The Committee’s list of concerns reflects a disturbing trail of broken promises since Iran’s ratification of the CRC in July 1994, a state of affairs that has been the subject of comment and condemnation by human rights groups over the past 20 years.
Girls as young as nine and boys as young as 15 continue to be treated and sentenced in the same way as adults for most offences. Death sentences are still imposed and carried out for crimes allegedly committed by persons below 18 years of age. The legal age of marriage remains 13 for girls and 15 for boys with official statistics confirming thousands of marriages of children below 15 years. Children belonging to ethnic minorities are denied the opportunity to learn and use their mother language and to engage in their cultural practices, essential for the development of their cultural identity. Similarly, children belonging to religious minorities experience pervasive abuse and discrimination because of their or their parents’ religious beliefs. Discrimination and violence, including domestic violence and police brutality, also remains a reality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender children.
After two decades, such token gestures and unfulfilled promises are simply unacceptable. There must be no “ifs”, no “buts” about ending violence and discrimination against children.
As a state party to the CRC, Iran has pledged to ensure that all legislation defines a child as a person under the age of 18 years and the age of criminal responsibility, conforms to the CRC both in law and practice.[1] However, the age of adult criminal responsibility remains nine lunar years for girls and 15 lunar years for boys. Above this age, in cases of hodud (offences against God carrying inalterable punishments prescribed by Shari’a law) and qesas (retribution-in-kind connected with a criminal act), a child is generally convicted and sentenced in the same way as adults, unless a judge determines that he or she did not comprehend the nature of the crime or its consequences or his or her mental growth and maturity are in doubt. The Committee has asked Iran to indicate any measures taken to ensure the age of criminal responsibility conforms to the CRC, both in law and practice.
Juvenile executions
Iran continues to impose and carry out death sentences for crimes allegedly committed by persons below 18 years of age, despite an absolute prohibition on such executions under international law, including the CRC. At least 72 juvenile offenders are believed to have been executed between 2005 and 2014 and at least 160 juvenile offenders are believed to remain on death row.
The Committee has asked Iran to provide information on the outcome and progress of the judicial review of cases of persons on death row for crimes committed when they were below the age of 18 years based on a 2014 “pilot judgment” by Iran’s Supreme Court. It has also asked for detailed information on the number of persons awaiting execution for crimes allegedly committed when they were below the age of 18 years and on the fate of Saman Naseem and Barzan Nasrollahzadeh, two juvenile offenders who were reported to be awaiting execution earlier this year.
The Committee has asked Iran to provide information on the outcome and progress of the judicial review of cases of persons on death row for crimes committed when they were below the age of 18 years based on a 2014 “pilot judgment” by Iran’s Supreme Court. It has also asked for detailed information on the number of persons awaiting execution for crimes allegedly committed when they were below the age of 18 years and on the fate of Saman Naseem and Barzan Nasrollahzadeh, two juvenile offenders who were reported to be awaiting execution earlier this year.
Minimum age of marriage
The legal age of marriage continues to be 13 for girls and 15 for boys. However, girls below 13 and boys below 15 can be married with the consent of their guardian and the approval of a court. The Committee has asked the Iranian government to “provide information on the measures taken to eliminate the harmful practice of child marriage, including forced marriage” and “comment on the information received according to which thousands of marriages of children below 13 years take place every year and that many girls commit suicide to escape such marriages.”
In light of Iran’s obligation to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation, the Committee has further asked if “Iran intends to repeal article 1108 of its Civil Code, which obliges wives, including married girls, to sexual submission and obedience towards their husbands.” Denial of access to free and compulsory education to girls if pregnant or if their husbands so wish are among the concerns the Committee has raised in relation to the harmful practice of child marriage.
In light of Iran’s obligation to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation, the Committee has further asked if “Iran intends to repeal article 1108 of its Civil Code, which obliges wives, including married girls, to sexual submission and obedience towards their husbands.” Denial of access to free and compulsory education to girls if pregnant or if their husbands so wish are among the concerns the Committee has raised in relation to the harmful practice of child marriage.
Children belonging to religious minorities
Lack of respect for freedom of religion and belief is another concern identified in the Committee’s list of issues. Iran has been asked to identify efforts undertaken to protect children belonging to religious minorities, in particular Baha’i, Sufi and Yarsan children, as well as children from atheist and agnostic families. The Committee has noted with concern the arrest and detention of Baha’i teachers and an announcement by the Advocacy Council for the Right to Education in 2012 that many Iranian students had been banned from education for their religious beliefs. It has asked Iran to inform the Committee about the measures taken to ensure that all children, in particular children belonging to religious minorities, benefit from free and compulsory education, without any restrictions.
Children belonging to ethnic minorities
Widespread discrimination against children from ethnic minorities such as the Ahwazi Arab, Azerbaijani Turk, Baloch and Kurdish minorities continue in everyday life, including in access to education, and is another concern featured in the Committee’s list of issues. Iran has been asked to provide information on the measures taken to provide ethnic minorities with an opportunity to study in their native languages. It has also been asked to indicate the measures taken to address reported targeted arrests, detentions, imprisonments, killings, torture and executions against such groups by the law-enforcing and judicial authorities.
The Committee has asked Iran to provide detailed information on all cases of children subjected to these cruel and inhumane practices, which violate the absolute prohibition on torture under international law.
The Committee has highlighted in this regard the necessity of identifying how the vulnerability of children to such abuses depends on other aspects of their identity, such as gender, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, disability, socio-economic background, and immigration status, and asked Iran to indicate the measures taken to provide special protection to the children who are the most likely to be subjected to such abuse and violence, including gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender children.
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