amnesty International.
“Behrouz Alkhani faced a grossly unfair trial where basic safeguards such as the right to access a lawyer were ignored. He also says he was tortured and otherwise ill-treated in custody. The authorities must immediately stop this execution and grant him a fair retrial, in proceedings that are in line with international standards, without delay.
“The authorities have already carried out nearly 700 executions in Iran so far this year. Allowing Behrouz Alkhani’s death sentence to be implemented will only leave them with more blood on their hands.”
Amnesty International understands that Behrouz Alkhani informed his family early this morning local time that he was going to be transferred out of the general ward. His family was granted a last visit earlier today. They were told by prison officials that the execution will be carried out tomorrow.
Behrouz Alkhani was arrested in January 2010 in Salmas, West Azerbaijan, a province in northwest #Iran, and held in solitary confinement apparently for more than a year without access to a lawyer or his family.
In 2011, he was convicted by a Revolutionary Court on charges of “effective collaboration with PJAK” (Party of Free Life of Kurdistan) and “enmity against God” (moharebeh) for his alleged role in the assassination of the Prosecutor of Khoy, West Azerbaijan province. He was also sentenced to 10 years in prison in relation to the possession and procurement of arms. His sentence was later overturned by the Supreme Court and sent back to Branch 10 of the Appeal Court of Oroumieh province for a retrial. The Appeal court however sentenced Behrouz Alkhani to death once again. He has appealed the sentence but has not yet been informed of the outcome.
Iran is the second most prolific executioner in the world after China, according to Amnesty International’s latest global death penalty report.
#Amnesty International

The BBC has been hoodwinked by Iran’s President Rouhani

Staggering execution spree in Iran
The following is an article by renowned British columnist Christopher Booker published in The Daily Telegraph on Saturday, August 22nd:
Under the supposed moderates, the regime has launched what Amnesty recently called ’a staggering execution spree’
'Suddenly last week, all over the BBC, we had Iran, the explanation being that it has been allowed to send a reporter into the country, a young Lebanese woman, Kim Ghattas, for the first time since there were mass-demonstrations against the regime in 2009,'Mr. Booker wrote.
“The all-too familiar line we got was that Iran’s [President] since 2013, Hassan Rouhani , is a ’moderate’, fighting to ’reform’ his country against the ’reactionaries’ surrounding its Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei. Rouhani’s only wish is to spread “peace and security” across the Middle East. Naturally Ms Ghattas did not press too far the large question marks over the recent much-vaunted ’nuclear deal’ with the West, by which Iran got what it wanted: a promise of the lifting of the sanctions that have been crippling its economy in return for very dubious concessions over its continued nuclear programme, riddled with holes.”
'Wholly off the agenda, of course, was any mention of the fact that, since the arrival of the ’moderate’ Rouhani, the regime has launched what Amnesty recently called ’a staggering execution spree’, hanging and shooting some 2,000 victims, more than at any time in 25 years, giving it the highest per capita execution rate in the world (not to mention chopping the hands and feet off scores more inmates of some of the world’s most inhuman prisons).'
'The BBC never seems to learn that totalitarian regimes only allow its reporters into their countries on condition that they mislead their audience with exactly the false picture their propaganda purposes require,' Mr. Booker added.