mardi 9 mars 2021

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 501 Cities Surpasses 228,500

 According to the Health Ministry’s engineered statistics, the number of newly infected COVID-19 patients was 8,554 in the past 24 hours, the highest in the past three months. (IRNA news agency, March 9, 2021)

  • Saeed Namaki: In Khuzestan, we face a severe Coronavirus storm that is more severe than the Wuhan virus storm. Fifty-seven percent of new patients are infected with the British COVID-19. If the Khuzestan Province situation happens in other provinces, I am not sure of our health system’s resilience. (IRNA, March 9, 2021)
  • Minoo Mohraz, member of the Scientific Committee of the National Coronavirus Combat Taskforce (NCCT): The number of outpatients has increased significantly. Private hospitals and those located in north Tehran are full. (Mehr news agency, March 9, 2021)
  • Shooshtar University of Medical School: 40 to 50% of PCR tests are positive, i.e., by New Year’s Day (March 20, 2021), the number of critically ill patients will double. (ISNA news agency, March 9, 2021)
  • Ahvaz Razi Hospital: Due to many COVID-19 patients, the ICU capacity has quadrupled. (ISNA, March 9, 2021)
  • Member of the Advisory Council of the Health Ministry: The later we enter the vaccination cycle, the more the virus will spread, and it may even become resistant to the vaccine. (Setareh Sorkh daily, March 9, 2021)

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Tuesday, March 9, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 501 cities had exceeded 228,500. The number of victims in Tehran is 53,721, Khorasan Razavi 15,030, Isfahan 14,790, Khuzestan 12,455, Mazandaran 9,697, Lorestan 9,573, West Azerbaijan 8,563, Golestan 5,945, Sistan and Baluchistan 5,366, Hamedan 5,318, Central Province 4,653, Yazd 4,157, Ardabil 2,827, Qazvin 2,589, and South Khorasan 2,221.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
March 9, 2021

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