Les unités de résistance à la veille de l’anniversaire du soulèvement de novembre 2019
A l’approche de l’anniversaire du soulèvement de novembre 2019, et à la suite du message de Massoud Radjavi, dirigeant de la Résistance iranienne appelant à « se tenir prêt pour l’hommage aux martyrs et l’anniversaire du soulèvement », la semaine dernière, les sympathisants de l’organisation des Moudjahidine du peuple d’Iran (OMPI/MEK) et les unités de résistance ont écrit et affiché les slogans reflétant les demandes des Iraniens en vue du renversement de ce régime inhumain.
Ces activités ont eu lieu à Téhéran et en province, notamment à Machad, Esfarayen, Kermanchah, Shahriar, Arak, Karadj, Bandar-Abbas, Ispahan, Hamedan, Zahedan, Sari, Chiraz, Behbahan, Khorramchahr, Amol, Kerman, Islamchahr, Masjed-Soleiman, Babol, Saveh, Racht, Lahidjan, Tehranpars, Homayounchahr, Jouyebar, Neka (Mazandaran), Zandjan, Yassoudj, Doroud, Mehran, Sabzevar, Oroumieh, Tchabeksar, Kachan et Tabriz.
On pouvait lire parmi les slogans écrits sur les murs ou sur des affiches dans des lieux de passage : « Maryam Radjavi, une image claire de l’Iran libre de demain », « Maryam Radjavi, le cri de l’appel à la justice et à la liberté », « Liberté, démocratie avec Maryam Radjavi », « Massoud Radjavi : tenez-vous prêts pour l’hommage aux martyrs et l’anniversaire du soulèvement de novembre », « Massoud Radjavi : Il faut écraser les pasdarans du crime et de l’ignorance et les démanteler ».
Secrétariat du Conseil national de la Résistance iranienne
Le 27 octobre 2020
Tehran- Activities of the Resistance Units- “The nation’s youths should join the Resistance Units”- October 25, 2020Homayunshahr- “Massoud Rajavi: Prepare for the anniversary of the martyrs to commemorate the November uprising”- October 25, 2020Urmia, Rasht, and Kermanshah – Writing graffiti by Resistance Units – “The overthrow of the religious dictatorship be achieved by the Resistance Units” – October 25, 2020Tehran- Activities of the Resistance Units- Photocall: “Maryam Rajavi is the voice of justice and freedom”- October 19, 2020Arak- “Maryam Rajavi, for a future free Iran” – October 21, 2020Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units-“Maryam Rajavi, the symbol for a future free Iran” – October 21, 2020Tehran – Activities of the Resistance Units: “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi”- October 20, 2020Tehran – “The anniversary of introducing Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, as the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance” – October 21, 2020Karaj – Activities of the supporters of MEK- “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi”- October 20, 2020Tehran –Celebrating, October 21, 2020, the anniversary of introducing Mrs. Maryam Rajavi as the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance.”- October 21, 2020Tehran – Widespread posting of messages and posters of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi in various locations in the capital, Tehran- October 21, 2020Tehran- Activities of the supporters of the MEK, “Massoud Rajavi: The IRGC‘s criminals thugs must be crushed and disbanded” – October 21, 2020Isfahan – “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi”- October 20, 2020Hamedan – Resistance Units: Maryam Rajavi, symbolizes the Iranian women’s freedom”- October 21, 2020Mashhad – Activities of the Resistance Units- Maryam Rajavi, symbolizes the Iranian women’s freedom”- October 21, 2020Various cities in Mazandaran Province- Activities of the Resistance Units- “Iran, Maryam, Maryam, Iran”- October 21, 2020Bandar-Abbas – Activities of the MEK supporters: “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi”- October 21, 2020Lahijan, Rasht, Shiraz – Activities of the Resistance Units – October 20, 2020Kerman, Kermanshah, Saveh, Masjed Soleyman, and Behbahan – Wall writing by the Resistance Units – “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi” – October 20, 2020Tehran, Eslamshahr, and Shahriar – Activities of the MEK supporters – “Hail to Maryam Rajavi” – October 20, 2020Various cities – Activities of the Resistance Units – “Free Iran, with Maryam Rajavi” – October 21, 2020Rasht – Activities of the Resistance Units – “Democracy, freedom, with Maryam Rajavi” – October 21, 2020Various cities – Activities of the Resistance Units – “Honoring the memories of the martyrs of the 2019 protests” – October 18, 2020Urmia – Wall writing by the Resistance Units – “Down with Khamenei” – October 21, 2020Arak – “The only path to freedom is to rise up, resist and earn your freedom” – October 21, 2020
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