Three renowned and prestigious scientific organizations from across the globe called for the release of Mohmmad Hossein Rafi’i, a member of the Council of National-Religious Activists and a retired professor of Tehran University. He was arrested on June 16th by security forces in a street in Tehran and sent to prison.
The American Chemical Society, being the largest scientific society in the world with more than 185,000 members, expressed deep concerns regarding Rafi’i’s arrest without any clear charges. In its letter this organization called for adequate medical are, being allowed to have regular visits with family members and his legal lawyer.
The Committee of Concerned Scientists expressed also deep concerns in a letter on Rafi’i’s arrest. This committee is an independent organization comprised of scientists, physicists, engineers and graduates. They focus their activities on enhancing human rights and scientific freedoms across the globe.
The National Academy of Sciences, a non-profit private organization, of which nearly 500 members are Nobel laureates, have told the Rafi’i family in their letters they have expressed concern about the conditions of his detention and current health, and demanded his unconditional release.
Ana Rafi’i, the daughter of Mohammad Hossein Rafi’i had said previously in an interview that with more than 1 month passing without any information it is still not clear on what charges her father was arrested and held in detention. The incarceration was carried out under direct orders from Tehran public prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dowlat Abadi.
The American Chemical Society, being the largest scientific society in the world with more than 185,000 members, expressed deep concerns regarding Rafi’i’s arrest without any clear charges. In its letter this organization called for adequate medical are, being allowed to have regular visits with family members and his legal lawyer.
The Committee of Concerned Scientists expressed also deep concerns in a letter on Rafi’i’s arrest. This committee is an independent organization comprised of scientists, physicists, engineers and graduates. They focus their activities on enhancing human rights and scientific freedoms across the globe.
The National Academy of Sciences, a non-profit private organization, of which nearly 500 members are Nobel laureates, have told the Rafi’i family in their letters they have expressed concern about the conditions of his detention and current health, and demanded his unconditional release.
Ana Rafi’i, the daughter of Mohammad Hossein Rafi’i had said previously in an interview that with more than 1 month passing without any information it is still not clear on what charges her father was arrested and held in detention. The incarceration was carried out under direct orders from Tehran public prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dowlat Abadi.
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